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Culture of Southeast China 2009-6

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2010-02-20
●Qingxi Perspective
CHENG Tong – le,
The Post – Museum Era: Constructing Multiple Pan – Museum through Inheritance and Transmutation   (6)
【Abstract】Since the opening of the first modern public museum, museum has been experiencing constant inheritance and transmutation and now has stepped into a well – developed stage and got prominent changes in its performance, function, duty and efficacy. Therefore, the new relevant concepts of “post – museum era” and “pan – museum” should be proposed in order to promote the construction of Chinese museum system and the development of Chinese Museology.
【Key words】post – museum era;   performance;   function;   duty;   efficacy;   pan – museum
●Dongnan Forum
SU Dong – hai,
Polarization and Integration of International Museum’s Theoretical Research: Two Ideological Lines of Museum’s Theoretical Research   (9)
【Abstract】Polarization and integration emerging in the museum’s adaptation to social development, have formed two ideological lines with different emphases: one is the professional line based on the museum’s functions, the other is the one based on its responsibility. Now both of them are carrying out new exploration and practice guided by the new theory of integration.
【Key words】museum;   polarization;   integration;   professional line;   socialized line
●Theory on Cultural Heritage Conservation
GONG Jian,
Local Perspective of World Heritage Conservation: A Case Study of Chengcun   (15)
【Abstract】There are close relations between heritage and tourism. On the one hand, the potential value of heritage is the direct tourism resource, on the other hand, the uniqueness of heritage tourism may lead the planners to choose some cultural features of the heritage site, which can not only meet the global pattern, but also highlight local cultural traits. In that case, two possible phenomena will be brought out: de – localization and re – localization. This essay, taking Chengcun as a case, re – examines its heritage conservation mode, inspects the cultural change and cultural adaptation of village community in heritage conservation, in order to illustrate that the phenomenon of de – localization and re – localization is a local statement of the current heritage movement, and to emphasize the importance of the cultural consciousness of local stakeholders in the heritage conservation.
【Key words】heritage conservation;   de – localization;   re – localization
NI Jin,
Ponderation on Discipline Construction in Appraisal Science of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting   (20)
【Abstract】The Chinese calligraphy and painting appraisal has passed through more than 1000 years slowly course from Wei and Jin dynasty to today. Ancient appraisal’s appraisal thought of the calligraphy and painting engagement, a connecting link between the preceding and the following. However, the appraisal methodology’s research of the Chinese calligraphy and painting is not the appraisal science in the Chinese calligraphy and painting itself. As a discipline, it should have own standards in its theory, its main view and category should have an explicit limit, its basic principle must have a deep and system’s elaboration. As a discipline in application and theory, the Chinese calligraphy and painting appraisal’s theory and the method must be put specifically into the calligraphy and painting appraisal practice. Thus, its theory should have a very strong feasibility, any profound and abstract discourse should be avoided, and effective practice is the main rod that weighs its theory value.
【Key words】the Chinese calligraphy and painting;   appraisal science;   discipline;   art
●Archaeological Exploration
CHEN Chong – bin,
Rolling Technique of Millet Shelling in Neolithic Age in Zhongyuan Area   (26)
【Abstract】Based on the shape of stone stick from the implement set of millstone plate & stone stick of Neolithic age, this article discussed its usage and pointed out that rolling technique was effective for shelling millet then, thus drew a conclusion that Chinese ancestors had skillfully used the rolling technique 7000 years before.
【Key words】rolling technique;   Neolithic Age;   millet cultivation;   millstone plate;   stone stick
LUO Yun – bing,
On the Relevance between Prehistoric Pig Husbandary and Agricultural Development Based on Case of Longqiuzhuang Site   (33)
【Abstract】The development of agriculture would generally promote the breeding of domestic pigs, but the case of Longqiuzhuang site shows the other sort of relevance between them. The relative abundance of wild animals played a role in weakening the reliance on domestication, which further supports the nature of the passive development of animal domestication. And this case is representative in this region.
