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Culture of Southeast China 2010-4

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-03-06
Main contents
●Qingxi Perspective
Traditional Culture Resources and Social Culture Construction 
Cao Bingwu (6)
●Dongnan Forum
On the Function, Conservation and System Construction of the Viewing Platform
Meng Xianmin (9)
●Scholar Interview
Academic Research Furthering the Palace Development, Open Idea Bettering the Public Service: An Interview with Curator Zheng Xinmiao
Zheng Xinmiao et.al (15)
●Theory on Cultural Heritage Conservation
Thinking about the Administration Polices of Chinese Cultural Heritage Conservation
Lu Jiansong (22)
A Summary of Heritage Authenticity and Integrity Studies at Home and Abroad
Zhang Chengyu (30)
●Archaeology Exploration
Brief Excavation Report of Tang and Song Tombs at Dushifenglin, Yizheng, Jiangsu
Yizheng Museum (38)
Brief Excavation Report of Tang and Song Tombs at Xiangyu Huayuan, Huan’an, Jiangsu
Huai’an Museum (45)
Tomb of Lady Zhou Guo of the Southern Song in Nanjing, Jiangsu
Nanjing Municipal Museum et.al (54)
An Archaeological Study on the Tang Porcelain Industry in the Zhujiang River Delta
Liu Dachuan (60)
On the Tomb System of Wuyue Kingdom in the Five Dynasties
Zheng Yimo (66)
Further Study on Liu Hua’s Tomb of Min Kingdom in the Five Dynasties
Cui Shiping (74)
●Regional Civilization
Newly Discovered Buddhist Stories on Han Stone Relief
Wei Xiang et.al (79)
Function of Figured Jar during Wu and Jin Period
Xun Jingyuan et.al (84)
A preliminary Study on Inscription of Jade Slip from Linwu Cave, Suzhou
Chen Xiaosan (90)
●New Opinions on Museology
On the Information System Construction of the Palace Museum
Hu Chui (92)
Preliminary Exploration of System Structure of Digital Museum
Liu Shaonan(99)
Museum Informationization Standard Frame System
Zhang Xiaopeng, et.al (104)
●Special Subject
Co-Crystallization of Ingenious Conception and Nature: Comparison of New Museum Architectures between Suzhou and Dongguan Ke Yuan
Wu wulin (109)
From the Jiangnan Park to the Royal Garden: Preliminary Study on the Gardening Arts of Zhan Yuan and Ru Yuan
Yuan Rong (115)
●Remarks on Art in “Ten-bamboo Study”
On Research Techniques of Appraisal Science of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting
Ni Jin (121)
Traditional Culture Resources and Social Culture Construction 
Cao Bingwu (6)
【Abstract】Chinese society is in transformation. Significant achievement in economic construction have made while a number of problems have emerged, such as increase of blind areas of social management, aggravation of social disequilibrium, etc. All these have led to new social conflicts. Therefore, we need to make use of Chinese traditional cultural resources to revive Chinese culture and improve urban & rural social organization for the construction of socialist harmonious society.
【key words】social transformation, traditional culture, social organization, cultural construction
On the Function, Conservation and System Construction of the Viewing Platform
Meng Xianmin (9)
【Abstract】Viewing platform, the site human choose to view landscape, involves various kinds of natural and artificial one while some platforms are just the landscapes themselves. To the heritage in the sight scope, such platform can surely play a function in promoting the conservation. Hence, for cultural heritage conservation, viewing platform is not only an important type of objects, but also a class of important means; it should be included into the system construction of cultural heritage conservation.
【key words】viewing platform, function, conservation, system construction
Academic Research Furthering the Palace Development, Open Idea Bettering the Public Service: An Interview with Curator Zheng Xinmiao
Zheng Xinmiao et.al (15)
【Abstract】During the visit to the Palace Museum at invitation in March 2010, Mr. Gong Liang, Curator of Nanjing Museum, on behalf of the Editorial Committee, made an interview with Curator Zheng Xinmiao and held talks on the issues of the Palace Museum, Gugongology, heritage protection of museum, academic research and public service, etc. Curator Zheng Xinmiao expressed his opinion and ideas as follows: we should extend the traditional concept of cultural relics to culture heritage and give the heritage full attention and protection; Chinese traditional structures should be integratedlly preserved and maintained; meanwhile, museum should hold the open idea and strengthen public service in order to improve social benefits, promote the preservation and museum construction of the Palace Museum.
