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Northern Cultural Relics 2010-4

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-04-05
Main contents
Jilin Provincial Institute of Archaeology; the Office for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments, Zhen Lai
A Preliminary Excavation of the Beigang Site of Wulantu, in Zhen Lai, Jilin (7)
Jilin Provincial Institute of Archaeology
Excavation of the Foundation Dated to Bronze Age East of the Linjiang Tomb (13)
Jilin Provincial Institute of Archaeology; the Office for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments, Bai Cheng; the Office for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments, Taobei
A Preliminary Excavation of the Sunchagnqing Site in Baicheng, Jilin (41)
Yang Chun, Xu Kun, Zhao Zhijun
Archaeological Analysing Report of the Sunchangjing Site in Baicheng, Jilin (48)
Zheng Yongzhen
Study on the Reigning Title and Reigh Title of the Groups Building Bohai Kingdom (62)
Li Xiulian
Marks on the Nationality of the Figures in Yagou Mountain Inscription (77)
Zhang Jianyu
A Preliminary Study on the Emperor Shi Jingtang (86)
Stones and Animal Fossils Unearthed from Baishatan Site of Paleolithic Period in Zhenlai, Jilin
Jilin Provincial Institute of Archaeology; Zhen Lai Municipal Museum
In 2005, excavation was done in Baishatan Site by Jilin Provincial Institute of Archaeology and the Office for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments, Zhen Lai. The paper introduced the stones, and did some works to recognize, measure and describe the animal fossils found here. New materials were got to study the culture dated to the Paleolithic Period, biology, climate and ecological environment of late Pleistocene Epoch through the excavation.
A Preliminary Excavation of the Beigang Site of Wulantu, in Zhen Lai, Jilin
Jilin Provincial Institute of Archaeology, the Office for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments, Zhen Lai
In 2009, excavation was done in Beigang Site by Jilin Provincial Institute of Archaeology. 7 house foundations dated to Neolithic Age, 1 ash ditch dated to Liao to Kin Dynasty and some potteries, bones, stones were found here. The early age of the site may be the same with the Angangxi Culture, and the late age cannot be confirmed.
Excavation of the Foundation Dated to Bronze Age East of the Linjiang Tomb
Jilin Provincial Institute of Archaeology
In 2003, excavation was done in the Kao-Kou-Li sites in Ji’an, for the purpose of applying for World Heritage. When excavation was done between the Linjiang Tomb and a sacrificial altar, a semi-underground house foundation was found. Many kinds of cultural relics, such as polished stones, pottery spinning wheel, and earthen bowl dated to Bronze Age ware found here. Some objects were similar to those of the ⅱ and ⅲ Wanfabozi Culture of Tonghua in Yalujiang River, others were comparative to those unearthed from the sites dated to Bronze Age in Korea Peninsula. In the excavation, we get some very important materials to study the cultures dated to Bronze Age in Yalujiang River.
A Preliminary Excavation of the Sunchagnqing Site in Baicheng, Jilin
Jilin Provincial Institute of Archaeology; the Office for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments, Bai Cheng; the Office for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments, Taobei
In 2009, a special excavation was done, and many relics including ash pit and ash ditch were found here. Potteries, irons, coins, animal and plant relics were unearthed from them. This is one important dwelling site of Kin Dynasty in Taobei District of Baicheng.
Research on the Architectural System of Shangjing, the Capital of Bohai State
Zhao Hongguang
According to the idea of the layout and distribution about the palace showed by the archaeological excavation, and to the relation of the corresponding location between palaces, the chronicle of architectures in the palace area could be classified into the early part and the late one combining with correlative historical literature as the evidence, then the attribution of palaces with the Sanchao system in different times would be made sure. There are differences on palaces and other living architectures oaf Shangjign, such as the location, type, function and so on. These architectures could be identified as palaces, halls and additional rooms via analysis research and reference from relative literature. The inner rule of occurrence, development and evolution of eave tiles from Shangjing would be explored and their true cultural connotation would be unveiled by the typological analysis and arrangement on them.