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6,000-year Old Earthenware Pieces Unearthed in Shaanxi

From:Xinhuanet NetWriter:Date:2006-02-22

Chinese archaeologists recently unearthed more than 40 earthenware pieces belonging to the Yangshao Culture (about 6,000 years ago) in Qishan County, northwest China's Shaanxi Province.








The discovery indicates the 6,000-year old history of the Zhouyuan Civilization Site, birthplace of the Zhou Dynasty (1,100-221 BC), in the central part of Shaanxi.

The civilization site covers an area of hundreds of square kilometers, where abundant bronze relics dating back to the Zhou and following dynasties have been unearthed.

According to He Shiming, researcher with Qishan County Museum, local archaeologists have clung together the ancient earthenware pieces and shaped over 30 earthenware utensils such as pots and jars.

With delicate patterns of rope, flower, pane and basket, the earthenware utensils were made of a variety of clay materials in red, black and buff.

The discovery will provide valuable clues for the study of Yangshao Culture and Zhouyuan Civilization in Chinese history, He said.