【Key words】pig husbandary;   agricultural development
LU Jian – ying,
On Relations between Beixin Culture and Majiabang Culture   (39)
【Abstract】Located in the adjacent regions and roughly in the same period. Beixin Culture and Majiabang Culture are two archaeological cultures. This article compares the traits of their representative relics such as potteries, stone wares and tombs on the base of unearthed data, which indicate that there are very close relations between these two archaeological cultures. The cultural exchange in their development process ever took place and made influence to each other, while the influence of Majiabang Culture was stronger.
【Key words】Beixin Culture;   Majiabang Culture;   cultural exchanges
LIU Wei – dong et al.,
Preliminary Study on Craftsmanship of Jade Bi of Liangzhu Culture   (47)
【Abstract】There are 16 pieces of unearthed jade Bi (disc) Liangzhu Culture collected in Chiangnan Watery Region Culture Museum. Through the study of its craftsmanship, the production process should include: a. cutting: to use a method of wire cutting; b. forming: to cut into square first, then chamfered, then round; c. drilling: to drill from two opposite sides with a pipe and powder sands; d. grinding: to grind coarsely and finely with sands; e. polishing: to fulfill with tiny powder sands; etc.
【Key words】Liangzhu Culture;  jade Bi (disc);  craftsmanship
YU Meng – zhou,
A Study on the Archaeological Culture of Xia & Shang Period in Qingjiang Valley of Hubei   (54)
【Abstract】The archaeological culture of Xia – Shang Period in Qingjiang Valley is considered as the Ba culture at early stage by some scholars. Based on some analysis, we divide the archaeological remains of Xia – Shang Period in this region into three stages with discontinuity between each other. The existing archaeological materials can’t support the viewpoint that the archaeological culture of Xia – Shang Period in Qingjiang valley is the Early Ba Culture. This paper discusses some problems with the research of early Ba culture as well.
【Key words】Qingjiang valley;   Three Gorges Region;   Xia & Shang period;   cultural exchange;   early Ba Culture
LIU Yan – chang et al.,
New Archaeological Progress of the Zhou Dynasty in Shandong   (61)
【Abstract】In the past ten years, in the field of the archaeological culture of the Zhou Dynasty in Shandong, the time & special framework and the process of the local culture represented by Qi – Lu Culture have been uncovered with the help of a lot of new archaeological discoveries and academic achievements, such as Yi culture, Zhou culture and the local culture merged by the two mentioned above, the regional culture represented by the cultural relics of Qi, Lu and Chu, and the ancient historical researches represented by tombs of the Kings and aristocratic of Shi, Xiaozhu states, the field of Salt Industry Archaeology and the study on weapons and pottery characters, etc.
【Key words】Shandong;   Zhou Dynasty;   archaeology;   new discoveries;   new research achievements
ZHANG Ai – bing,
The Date and the Relevant Issues of Bronze Wares Unearthed at Tongling of Xielong   (68)
【Abstract】The Bronze wares excavated from Xielong caches in Anhiu Tongling provide important materials for the bronze research in Wannan (South Anhui) area because of the exact site, intact combination and new style. Based on analytic comparison of the combination, shape and decoration, these wares can be dated to early Spring & Autumn Period and be inferred in the process of the transmission of Shu Ethnic Groups and their culture from the Jianghuai area to the south.
【Key words】Xielong of Tongling;  bronze wares;   early Spring & Autumn Period;   Shu Ethnic Groups
●Regional Civilization: Tiantaishan Culture
A Study on Xianju Rock Paintings   (75)
【Abstract】This paper introduces the distribution and the contents of the rock paintings in Xianju and makes preliminary exploration of the production time through studying the carving tools, image features and folklore characteristics. The author also puts forward some views about the cultural connotations of the rock paintings such as the agricultural awareness, lifestyle and religion of the ancient Yue ancestors, etc.
