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Ancient altar for human sacrifices found in Peru

From:Wespeaknews NetWriter:Date:2012-04-09


A group of Peruvian archaeologists found a 1,500-year-old altar for human sacrifices on the top of a hill in the northern region of La Libertad, the daily El Comercio reported.

The structure is located 1,000 meters high on Campana Hill and was cut by the Moche culture into a rock at the site with three steps leading to a small platform.

“Many archaeologists identified in the Moche ceramic sculptures … an ancient rite of sacrifice,” said the head of the archaeological team, Regulo Franco. “Now, with this find, we’re sure that what appeared on the ceramics was Campana Hill.”

The experts also found in the area a small cave painting dating back 2,800 years, as well as ceramics and burials.

Microbiologist Carlos Quiroz says that 254 species of plants and 118 species of animals live on Campana Hill, the daily reported Tuesday.