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Ancient tombs discovered in Sichuan

From:Xinhuanet NetWriter:Date:2006-04-12


     Chinese archaeologist have discovered a group of 24 ancient tombs dating back to the dynasties of Eastern Han (A.D.25-220), Tang (618-906) and Song (960-1279) in Chengdu, capital of southwes t China's Sichuan Province.

    The tombs were found at a 3,000-square meter construction site in Shuangliu County.

    Sixteen of the tombs were from the Eastern Han Dynasty and the earliest one was believed to be built in A.D. 74 as indicated by the date on the bricks. The other Han tombs were built in the following 200 years. Nine of the tombs were built in the Tang and Song dynasties.

    "Judging from the structure and brick patterns, we can conclude that all the Han tombs unearthed belonged to the same noble family," said Li Guo, expert with the county's archaeological research institute.

    In one tomb archaeologists found a stone coffin, which was rarely used in the Han Dynasty. In another tomb they found bricks engraved with dragons that were used exclusively by the imperial family.

    "We expect to find more articles as none of the tombs have been robbed," Li said.

    The archaeologists have so far carried out excavation on 11 of the 24 ancient tombs and have unearthed an abundant number historical relics.