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China Cultural Heritage 2012-01

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2012-08-02

Retrospection on the Experiences and Challenges of the Data of the 766,722 Cultural Heritage in the 3rd National Survey of Cultural Heritage..............................Liu Xiaobe 8


The 3rd National Survey of Cultural Heritage Renewing the Pattern in the Style of Chinese Cultural Heritage

    A string of statistics has demonstrated the stunning achievements during the 3rd National Survey of Cultural Heritage: 5 years of duration, approximately 1.5 billion of investment, closing to 50,000 investigators and almost 800,000 sites of recorded immobile cultural Heritage etc. Since the State Council's announcement of the Notice of the 3rd National Survey of Cultural Heritage in April 2007, relevant departments and institutes across the nation have recorded 766,722 sites of immobile cultural heritage against immeasurable difficulties. Being a significant investigation on the country's situation and strength directed by the State Council and by far the biggest project of the protection in cultural heritage, the 3rd National Survey has exerted great influence on the China's protection of cultural heritages and the development of economy and society.

The Final Stage of the 3rd National Survey of Cultural Heritage..................................Correspondent. Zhang Wei 13

New Types Discovered in the 3rd National Survey of Cultural Heritage, the Once Ignored Types of Cultural Heritage..........................Huang Bin etc. 21
    The result of the 3rd National Survey of Cultural Heritage is found with numerous types of Cultural Heritage irrelevant to those of long history in people's mind. From ancient objects to cultural heritage, to cultural heritages, the variation in concepts reflects people's deepening and developing understanding on cultural heritage. New concepts such as industrial heritage, folk architecture, heritage of the 20th Century, cultural line, cultural landscape have been constantly brought forth and been given full attention during the survey.

The 3rd National Survey of Culture Heritage We have Experienced............................................................Bao Xianlun etc. 37

Investigators of the 3rd National Survey of Cultural Heritage,A Professional Team of Persistence and Perseverance...........................................................Correspondent: Zhang Wei 47

Moving Experience in Commonplace,an Essay on the 3rd National Survey of Cultural Heritage in Henan Province.....................................Chen Ailan 51

Excerpts from the Diary of the 3rd National Survey of Cultural Heritage..............................................Wei Yeguo 55

City Structure Under the Influence of Imperial Kiln Plants in Jingde Town...............................................................Chen Xin and Zhan Jia 60

Following the Trace of Ancient Archways in Ningbo..............................................................Huang Dingfu 68

The Dragon Hovering for Thousands of Years, the Past and the Present of the Lucky Dragon............................................Yu Jiaxin 74
    Instead of emerging from nowhere, the image of dragon has its origin, inheritance and stories. It has undergone the process of origination, integration and development along with Chinese ethnic's path from primary to modern and from ignorance to civilization. Despite the transformation and creation in several thousand years, the image has always matched with the aesthetic of various ages. At the beginning of the joyful Chinese New Year of Dragon, the Capital Museum is holding an ambitious exhibition with the subject of the Year of Dragon culture from 18th Jan to 20th March, in exploring with the audiences the traces and figures of the Chinese Dragon, and discovering its the past and present so as to experience the spiritual home derived from the dragon culture.

Revealing the Tomb of the King of Jiangdu,A Documentary Report on the Tomb of the Han Dynasty in Dayun Mountain, Xuyi.....................................Li Zebin, Chen Gang and Yu Wei 82
    The archaeological investigation, exploration and excavation in Dayun Mountain resulted from a tomb raid in Jan, 2009. For the past 3 years, the team has revealed the complete cemetery of the Kings of the West Han Dynasty, by excavating 5 sites, 3 main tombs, 12 subordinate tombs, 9 subordinate pits with more than 10,000 excavates including some jade coffins, jade burial suits and measurable numbers of lacquer wares, bronze wares, gold wares, silver wares and jade wares etc. Documents and excavates suggest that the cemetery in Dayun Mountain belongs to the first King of Jiangdu of Han Dynasty, who was also the owner of the Tomb No.1.

Poppet Play in Yuexi......................................................................Wang Chun 90

The School Time in Peking University...................................................LuoKun 94

Forever Pompeii........................................................Wang Jichao 102