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Aquatic animal fossils discovered in Guangxi

From:Xinhuanet NetWriter:Date:2006-02-19

     Chinese scientists have spotted a large amount of fossilized aquatic animals dating back 50 million years in south China recently.

    The fossils, excavated in urban Nanning, capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, include many intact huge snails, shells,and corals.

    The discovery was made at a real estate construction site in the city, which was a lake area millions of years ago.

    An archaeologist with the Guangxi Regional Natural Museum confirmed after meticulous study that the fossilized animals lived approximately 50 million years ago, and were buried several thousand meters underground.

    After millions of years of joint effects of sedimentation, weathering and diastrophism, the fossils finally emerged near the surface of the earth, the expert explained.