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46 Ancient Tombs Discovered in Hebei

From: NetWriter:Date:2007-03-13


Chinese archaeologists have excavated 46 tombs, some of which date back 1,800 years, in Tangxian County of north China's Hebei Province.

They also unearthed 276 historical artifacts, including pottery utensils, china objects, bronze basins, iron items, stone articles and bone ornaments.

Thirteen of the tombs are from the Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), two from the Eastern Jin (317-420) and the Northern Dynasties (386-581), eight from the Tang Dynasty (618-907), 15 from the Kin (1115-1234), five from the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368) and the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and three from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

All the tombs have underground chambers built of brick but the shapes of their ceilings are unique to the different dynasties.

The artifacts will provide valuable clues for the study of how people lived as well as funeral customs from the different eras.

Related reading: Archaeology in China

(Xinhua News)