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From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2008-04-15
Main Contents
Chen Qunjia, Zhao Hailong, Liu Xueshan, Li Jingbing,
Study on the Stone Artifacts from Beishan Site, Zhenglai, Jilin   (3)
  In 1987, about 87 stone artifacts were unearthed in Beishan site by the Archaeology Department of Jilin University and the office for the preservation of ancient monuments, Zhenlai. Two kinds microlithic and nonmicrolithic were found here, there are flakes, microblade, microcores, scrapers, stone arrow head and polished stones etc.. It should be the typical industry dated to the early stage of Neolithic Age and help us to study the transitional period from the Paleolithic to Neolithic Age.
Ding Lina,
Marks on the Labudalin and Zhalainuoer Cemeteries   (18)
    Labudalin and Zhalainuoer were two important cemeteries of the Tuoba Clan of Xiaobei People. Many overall researches on the two cultural features had been done before. The paper distinctly told us something in detail about the two cemeteries mentioned above: the course of the peoples migration from one place to another; differences of their age and sex; the distribution of their own tombs; the burial customs etc..
Jing Ai, Sun Wenzheng,
An Introduction to the Stone Inscription of Liao Dynasty   (27)
The paper tells something about the stone inscription of Liao dynasty, its discovery and record, kinds and feature, learning value and influence etc. The book <The Woks Collected of Liao dynasty>(辽文汇) and <All the Works of Liao dynasty>(全辽文) were the main works first collected the stone inscriptions of Liao Dynasty completely. There are about 320 to 330 kinds of stone inscriptions of Liao dynasty found now. the materials mentioned above told us that the reigning title of Liao dynasty changed several times. Stories about many people of Liao dynasty were found here, so it should be one of the important way to correct and make additions to the book <The history of Liao dynasty>(辽史), and study the characters of Qidan. The stones written in vernacular will help us to study the history of them.
Xin Wei,
Marks on “the Seal of Military Armoury of Linhuang Prefecture” of Liao Dynasty   (34)
    There were north and south two different official seal systems in Liao and Kin Dynasties based on study “the Seal of Military Armoury of Linhuang Prefecture”. The seal mentioned above is sure of Liao Dynasty and have some great history and geography value for adding new materials to the historical documents of Liao Dynasty.
Wu Jing,
Comparing Researches on the Defending Function of the Capitals of Liao and Kin Dynasties   (40)
The Capitals of Liao and Jin Dynasties could be classified into three kinds. The first one is newly builded, the second one is used with a lot of alteration, the third one is remained in use with a little modify. Through the comparison about the construction of the defensive facilities in the capitals of the first and second kinds, we could conclude that the two nations’ cultural characteristics and the governments’ thoughts. They were related to the natural character and the development of the two nations.
Chen Jie,
View on Marine Communication Between China and Northeast Asia During Song and Yuan Dynasties   (45)
    Marine communication between China and Northeast Asia during Song and Yuan dynasties was one important part of cultural exchange. Cultural relics dated to Song and Yuan Dynasties found in Northeast Asia showed not only the material culture communication existed between China and this area but also the change of marine route and ports.
The office for the preservation of ancient monuments’ Longhua, Hebei,
A Preliminary Excavation of the Tuchengzi Ancient City, Longhua, Hebei    (49)
    Situated in Xiawazi village, Longhua County, Hebei Province, the Tuchengzi ancient dated from Northern Wei to Liao, Kin and Yuan Dynasties was 410000 square meters with abundant cultural relics. About 110 square meters was excavated, house foundations, ash pit, cellars were found here, and about 30 cultural relics such as porcelains, bones, potteries, iron were unearthed. Among the unearthed things the white porcelain male genital, bone-handled brush and giant pot with characters were precious. The city may be burned in the war took place in the end of Liao Dynasty according to the large amount of burned earth unearthed here.
Song Liheng,
The Special Meaning of the Name “Miao Yi(苗裔)” Expressing the Relation of the Original Clan of the North Minorities   (54)
Wang Yuting,
Marks on the Evolution from the Hans to Qidans for the Han Clan View on the Family Tomb of Han Zhigu of Liao Dynasty   (59)
Wei Ying,
A Preliminary Study on the Lost of the Capital Banner of Qing Dynasty Returning to Homeland   (83)
Zhang Bai,
Carrying the Science Developing View out to Improve the Standard of Museum Managing   (99)