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Ancient stone age cavemen fossils found in central China

From:Xinhua News NetWriter:Date:2010-11-29


Archaeologists in Henan Province said they had uncovered fossilized teeth of cavemen dating back 100,000 years, the first such discoveries in central China.

According to Li Zhanyang, archaeologist with the Henan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, the fossils were excavated from Bat Cave, an Old Stone Age cave relic in Luanchuan County, Henan Province. Along with the fossils, stoneware and items made from bone, used by ancient cavemen, were also found.

Furthermore, fossils from over 60 species of animal were uncovered at the excavation site, including the fossilized scull of the Tylonycteris, a bat genus, whose fossils has never before been found in China.