【Key words】Xianju rock paintings;   times;   cultural connotation
XU Shang – shu,
A Preliminary Study on the Fairy Belief of Prince Jin in Eastern Ou: Also About the Belief on the Great Deity Baihe   (81)
【Abstract】Wang Qiao legends originated in the South and returned to Yue area after being replaced by Heluo legends of Prince Jin for many years. Thus Mt. Tiantai became the birthplace of the belief of Prince Jin. It integrated with the religion of the Great Deity Baihe (crane) in Taizhou, developed to be “He Xian (Fairy - Crane) Belief” and widely spread in East Ou area. It even derived a variety of folk beliefs and spread far to Japan.
【Key words】Eastern Ou;   Prince Jin;   Baihe (crane);  folk religion;   integration
HU Zheng – wu,
Dialectical Understanding of the Partial Record of XU Yi – kui’s Name and Death   (86)
【Abstract】XU Yi – kui of Tiantai, a famous scholar during the period of the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties, devoted himself to education and got a good reputation of an outstanding professor in Hangzhou Fuxue (official education institute). Shi Feng, which was his official title and not his family name, was just used to express his native place although some scholars regarded it as his Hao (literary name). meanwhile, it was not true that, according to the record in unofficial history, he was beheaded because his memorial made Emeror ZHU Yuan – zhang furious, which turned out to be related with the sense and emotion of curiosity and psychological release of literati.
【Key words】XU Yi – kui;   name;   be beheaded;   partial understanding;   dialectical understanding
●New Opinions on Museology
LU Jian – song,
Thinking about China’s Museology Study and Its Discipline Construction   (90)
【Abstract】Museology is a subject of studying and guiding the museum development and practice. The progress of Museology depends on the development of museum practice and its study. In order to promote our Museology and its study level, we need to link theory with practice and pay great attention to the study of new situations and issues. It is only our mission and task, but also the key factor for Museology to maintain vitality and make progress.
【Key words】Museology study;   discipline construction
SHI Ji – xiang,
Audience Research is a Basic Point of Education Research in Museum: A New Exploration of the Definition of Museum Audience   (95)
【Abstract】”Museum audience” is a core issue of museum education research. The maturity of theory give impetus to the research progress, while in current academic world, the theoretical study of this definition is still in a development stage. At the beginning, the author questions and analyzes a number of popular definitions of museum audience, meanwhile explores a new definition. And finally the writer puts forward his own understanding of the audience in the museum, that is, “museum audience is such a collective body who experiences the museum environment personally”. A necessary explanation of several information points mentioned above, such as “museum environment”, “museum experience” and “collective body”, is added in the concluding part.
【Key words】museum audience;   museum environment;   museum experience
YAN Jian – qiang,
Communicating and Studying in Museum   (100)
【Abstract】As an informal – education institution, museums use their special visual – language to communicate with audience. And in museums people usually learn by observing exhibits, including real – object exhibits and non – real – object exhibits. Real – object exhibits are mainly displayed in Contextualized and Combined ways to be understood. The former express themselves by story – telling, fallowed communicating sets, while the latter show their significance during conceptional restoring with combinating modes. In addition, most communicating modes of non – real – object exhibits now are: 1. To restore phenomena by reconstructing scenes. 2. To analyze and explain through “Teaching – aided Models”. 3. To interpret consecutively and intensively through videos. 4. Getting experience through interactive installation, etc. By means of these different ways of communicating, studying in museum becomes spatial and visual, fulfilling with participational chances as well as Multi – Media.
【Key words】informal – education;   museum;   communicate;   study
GAO Xiao – fang,
A Primary Discussion on the Process of Communication of Chinese Museum   (106)
【Abstract】Museum faces great opportunities and challenges after stepping into the 21st century. It has turned to be a vital issue about the development of museum that all kinds of means of communication are introduced into the museum. However, the research on the process and mode of communication shows that communication of museum has its own peculiar characteristic and the communication of museum is very important and urgent. Therefore, we should make full use of this means to strengthen the social influence of museum to serve the public better.
