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Upper capital of theYuan Dynasty

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2008-12-26


    Upper capital of theYuan Dynasty  was compiled by the Inner Mongolia Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and the Institute of Northern Nationalities Archaeological Studies at the China Renmin University. Published in April 2008 by the Encyclopaedia of China Publishing House, this hardback edition is 720 pages long, and contains 335 colour plates and 20 black-and-white plates.
    The book is divided into two parts : research and reports. The research section is comprised of four research papers on Upper capital archaeology, the human remains unearthed at tombs in Upper capital and the surrounding areas, metal artefacts found in Upper capital and the surrounding areas, and the environmental conditions and ecosystems of Upper capital city. The reports section consists of 13 field archaeology reports of archaeological surveys and excavations conducted at Upper capital and the surrounding areas.
    The book is a comprehensive study of Yuan Dynasty archaeology which is based on accounts of Chinese and foreign travellers'visits to Upper capital, archaeological studies of the tombs and sacrificial sites, and historical documents. This book makes a valuable contribution to the study of Yuan Dynasty archaeology, history and culture by providing the reader with a comprehensive analysis and examination of the ruins of Upper capital City and shedding new light on this field of study.