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Western Han tomb group unearthed in Chongqing

From: NetWriter:Date:2010-11-05


The Beibei District Administration of Cultural Relics in Chongqing reported on Nov. 3 that an ancient tomb group found at a construction site in the district has been identified as belonging to the Western Han dynasty, and more than 30 cultural relics have been unearthed, reported by Chinanews. com.

Workers found some bronze fragments, a coffin, an iron sword, a bronze spear as well as pottery shards at a construction site, which is located at Huangjuelao Street in the Beibei District of Chongqing, on the afternoon of Oct. 13.

After about 20 days of inspection, a total of four tombs were found under the construction site, and the biggest tomb is about 2 meters wide and 4.5 meters long. Although more than 2,000 years have passed, the wood of the tomb is still well preserved.

One of the excavating workers concluded that the owner of the biggest tomb might be a warrior due to the discovery of the bronze spear, and he might have had a higher social status due to the discovery of a piece of delicate and beautiful japanned leather.

The other three tombs are in a lower class than the first and are grouped close together. Experts said they might be a family tomb group. Funeral objects of the three tombs are mostly pottery and also an iron sword and a bronze spoon.

By People's Daily Online