【key words】academic research, heritage conservation, open concept, public service, Zheng Xinmiao
Thinking about the Administration Polices of Chinese Cultural Heritage Conservation
Lu Jiansong (22)
【Abstract】The reason of the lack of Chinese cultural heritage preservation is closely related with the lack of effectual administrative system of cultural heritage. As far as the administrating experience of some western countries which have advantages in cultural heritage preservations, effective conservation and reasonable utilization of cultural heritage are mainly based on the strength of the administrative system and policy. In order to fundamentally improve the weak situation of our cultural heritage preservation, we should establish a set of effective management system of cultural heritage which would also be appropriate to our national conditions from three aspects of administration system reform, operating mechanism design and standards and codes formulation. This is the must-be-taken way to strengthen and improve Chinese cultural heritage preservation.
【key words】cultural heritages, administrative system, operating mechanism, standards and codes
A Summary of Heritage Authenticity and Integrity Studies at Home and Abroad
Zhang Chengyu (30)
【Abstract】Authenticity & integrity is the core concept of world heritage area. The study of authenticity and integrity in China focused on 4 facets: the meaning of authenticity and integrity, heritage classification, heritage conservation cases and tourism authenticity. In short, the research on cultural heritage is more than that on natural heritage, and the research on authenticity is stronger than that on integrity. Considering the diversity of heritage classification and more and more plentiful heritage meaning, more attention should be paid to integrity, the conservation of natural sites and mixed heritage, the association research between authenticity and integrity.
【key words】heritage conservation, authenticity, integrity, world heritage
Brief Excavation Report of Tang and Song Tombs at Dushifenglin, Yizheng, Jiangsu
Yizheng Museum (38)
【Abstract】There are 90 tombs of common people from late Tang and Song Dynasty excavated at Dushifenglin construction site in Jiangsu Yizheng. Glazed earthenware, porcelain, bronze, silver, iron, wooden, stone and glass articles are unearthed. Especially celadons of Yue Yao, sauce color porcelains of Shouzhou Yao, white porcelains of Ding Yao and more bluish white porcelains of Jingdezhen Yao show the prosperity of the porcelain industry of the Song Dynasty. This excavation provides important material for the study of social economy and the burial custom of common people of ancient Zhenzhou City.
【key words】Yizheng, Tang and Song tombs, Zhenzhou City
Brief Excavation Report of Tang and Song Tombs at Xiangyu Huayuan, Huan’an, Jiangsu
Huai’an Museum (45)
【Abstract】The tombs of the Tang and Song Dynasties are located in a very important burial area to the east of the ancient city of Huai’an. One ship-shaped brick tomb was excavated and could be dated to the Tang Dynasty while the other 16 tombs to the Song Dynasty. Most of the Song tombs were mainly featured by the vertical rectangle pits and wood outer –coffins, several ones by the short slope passage and the bricks, stones, wood structure. The funerary objects, including porcelains, bronze, lacquer and wood wares with vivid time style, provide important materials for the research of the burial customs, historical cultures and social economic development of the Tang and Song Dynasties.
【key words】tombs of the Tang and Song Dynasties, ship-shaped brick tombs, tombs with mixed bricks, stones and wood structure, bluish white porcelain
Tomb of Lady Zhou Guo of the Southern Song in Nanjing, Jiangsu
Nanjing Municipal Museum et.al (54)
【Abstract】In 2000, a tomb of the Southern Song Dynasty was excavated at the Jiangning Campus of Hehai University. The wall was embedded with fine carved brick reliefs. According to the epitaph, the tomb owner is lady Zhou Guo, Yang Shi, the wife of Wang Fu who was an important military chief of the late Southern Song Dynasty. This epitaph contains a lot of important information which is of great value to study the history of Nanjing.
【key words】Southern Song, Lady Zhou Guo,Yang Shi, brick reliefs, epitaph
An Archaeological Study on the Tang Porcelain Industry in the Zhujiang River Delta
Liu Dachuan (60)
【Abstract】Many kilns of the Tang Dynasty have been discovered in the Zhujiang River Delta over the years. The kiln sites were near the sea, and the products were mainly porcelains with simple and rough technique but high output, most of them were exported to the Southeast Asia. The overseas trade in the Tang Dynasty was the potential impetus to the development of these kilns.
【key words】the Zhujiang River Delta, porcelain industry of Tang Dynasty, overseas trade
On the Tomb System of Wuyue Kingdom in the Five Dynasties
Zheng Yimo (66)
【Abstract】So far, most of the excavated Wuyue Kingdom tombs were the royal families’ and the officials. The evolution of the tombs’ shape, which can be divided into three stages, was closely related with the rise and fall of the Wuyue Kingdom. Though some factors of the tombs & mausoleums and the regional characteristic of Wuyue Kingdom, especially the 12 Zodiac patterns and the celestial maps in tombs of the middle and late stages not only made up the important elements of the Wuyue tombs and mausoleums, but also contained profound meaning of avoiding evil and praying for good luck.
