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2,500-year-old Imperial Tomb Excavated in Shaanxi

From:Xinhua News NetWriter:Date:2006-05-11

Chinese archaeologists have discovered another ancient treasure trove of jade, gold and bronze artifacts in a massive complex of tombs that predates this area's famous terracotta warriors by more than 300 years.

The tomb is believed to be that of a ruler who lived more than 2,500 years ago in northwest China's Shaanxi Province. Not far away is the world-renowned burial site of China's first emperor, who lived 2,200 years ago, where thousands of terracotta warriors were discovered in the 1970's.

At the newly discovered site a large number of bronze, jade and gold objects, as well as weapons and musical instruments, have been unearthed from the tomb complex, located at the Liangdai Village, Hancheng City of Shaanxi Province.

Chinese archaeologists have found a total of 895 tombs and 64 chariot pits dating back to the Zhou Dynasty (1100-221 BC).

Sun Bingjun, head of the excavation team, said two of the tombs belong to a ruler and his wife who lived during the early part of the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC).

Archaeologists came to this conclusion after discovering six large bronze vases which were an ancient symbol of rule. Lacquer wear with patterns of dragon, another symbol of imperial rule, and a large number of gold and jade objects were also found.

Some of the burial objects are of a type that have never been previously discovered. Some of the artifacts are the oldest and best preserved of their kind in China, said archaeologists.

Archaeologists have also found 22 pieces of exquisite bronze ware, indicating an advance bronze-making technology.

More than 500 pieces of intricately carved jade were found in the tomb of the wife of the ruler. These include jade jewelry inlaid with precious stones and jade carving of silkworms and tortoises.

Archaeologists are continuing the excavation.