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Large Warring States tomb group discovered in Hebei

From:People's Daily Online NetWriter:Date:2011-10-08


Recently a large group of tombs of the Warring States period, a dynasty that existed about 2,000 years ago, was discovered by the workers of the Heritage Protection Institute of Xuanhua District in Zhangjiakou of Hebei province during an investigation of the construction site of a building of fuel supply company.

This relic contains 18 tombs, eight of which have been unearthed. A great amount of precious cultural relics, such as a pottery tripod, an earthen pot, pottery stem cups and ceramic plates, were excavated. Archeologists also discovered a number of animal bones, which were determined to be remains of livestock, like dogs and sheep.

It is rare to discover an ancient tomb with such a dense distribution and so many high-standard unearthed artifacts in this area in recent years. The discovery of this group of tombs is very valuable for the research on the development and evolution of Shanggu city during the Warring States period.