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400-year-old ancient fort tells story

From: NetWriter:Date:2010-07-12


During China's ongoing Third National Census on Antiques and Relics, an ancient fort in central Hunan province was dated back to the Ming dynasty. The significance of the discovery is that it will greatly help experts on the research of China's ancient patriarchal system.

Local villagers call the fort "arrow tower." It's been standing here under the foot of the famous Hengshan Mountain for four centuries.

Made with grey bricks, the tower is some 11 meters tall and about 13 meters long. Arrow portholes are positioned on the walls for defense. An arched doorway is opened on the western wall leading to the inside of the three-storied tower. Up to the roof, a rarely seen eave is found in the shape of a fish.

The expert says that until now, it's the best preserved fort found in Hunan province. To make it much clear and easier, we can call it the NO.1 Fort of Hunan.

Facing the west, the rectangle fort was built by the Li family in 1590 during the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty.

 (Source: CNTV.cn)