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Culture-of-Southeast-China 2006-6

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2007-05-22


Main content:  


(6)Anthropology View on Politic Base of Sang Dynasty’s Kingship
—— Other View on Sang’s Bronze Vessels  ………………………… CHEN Hongbo
(12) Macroscopical Comparison Between the Area Around Tai-lake Basin and Central Plains
……………………………………………………………………………………GAO Jiangtao
( 17 ) Research on Yaoshan Graveyard…………………………………………… WU Jin
(21) Excavation Report on Huangtong Clay Mound Tombs in Yixing
………………………… Nanjing Museum. Yixing Administrative Committee of Cultural Relics
(30) Iron-smelt Archaeology in Sri Lanka………………………HUANG Quansheng, LI Yanxiang
(34) Northern Song Dynasty’s Tombs in Shimafeng, Maolu County, jintan City
………………………………………………………………………………………Jintan Museum
■ History
(42)British Land and Water Transportation in Mediaeval Times………………………XIE Fengzai
(49)"Guanzi" and "Guanzi Money Printing Plate" ……………………… SHI Jilong, LI Xiusong
■Culture and History
(58) Protection and Expectation of Canal Cultural Heritage in Jiangsu ……………SHU Youchun
(63) “The Records of Yangzhou Boat” and Yangxhou Qingqu……………………WANG Weikang
■Cultural Relics
(68) Analysis on Plant Carved Symbols in Shuangdun Site………………………………XU Dali
(73)Study on Tomb-protecting Articles in East Han Dynasty …………………………Lu Zhifeng
■ Remarks on Art in "Ten-Bamboo Study"
(78)Research on the Flame pearls Pattern of Porcelain……………………………………ZHU Yi
(85) Study on the Transition of representational and Realistic Canvas in Modern China
…………………………………………………………………………… WANG Zhong
■ Protection of Cultural Relics
(89) Enclose First: Ancient Prestigious County ……………………………………LIU Jinsheng
(92) Investigation and Demonstration on Red-traveling and Cultural Relics Protection

in Jiangsu …………………………………………DONG Ming , N1 Weihong, BAI Ning