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From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2006-09-06


Main   Contents

The Paleolithie Artifacts From Shaojiadian ,Huinan

………………………………………Chen Quanjia Li Youqian Zhao Hailong Wang Chunxue (1)

A Preliminary Investigation of the Neolithic Site in Sanbao , Binxian ,Heilongjiang Deng Shuping (8)

A Preliminary Research on Guntuling Culture ………………………………Zhao Yongiun  (14)

View on the Ownership Awareness of the Kao-kou-li Adherets Submitted

  to Tang Dynasty According to the Unearthed Tomb Tables ……………………Ma Yihong (29)

A Preliminary Study on the systems of “Three Courts ”of Bohai Kingdom

………………………………………………………………………Liu Xiaodong Li chenqi  (38)

A Group of Stone Buddha Sculptures Unearthed from Jiangjiagou ,Kangping ,Liaoning and its Date …………………………………………Liaoning Provincial Institute of Archaeology   (48)

Bronze Mirrors Unearthed in Tianjin Area ……………Tianjin Municipal Historical Museum (52)

The Chinese Configurations of the Stars Spread and Developed in Northern Nations

……………………………………………………………………………………Zhang Bibo  (61)

A relominary Study on Bohai Kingdom Keeping Its Neighboring Nations Under Control

…………………………………………………………………………………Liang Yuduo  66

Analysis on the Background About the Formal Visit Berween Liao and Song Dynasties

………………………………………………………………………………Cao Xianzheng   (76)

Remarks on the Tomb Inscriptions of Xiao Xiangong (萧孝恭) and Xiao Xiaozi (萧孝恭) of Liao Dynasties ………………………………………………………………Jia Hongen Li Junyi  (81)

The War of Yimi River …………………………………………………………Mi Wenping  (89)

A Preliminary Study on the word “ Pu Kui ” (卜奎)…………………………Tao Yanqiao (92)