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Treasure trove of cultural relics found in ancient sunken ship

From:CNTV.CN NetWriter:Date:2011-07-20


Wreckage salvage ship Nan Tian Shun, assigned to salvage the ancient sunken ship the Nan Ao No. 1, will be leaving the wreck site on July 18 with a shipload of newly salvaged historical relics.

The Nan Ao No.1 sank during the Ming dynasty, and the salvaging of the ship was named one of the "Six Greatest Archaeological Discoveries of China in 2010." Since its first underwater exploration in April 9, 2010, the salvage vessel has found thousands of ancient porcelains, potteries, bronze and iron wares. Judging from the composition, glazing color, shape and pattern of the porcelain, they may have been assembled during Jiajing to Wanli period of the late Ming dynasty.

This year's exploration had some new findings, including four new cabins and thousands of relics, mainly blue-and-white porcelain.