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Luban carpentry ruler found in E China's Shandong

From: NetWriter:Date:2007-11-01


An ancient Luban (a carpenter as well as an inventor in ancient China) carpentry ruler has recently been in the spotlight in Zhaoyuan in Yantai, east China's Shandong province. An amateur photographer said he received it from a Taoist priest.

Yantai Evening News reports the ruler is nearly 461 centimeters long and divided into eight bigger spaces which contain a number of smaller spaces. It was reportedly made by legendary ancient Chinese engineer and carpenter Lu Ban some 2500 years ago.

    The Luban carpentry ruler was used in ancient times in the construction of residential houses and furniture. A whole structure and each of its parts would have its height, width and length measured in lucky numbers.

 (Source: CRIENLISH.com)