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Ancient skeletons, precious relics found in Tsingtao

From: NetWriter:Date:2010-07-01
Archaeologists found three complete skeletons of human bones from two ancient graves in the city of Shandong province recently, according to Qingdao News.

Besides the human bones, archaeologists also excavated more than 10 precious cultural relics that were more than a thousand years old, including porcelain bowls, dishes, jars and bronze mirrors, from each of the graves.

Archaeologists said the excavation of the main body of the tomb, named Mo Gu Tomb, had basically finished. The construction style of the Song Dynasty's ancient tombs and the burial style are very rare in Jiaodong Peninsula, they said.

Archaeologists found the regular skeletons in the mud under the bottom of the first ancient tomb. After careful excavation, they found that the skeletons, which belong to two people, are complete and preserved very well. It is theorized that the two people were a couple.

At the same time, they also found a complete male skeleton in the second grave. Experts said the bodies in the tomb may have been moved and reburied after they died according to the characteristics of body placement. The tomb is really rare in the peninsula and the whole country.

By People's Daily Online