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Great Wall ruins discovered in Shandong Province

From: NetWriter:Date:2009-07-13
The remains of a large stone wall were recently discovered in the Culai Mountains in the south of Laiwu in Shandong Province. I was discovered by Shandong's third cultural heritage investigation team jointly organized by Shandong University and the Cultural Heritage Office of Laiwu City.

Following on-site inspection, ruins cleaning, and literature interpretation, the ruins have been preliminarily identified as Great Wall ruins in the ancient state of Lu. Jinan Times reporters learned this from the Shandong Provincial Bureau of Cultural Heritage.

The newly-discovered Lu Great Wall is over 30 kilometers in length, and comprises stone walls and castles. The stone walls stand about one meter high, with some parts reaching over two meters, and between 1.2 and 2.8 meters thick. At the top of hill where the Great Wall ruins are located and near the strategic pass down the hill, members of the investigation team discovered a number of sites from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period containing pottery relics.

The pieces discovered include pottery li, pottery basins, pottery pots and pottery pea trays among others, which were mainly made in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Ruins discovered further down the hill have been dated back to late Western Zhou Dynasty. These discoveries prove that the Laiwu section of the Lu Great Wall was built between the late Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. 

Source: People's Daily Online