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Large number of cultural relics from "Nan'ao No. 1" will be out of water

From: NetWriter:Date:2010-05-11


The progress of excavation of the "Nan'ao No. 1" ancient ship is entering its inside, and the discovery and research of the ship will fill the blank of research of trade and commerce ship in late Ming dynasty.

Concern on "Nan'ao No. 1"

Sun Jian, from National Underwater Heritage Protection Center and also the archaeological team leader for the ship, told reporters that from yesterday on, the excavation of the ship is mainly inside of it and large number of cultural relics will be out of water if weather permits; although thousands of cultural relics had been excavated out water before, most of them were found at the surface of the ship and in the mud.


Since cultural relics from "Nan'ao No.1" were firstly exhibited before media on May 1st, materials kept being out of water from the ship in the next week. Now, the excavation to the ship's surface is almost finished and work of clearing mud is ending, too. Next, archeologists are going to excavate the ship from its right shipboard to the inside of cabin.
Some prediction has ever said that there will be more than 10 thousands of cultural relics found on the ship, but Sun believes the number of that could be predicted when the whole body of the ship shows, and according to what they observed now, "Nan'ao No.1" was with big cargo carrying capacity.
Sun also said they would carefully maintain the balance of pressure that both sides of the ship burden, thus when those cultural relics were took out of it, the ship would not be collapsed because of sudden empty and change of pressure.

It is learned that, most of cultural relics in the ship are still neat, and with the protection of local police department, no sign of being moved by lawless people showed as of now.

Sun told reporters that they would get out of all the relics in 90 days and prepare to salvage the ship in this year on schedule. If the weather permits, large number of cultural relics will be out of water rapidly. At the same time, with the excavation goes, the reason of sinking will be found.


The underwater excavation has been severely impacted because of the cold air's attack this year. And in order to clear up all the cultural relics before the monsoon season comes, all the members of archeological team are working against time.


The sinker of "Nan'ao No.1" is with relative better conditions for excavation than other sinkers. It is a big ship with large mount of cargo and in a position of good visibility underwater, at the same time it is protected well from thieves.

According to Sun, "Nan'ao No.1" is large in scale and preserved well, and the ship itself will fill the blank of research of trade and commerce ship in late Ming dynasty.

By People's Daily Online