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Stove relics found in ancient battlefield of 2,000 years ago

From:Xinhua News NetWriter:Date:2011-06-13


Two ancient stoves ruins have been found in north China's Shanxi Province where the famous Battle of Changping took place which ultimately led to the unification of China for the first time.

The stoves, with one furnace of 1 meter in diameter and the other 60 centimeters in diameter, were found 2 meters apart from each other in a hillside in village of Shahe, Linchuan County, said Li Junjie, vice chairman of the Changping Battle research institute.

"The stoves were built on the hillside for two reasons, to be sheltered from the wind and hidden from enemies," said Li.

The Battle of Changping took place in 260 BC between the State of Qin and the State of Zhao in the Warring States Period in China. The decisive victory of Qin secured its prominence and ultimately allowed Qin to unify China in 221 BC.

"The ash in the stoves are believed to be burned pine and cypress branches based on our tests," said Li.

Pottery pieces and iron arrowheads were also found near the stoves. "Arrows with iron heads were a main weapon of the State of Zhao's army," said Li.