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China Cultural Heritage 2013-1

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2013-05-14


Middle East Railway: Through the Centuries
The Vicissitudes Scene of the Middle East Railway................................................................................................Wu Wenxian 12
Historic Buildings along the Middle East Railway: the Collection of A Variety of Artistic Styles
..........................................................................................................................................................................................Wei Xiaoyu and Liu Qifu  20
Unique Landscape and the Wonderful Scene of the Middle East Railway ................................................Yaoji 28
Following the Vicissitudes of the Years: What A Volunteer saw and heard....................................Chen Wenlong 36

Similizing the Heaven and Following the Earth: the Imagination in the Planning and Design of the
Epang Palace Relics Park................................................................................................Lei Chuanyi, Chen Xing and Cui Guangbai 46
Roaming in the Virtual, Three-Dimensional Dunhuang World Full of Sound and Images
___An Interview with the Designer of the "Earthly Paradise" Exhibition...................................................................56

The Manchu village in Qinjiang, Changle, Fujian Province: the Garrison Site of Baqi Naval Camp at Sanjiangkou in the Qing Dynasty.......................................................................................................................................WuDing 60
The Luoping Tusi Imperial City Relics in Yunnan Province..................................................Pang Ling and Cao Yinxiao 66
Jianzhen's Sixth East Journey and the Huangsipu Relics......................................................................................Gao Wei

The woodcut New Year Pictures at the Nanjing Museum...........................................................Xi Kezhen and Xu Liu
Re-examining Zhaolingshan Relics....................................................................................................................................Zuojun

The Information about the Archaeology and Museum in Turkey   ..........................................................Ai Wanqiao

Middle East Railway: Through the Centuries
In the late 19th century and early 20th century, by signing the unequal Treaty with the Qing government, the Russians built a large T-shaped railroad in northeast China. The railway, experiencing the vicissitudes of the years of the late Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, Manchukuo government, War of Liberation and the early period after the founding of New China, witnessed the humiliation and protest in modern China. The railway also spawned a batch of modern cities and important railway trading ports such as Harbin, Manchuria and Suifenhe stations and preserved a large number of historic buildings of Russian-style, eclectic and the Art Nouveau style, attracting countless enthusiasts throughout the world.


Epang Palace Relics Park
The ideology of "Similizing the Heaven and Following the Earth and the Unity of Heaven and Humanbeings" and the ultra-scale planning are reflected and perfected in the urban planning and architectural layout in the Qing Dynasty. In the planning and design process, the designers cleverly restore First Qin Emperor's construction blueprint and design philosophy and applied the celestial concept into the design to symbolize the Schea of Epang Palace to correspond to the front hall relics. The design, by projecting stars around onto the venue and the surrounding environment, embodies the concept of Unity of Heaven and Humanbeings and explains the close relationship between the Qin palace planning and Astronomy.


Jianzhen's Sixth East Journey and the Huangsipu Relics
In the 12th year under the reign of Tang Emperor Tianbao (Year 753), the Tang Dynasty monk Jianzhen took a secret ride by boat to Huangsipu and transferred to a big ship of the Japanese ambassador to the Tang court and travelled east to Japan. 1200 years later, in 2008, Huangsipu port relics was discovered in the Third National Survey on Cultural Relics. The three large-scale archaeological excavations conducted subsequently discovered the ancient river of the Tang Dynasty, the house sites, warehouse granary, stove pits, wells and roads of Tang and Song Dynasties. A large number of utensils of daily life, especially porcelain from different porcelain kiln sites over the country were unearthed, reappearing the grand occasion of Huangsipu port in Tang and Song dynasties. The results of these excavations showed Huangsipu site was a market town located at the south bank of the Yangtze River estuary of the Tang and Song dynasties. The excavation also uncovered the mystery of the relics and Jianzhen's h sixth east journey.

The Information about the Archaeology and Museum in Turkey
In August 2012, students from School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University were sent to Konya province, Turkey to participate in the archaeological excavations at Boncuklu Relics organized by the University of Liverpool. The archaeological excavation method in Turkey was different from that of China. Hand shovels were hardly used, instead, brush took the role. Student interns took turns to work at different trenches regularly.
Turkey boasts of rich heritage sites, in addition to a large number of prehistoric sites, historical sites dating back to Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman period are also preserved well. The most well-known and unique sites at the Central Anatolian plateau are Hittite Kingdom of the Bronze Age and the Phrygian Kingdom relics of the Iron Ages. The Relics of Ursula, the capital of Hittite Kingdom at 2000 B.C. and the ancient capital Goldie Relics in Greek mythology, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, both are facing difficulties. The Turkish archaeologists established small and medium-sized museums, compact and delicate , prominent in themes, telling ancient stories worth ruminating over.