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Song Dynasty hemicycle pillow discovered in Hubei

From: NetWriter:Date:2008-07-17


A rare porcelain pillow has been excavated from a grave in Xiangfan, in central China's Hubei Province. The pillow is believed to have come from the Song Dynasty and is thought typical of northern China's kiln production.

    The pillow is the first of its kind ever discovered. The top of the hemi-circle pillow was painted with peony blossoms. Yellow flowers and green leaves appear on a white ground. Though the pillow has sustained slight damage, it remains a work of exquisite craftsmanship.

    Archaeologists believe the owner of the porcelain pillow probably was a noble woman. Most pillows of ancient times were quadrate. This one is a half circle and it's hollow. So craftsmen of a thousand years ago possessed the technique to create a comfortable pillow for sleeping, from porcelain.

    (Source: cctv.com)