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Excavation of the Terra Cotta Warriors site continues

From: NetWriter:Date:2009-06-17


The much anticipated third excavation of the Terra Cotta Warriors site in northwest China's Shaanxi Province kicked off Sunday. As the excavation continues, a team of Chinese archaeologists are now working hard on reinforcing the color paintings, unearthed on June the 13th.

Apart from the work of cleaning up the Number One pit where some warriors and clay horses were excavated, archeologists are also working on maintaining a proper humidity to protect the paint that has unearthed so its color does not fade. The team of archeologists say they will do their best to protect the relics so they are not damaged by exposure to air.

So far, eight color warriors have been successfully kept intact. A terra cotta warrior stands out among the eight for its distinguished face color---green.

Zhou Tie, chief engineer of Terra Cotta Museum said, "We have a variety of gadgets to protect the unearthed clay figures. Because the painted colors on relics easily disintegrate and peel off once they are unearthed, we need to keep their humidity at a proper level. This is the first step in protecting them."

Tourists from near and far are welcomed to visit the museum while the excavation work is on.

A tourist said, "I wish I could see something marvelous and I wish I could see the color warriors!"

In the face of the growing enthusiasm among the public, archeologists say the excavation is a long process. It takes time to unearth the relics carefully, removing them one at a time.

Source: CCTV.com