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Northern Cultural Relics 2009-4

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2010-01-19
Main Contents
Liu Xiaodong,
A Preliminary Study of the Mohe Culture   (6)
    The Mohe pot is a very important typical object of the Mohe Culture. According to the 13 kinds of Mohe pot, and the main kinds of them, we may study Mohe relics by dividing them in several groups. We try to find the different groups between those different tribes of different stage. We may analysis the distribution of the relics and know sth about the internal relations of the Mohe Nations in their developing course and the differences existed in the later stage when different cultures showed the same feature.
Zhao Hongguang,
Research on the Organizational System of the Upper Capital of Bohai Kingdom   (16)
    Three main facts, the geographical conditions, making use of others and the national tradition, combined and formed the capital’s planning, the overall arrangement and its palace setting etc. It was not the whole reproduction of Tang dynasty or the continue of the early stage of Bohai Kingdom, the overall arrangement of the Upper Capital should be a complex of them.
Jilin Provincial Institute of Archaeology; The Office for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments, Dehui,
Excavation on the Yingxin Site of Dehui, Jilin   (36)
    Yingxin site, as a high railway project, was 1.5 km away from Dehui County. Excavation was done in 1422 m2 in 2008. 17 relics were unearthed, 114 objects such as potteries, porcelains, bronzes, irons, stones, and bones were found. The site should be of Jin Dynasty, and the mirror with double – fish, water and grass designs was the art treasure of Jin Dynasty rarely found in Recent year.
Zhang Yuchun, Wang Zhigang,
Test and Research on the mirror with double – fish Design unearthed from Yingxin Site in Dehui   (48)
    A mirror with double – fish design was unearthed from Yingxin site in Dehui, Jilin, in 2008. The mirror, made of alloy with high proportion of lead, lower tin and copper, should be of Song or Jin Dynasty. The casting technique was not so perfect, and the alloy was not made so exactly to scale. We can’t be sure the preserving condition according to test the corrupt attached to the mirror. The test mentioned above supplied more comparing data and help us to study the age, craft and protecting skill of the mirror.
Wu Fengxia,
The Thought of the Man Wang Ruoxu of Jin Dynasty about Taking the Hitorial Facts as the Essential   (60)
Li Junfang, Wei Bo,
A Preliminary Study on the Nature of the Field Officer for the Nation Wuhuan (乌桓) in Han and Jin Periods   (76)
Jing Ai,
A Brief Account of the Stone Inscription of Jin Dynasty   (88)