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2000-year-old tombs found in Guangzhou

From: NetWriter:Date:2010-08-20

Recently, eight Han and Southern Dynasties ancient tombs dating back more than 2,000 years were found in the 99th yard at Xianlie Middle Road in Guangzhou and about 180 relics were excavated.

The oldest tomb was built in the South Yue period of time, and based on the funeral objects found, the tomb's owner was a noble.

The most well-preserved two tombs were built in the late Western Han Dynasty, and the owner of one of the tombs was very likely to be a noble's wife. Although more than 2,000 years have past, those mortuary objects, including agates, colored glazes and other precious jades, are still as beautiful as they were when they were buried.

At the same time, the tomb is also just like a home. Models of life necessities such as house, pigsties, granaries and wells are all here.

The No. 2 tomb is 5.3 meters long from east to west, 2.8 meters wide and 2.3 meter deeps and holds the richest mortuary objects. It is reported that the No.2 tomb is the deepest of the ancient tombs that were excavated.

By People's Daily Online