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China Cultural Heritage 2011-05

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-12-01
The Heyday of Chinese Architecture – Nanking Architecture during the Period of the Republic of China……………………………(8)
From 1920s to 1930s: The Architectural Achievements in the Heyday………………………………………………. Yang Xinhua and Ding Bo (13)
Architectural System in Nanking during the Republic of China……………………………………………………. Wang Xiaoqin (19)
The Professional Condition of Nanking Architects During the Republic of China…………………………Yu Lin and Wang Xiaoqian; (26)
【Abstract】Nanking,as the capital of the Republic of China,is the main stage on which Chinese architects of modern times pursued their vocational goals and demonstrated their professional skills.In the brilliant years of the short-lived Republic of China,in Nanking,most of modern architects bore multiple identities as architects,government workers,university professors and so on.The unique distinctiveness decided their unparalleled significance in assuming the role of establishing and perfecting the modern Chinese architecture system. Owing to the social background and the role Nanking played at that time, the professional condition which architects encountered was extremely intricate. Their tenacious ability to adjust to the environment is a microcosm of the development of modern Chinese architecture.
The Survey of the Current Situation of Nanking Architect of the Republic Time……………Zhang Nian an and Yang Xinhua; (34)
【Abstract】After Nanking was chosen as the capital of the Republic of China in 1912,the city witnessed unprecedented climax of its urban construction. During the thirty years from the 8th year of the Republic of China(1919) to the 38th year(1949),Nanking went through seven times of urban overall planning on different scales, the time enjoying the sovereign importance is the Capital Planning put forward by American architects Murphy and Gulley.As a result, a series of architecture for administration, commemoration, culture and education, public purposes, lanes and alleys, officials, industries, as well as some foreigner-sponsored architecture for religion, education, public welfare and for foreign embassies and consulates sprang up. The series of architecture are the crystal of architects’ wisdom in the captial’s planning and construction in the first half of 20th century. The high standard and versaille types are paramount that no concession building in other cities would match. The important modern architecture series with architectures of the Republic period as main entity can still be seen by now. Over 900 sites with some 1500 modern buildings remained at present, 165 places of which were listed as important? Protection? Units for cultural relics, including 10 places and 24 spots of the national level, 53 places and 55 spots of the provincial level, 102 places and 112 spots of the municipal level. Over the last ten years, the practice has drawn increasing attention both to basic research, planning, regulation, organization, and to the exploration of preservation system.
The Water Plant at the Mouth of North River, 80 Years’ Moistening for Nanking…………………Dai Fan and Wang Jihua (47)
The Participation of Enterprises, Research on Architectural Warranty Mechanism………………………Shi Yi and Ding Bo (53)
Cultural Brand Building in the Process of the "Tea Horse Road" Preservation……………………………………..Li Yan and Ai Jia;(57)
【Abstract】For the cultural heritage whose historical functions have been changed in modern society, should special measures be taken to protect them or their new functions be developed? Such an issue casts a stone into the still water of academia. If they are just left untouched, the value attached to these cultural legacies will not be reflected. Although some of the historical functions of The Ancient Tea-Horse Road have faded or changed, the past 20 years have witnessed that it has, in a form of cultural label, came into the horizon of mass culture. Establishing a conception of brand building and thenacting on its principles and rules, we should adopt a method stressed by comprehensive preservation and utilization towards the cultural heritage, which in turn should be applied to the preservation and inheritance of the cultural heritage, trans-regional, cross-national and cross-cultural.
The Beginning of Community Museums in China
The Past and the Present of Community Museums…………………………………………………….Lu Liuying (64)
The Exploration Path of Community Museum in the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys with the Characteristics of Human-Centered and Dynamic Preservation……………………………………………………………….Lin Chu;(72)
【Abstract】Entitled as one of the first Top Ten Historical and Cultural blocks in China,the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys boasts its time-honored historical remains and cultural inheritance, condensing a thousand-years history of Fuzhou.It is the largest and most complete ancient block that has remained currently in the urban center of China. The Community Museum of Three Lanes & Seven Alleys in Fuzhou is awarded as one of the first batch of demonstration sites in the national community museum construction based on the idea of preserving and inheriting the invaluable historical and cultural heritage as well as constructing cities of new pattern in common geographical community. The museum also shoulders the responsibility of serving for the community and vigorously exploring the construction of community museums under the guideline of Human-Centered and Dynamic Preservation.
Red Building in Wuhan (The Former Site of the Wuchang Military Government)—From the Political Reform of the Late Qing Dynasty to the First Uprising of 1911 Revolution….…………………………………………..Ding Yuan, Jiang Yi gong (82)
Fresh, Unsophisticated and Beautiful Folk Embroidery of Sichuan Mallu……………………………………………………….Zhang Ciwu (97)
The Metropolis Travesring Space and Time, An Account of Ephesus Ancient Ruins in Turkey……………………………………Bo Haikun (102)