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From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2008-10-17
Main Contents
Xia Baoguo,
Marks on the Record “Moving the Gonggong’s Family to the Youzhou Area” in Archaeology View —— According to the fact that the Lower Culture of Xiajiadian was Originated from the II Culture of Hougang   (3)
       The Lower Xiajiadian Culture was appeared in the late stage of Longshan Culture in Liaoxi Area, in the same time, the II Hougang Culture disappeared in the Center Plains before the Erlitou Culture. We may explain this fact according to the historical record “Moving the Gonggong’s Family to the Youzhou Area, and the family changed to the DI North Nation”, and the II Hougang Culture should be the relics of the Gonggong’s family. The Liaoxi Ancient Cultures dated from the Xiaoheyan Culture were influenced by the facts coming from the Center Plains and Shandong Area, we may see this in the historical records about the forming of the Jizhou, Qingzhou and Youzhou.
Zheng Jianming, Ma Cuilan,
Research on the Small – sized bi Jade of Prehistory   (10)
       The small jade bi jade of prehistory was mainly found in Northeast and around the Taihu Lake Areas. The jade found in the two places mentioned above was originated and developed in different ways. Being one of the important things of the ritual, the bi jade in Northeast appeared in groups with different sizes, and the bi jade around the Taihu Lake Areas evolved to the large – sized. The cultures in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Huanghe River absorbed those factors coming from the Hongshan and Liangzhu types, and entered to the civilization stage ahead of other areas.
Li Fan,
Inscriptions on Ancient Bronzes Expressing Trading with the Shellfish   (18)
The Research Institute of the Border – Archarology, Jilin University Inner Mongolia Provincial Institute of Archaeology,
A Preliminary Excavation on the Shangjifangyingzi site in Chifeng, 2006   (22)
       In 2006, The Research Institute of the Border – archaeology, Jilin University and Inner Mongolia Provincial Institute of Archaeology excavated in Shangjifangyingzi site. A amount of cultural relics being of the Lower and Upper Xiajiadian Culture were unearthed here. It is useful to study the culture dated to the Bronze Stage in Yinhe Valley.
Zhang Tao,
Marks on Two Official Seals Connected with Bohai History and Archaeology   (42)
       The two Official seals “the Capital Governor Holding Huhan County and Concurrently Three Director” and “the Capital King of Bohai” recorded in <Annals of Ningan County> were regarded as the relics of Bohai Stage. “the Capital King of Bohai” seal had never existed according to Mr. Jin Yufu’s study in his book <Account in Jingwu House>, in fact it is a seal of Jin Dynasty. And “the Capital Governor Holding Huhan County and Concurrently Three Director” was only appeared in those records, so we should be sure that the two seals mentioned above are of Bohai Stage, before we really find the true object.
Xu Zhiguo,
Two Liao Dynasty Tombs Found in Diaobingshan site, Liaoning   (47)
Liaoxi Municipal Museum,
Two Tombs of Liao Dynasty found in Chaoyang, Liaoning   (51)
Du Chenghui,
Study on the Four Poems Written by Liu Qi   (59)
Wang Zhen,
The Dongshan Tribe of Jianzhou Nuzhen and the Korea   (61)
Sun Bojun,
Marks on the Records Written in Nuzhen Collected in St. Peterburg   (78)