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From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2007-12-18
Main Contents
Jiang Gang,
The Relationship Between the Archaeological Cultures Of Xia Shang Western – Zhou and the Bronze Cultures Located at Northwest Side of He’ bei Province and the Surrounding Area of Beijing Tian – Jin and Tangshan       (5)                                
During the historical period of Xia Shang and Western – Zhou, the distributive pattern of the bronze cultures of Northern China demonstrated enormous changes. During this phase, the archaeological cultures of the Central Plains, especially the archaeological cultures of Shang and Western – Zhou played an important role.
Jilin Provincial Institute of Archaeology, The officer for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments, Antu County,
An Excavation at Zhongping Site, Antu, Jilin   (13)
In 2003 – 2004, rescuing works were done at Zhongping site, Antu, and cultural relics dated to Bronze and Bohai Periods were found here. The sites mentioned above common with those cultures, distributed along Tumen River valley, dated from 3000 to 2500 years ago of Bronze Age. View on the features of the urn burials and the earthen wares. The 11 burials with stone outer coffins should be of the middle stage of Bohai period according to the structure of the burials and those features of the potteries, bronzes and irons unearthed from here.
Zhang Minghao,
Marks on the Origin of No.3 Tomb of Anyue with Architectural View   (24)
The main feature of No.3 tomb of Anyue should inherited from the tombs of Han Dynasty in Northeast of China, meanwhile it absorbed some main factors from the Center Plains and Dunhuang culture on architectural view. So it may be thought as an important example of Chinese culture transmitting to the east.
Lu Xueming, Wu Yanliang,
The Form and Evolution of the Brick Burials of Sui and Tang Dynasties in Chaoyang, Liaoning   (32)
As one of the important county in the northeast border area of Sui and Tang Dynasties, a large amount of burials dated to Sui and Tang Dynasties were found in Chaoyang through many years archaeological works. These tombs, mainly constructed with bricks, were various in forms and grades, and evoluted with some laws. The paper studied the forms of the brick tombs, found the evoluting process according to the tombs with chronological records, then did some comparing works with those of the Central Plains.
Wang Jiuyu,  Wang Kai,
Discovery and Marks on the Noble Tomb Stone of Kin Dynasty in Acheng   (50)
    In the winter of 2003, a tomb stone was found in Daling, Acheng. The owner of the tablet may be Wangyanwolu(完颜斡鲁) the outstanding founding father of Kin Dynasty, and the tablet should be built in Dading Reign, not later than A.D. 1177, of Kin Dynasty.