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From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2007-10-24
Main Contents:
Zhang Wei,
Research on Hongmashan Culture   (1)
Cai Qiang,
The tomb of Northern Yan in Chaoyang   (17)
The offices for the reservation of Anient Monuments, Jiamusi and Huanan,
A preliminary Investigation of the sites of Han and Wei Dynasties in Huanan and Jiamusi, Heilongjiang    (22)
     In 2005, a group, consisted of the offices for the Preservation of Anient Monuments, Jiamusi and Huanan, did some investigating works in the south area of Jiamusi and the center areas of Huanan. About 35 ancient cultural sites were found here. According to the materials got from the works, the date and culture of the sites mentioned above should be of the type of Guntuling Culture of Han and Wei dynasties.
Shengyang Municipal Institute of Archaeology,
A Preliminary Excavation of the Ⅲ Area in Kao-kou-li Mountain City, Shitaizi, Shenyang  (29)
According to the excavations done for many years in Shitaizi Kao-kou-li Mountain City, we have known the general shape and structure of the city, the place of the entrance of the city. But few materials within the City, especially the dwellings had been obtained. Now through this excavation, some new archaeological data such as a stone dwelling and numerous cultural relics dated from Kao-kou-li were found.
Xu Xiaodong,
The Source of the Amber of Liao Dynasty   (38)
According to the history materials written in Chinese or foreign languages and the archaeological research, the raw material of amber in Liao Dynasty may come from the remote Boluodi Sea in Europe. The amber produced in the Baltic Sea entered to China in Liao Dynasty along this way: from Novgluod City in Kiew, along the Volga to the Mediterranean, then to the Black Sea, the Capian and Dahe Area, at last along the Fur and Silk Road to Liao Dyansty.
Heilongjiang Provincial Museum,
Cultural Relics of Kin Dynasty Unearthed from Xinxiangfang Cemetery   (48)
In 1983 and 1984, some rescuing excavating works were done in Xinxiangfang Cemetery by Heilongjiang Provincial Museum. 16 burials and over 300 cultural relics were unearthed here. According to the forms of the burials and cultural relics, the main body of the burials should be of Kin Dynasty. M4 is remarkable for its fine and particular cultural relics unearthed from it.
Wang Xiaohua,
The Nuchen and Drinking   (62)
Li Xiya, Yang Weidong,
The Officier Managing of Northern Border in Kin Dynasty   (69)
Zhang Longfeng, Ma Baochun,
The Geographical Position of the “Mo Ji Shan” According to the Archaeological Materials   (79)
Peng Yanfen,
A Preliminary Study on the Contacting and Taking Advantaging of Each Other Between the Qidan of Liao Dynasty and Southern Tang   (85)
Che Jihong,
The Absence of the National History Education in Japan View on the Textbook Problem   (96)