【Key words】museum;   process of communication
●Special Subject: Study on Ancient Writing
WU Hong – song,
An Interpretation of the Award “Jia” of Bronze Inscriptions in the Western Zhou Dynasty   (110)
【Abstract】Based on the analysis of the award Jia in bronze inscriptions of the Western Zhou Dynasty and its arrangement rule, those traditional interpretation of Dun (shield) could be speculates to be Jia (armor). This paper also offered a detailed exposition about the evolution of Dun (shield) and Jia (Armor).
【Key words】bronze inscriptions of the Western Zhou Dynasty;   rewarded goods and articles;   Jia (armor);   Dun (shield)
HAN Wei,
The Name Repetition in the Western Zhou Bronze Inscriptions and Its Effect on the Dating Studies   (113)
【Abstract】The newly unearthed inscriptions and relevant cases show that there widely existed the ubiquity of the Name Repeatition in the Western Zhou bronze inscriptions. However, two typical examples of Wang Gui (food vessel) & Shi Wang bronzes and Shi Tang Fu Ding (food vessel) & Zhong Nan Fu bronzes demonstrate the negative effect on the dating of Western Zhou bronzes caused by ignoring the name repeatition phenomenon. Therefore, researchers should pay more attention to this phenomena when they use “Name Relating Method” in bronze time predicative studies, and consider other factors comprehensively.
【Key words】Western Zhou;   bronze inscription;   name repeatition;   phenomenon;   dating
WEI Yi – hui,
A Study on the Variant Characters of “Bie” in the Chu Series   (117)
【Abstract】In the Chu series of Chinese characters in the Warring States. “□”or “□”was used to signify the computation charater “Ban (half)”. This essay suggests that “□”and “□” were the variant characters of “别 (Bie)”. The pronunciation of “别” was close to “半”, so it could be pronounced as “Ban”. Using the “别 (Bie)” as the “Ban (half)” was a habitual usage in the Chu series.
【Key words】ancient Chinese characters;   characters during Warring States period;   the Chu series of Chinese characters;   Bie (别)
●Remarks on Art in “Ten – bamboo Study”
MA Rong – jiang,
Further Study on Yuan Wang Shi   (119)
【Abstract】It has been doubtful that Yuan Wang Shi (The Book of Songs of King Yuan) recorded in Han Shu had been considered as Lu Shi (The Book of Songs of Lu State) since the Song Dynasty. So, to make sure the ownership of Yuan Wang Shi will benefit the further clarification of the spread and inheritance of Shi Jin (The Book of Songs) in the Han Dynasty. This paper, based on process of regarding Yuan Wang Shi as Lu Shi, explained why Yuan Wang Shi couldn’t be Lu Shi, then compared Liu Xiang’s Shi with the Shi carved on bamboos unearthed nearby the packet of Yuan Wang, finally drew the conclusion that Yuan Wang Shi was one genre of Shi Jin passes down independently in the Han dynasty and was what Liu Xiang ever studied.
【Key words】Lu Shi (The Book of Songs of Lu State);   Yuan Wang Shi (The Book of Songs of King Yuan);   Liu Xiang;   bamboos carved with Shi unearthed in Fuyang
MA Xin,
Semantic Focus of Glaze Color Lexicon in Intercultural Context: A Case Study of Celadon   (129)
【Abstract】How does the color word get its name in intercultural context? Is there a semantic shift or semantic focus among the similar color words? What are the function of Chinese heterographic color words and the comparison between the color words? This paper, through exploration of the relevant cultural influence and word formation, aims to guide people to get further understanding and make depth study on the exact meaning of the glaze color terms under different cultural contexts in order to use them rationally.
【Key words】celadon;   color lexicon;   semantic focus