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Sites of Shang and Zhou Dynasties unearthed at construction site in Jiangxi

From: NetWriter:Date:2008-12-16
Recently, reporters learned from Pengze County, Jiangxi that a construction unit of the Pengze-Hukou Expressway recently unearthed a large number of stoneware including stone axes, stone chisels and net sinkers, and ceramic ware such as kettles, pots, dings, spinning wheels and wrist straps, as well as a few cultural relics in the form of bronze spears while working in Mashan Village in Langxi Town of Pengze County.

To date, archeologists have already excavated over 80 square trial pits each covering an area of 25 square meters, with the total excavation area exceeding 2,000 square meters. According to excavation findings and verification by archeologists, this site was in existence during the late Shang Dynasty and early Zhou Dynasty, and is identified as the "Taimashan Site."

During the excavation, the archeologists discovered for the first time large-sized highland habitation sites of ancient humans, which prove that whole tribes existed around the Pengze basin in the south of the Yangtze River during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties.

From People's Daily Online