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Missing stele of Qing dynasty found in Hebei

From: NetWriter:Date:2009-07-23
The Qing dynasty stele, which was missing for 46 years, was found in a construction site in Dingzhou,east China's Hebei province last Monday.

It was unearthed from 4.5 meters under the ground.

The stele, 2.06m-long, 0.79m-wide and 0.2m-high is carved 4 Chinese characters "Ancient Zhong Shan State", which is an ancient country set up in Spring and Autumn Period some 2,500 years ago. The stele disappeared in a flood.

Dingzhou has a long history. People have laboured and lived there since Neolithic Period.

Zhao Zhongjie, Expert of Antiquarian Preservation Institution of Bao Ding, "Dingzhou has a long history and civilization tracing from Shang dynasty, and it also served as the capital of Zhong Shan State in both Warring States Period and Han Dynasty. The stele found has very high research value which could approve Dingzhou's history and culture."


Source: Xinhua