【key words】Wuyue Kingdom, tomb shape, decoration pattern, mausoleum system
Further Study on Liu Hua’s Tomb of Min Kingdom in the Five Dynasties
Cui Shiping (74)
【Abstract】The tomb of Liu Hua is a royal one of the Min Kingdom in the Five Dynasties & Ten Kingdoms period. According to the status of Liu Hua, this tomb can be inferred to be a mausoleum of Liu Hua and her husband Wang Yanjun, the third Monarch of the Min Kingdom. Liu Hua’s tomb shows some some similarities with Wang Shen-zhi’s: a five-step-platform and two stone vaulted chambers. The waist pit and gods-and-spirits figures in the tomb also reflect the local characters of the Min Kingdom’s mausoleum.
【key words】Min Kingdom, the tomb of Liu Hua, mausoleum system
Newly Discovered Buddhist Stories on Han Stone Relief
Wei Xiang et.al (79)
【Abstract】After spreading into China, Buddhism brought brand-new factors and influenced traditional cultural and art, which could also be clued and traced from stone reliefs of the Han Dynasty, such as the stories of Viavantara. The discovery would be helpful to research the Buddhist dissemination, to discuss the change of Buddhist stories and the influence on Chinese novels and to explore the Chinese Culture at the beginning of Buddhism spreading into China.
【key words】Buddhism, Viavantara Jataka, Han stone reliefs
Function of Figured Jar during Wu and Jin Period
Xun Jingyuan et.al (84)
【Abstract】Figured jar is a typical funeral object in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River during Wu and Jin period. All the images on this relic such as figure, animal and building have symbolic meanings. The Buddha, Hu people and the Buddhist animal are the result of the mixture of Buddhism and the Taoism. The first class building may be the reflection of the one in fairyland. The decoration on figured jar has the function in directing the “Hun” (soul) to become gods. And then the gods may give bless to their offspring. The lower part of the figured jar can be used as the holder for people’s “Po” (soul). In general, this kind of objects has the very symbolic meaning in people’s belief system during that period.
【key words】Wu and Jin Period. Figured jar, function
A preliminary Study on Inscription of Jade Slip from Linwu Cave, Suzhou
Chen Xiaosan (90)
【Abstract】The Linwu cave was an important place where the Taoist activities were held. By comparing the carved objects and “Gan Zhi” (the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches), the jade slip with characters excavated there recently can be identified as the one of the dragon- throwing ceremony of the Taoism with clear year. And the background of the ceremony can also be interpreted with the study of related literatures.
【key words】Linwu cave, Taoism, dragon-throwing ceremony, jade slip
On the Information System Construction of the Palace Museum
Hu Chui (92)
【Abstract】In new age, museum can’t be separated from information system whether performing its social educational function or optimizing its internal management. The information system construction can be divided into three parts: the construction of digital resources systems, the construction of management system and digital cultural exhibition system, which are disgned to be the basis of the construction of information system of museum, to improve the work efficiency and to strengthen audiences’ cultural experience respectively. The information system construction of the Palace Museum just follows the above-mentioned idea.
【key words】the Palace Museum, information system, digital resources, cultural exhibition
Preliminary Exploration of System Structure of Digital Museum
Liu Shaonan(99)
【Abstract】The digital work of large numbers of museum collections has been fulfilled along with the development of the digital museum. Now the achievements only serve on the digital platform of museum, but can not be shared or intercommunicated. So, we should at the information sharing and exchange, build system structure of digital museum in order to collect, integrate and display the information, then think about and construction museum’s digital programme.
【key words】digital museum, system structure, service mode
Museum Informationization Standard Frame System
Zhang Xiaopeng, et.al (104)
【Abstract】Museum informationization standard frame system makes research around museum informatoionization operation management, service criterion and some interrelated basic standard. Through defining the mission of museum informationization construction, we can form long-term aim and core value and set a series of tactics about obtaining effective resources by informationization construction in order to make the resources have ability to synchronize with the museum to implement the aim and offer safeguard of project on museum management, professional ability and knowledge exploitation.
【key words】museum, informationization, standard
Co-Crystallization of Ingenious Conception and Nature: Comparison of New Museum Architectures between Suzhou and Dongguan Ke Yuan
Wu wulin (109)
【Abstract】With ideas of classical gardens of Jiangnan and Lingnan respectively, the architectural design of Suzhou Museum (new) and Dongguan Ke Yuan Museum (new) emphasize the transformation of the publicity of functions of modern museums. The transformation shows some changes and developments from traditional patterns to modern architectures, from private space to public space, from academic culture to public culture, thus turns out to be the second reform of traditional gardens after the first one from privatization to nationalization. Furthermore, it reflects the life experience, aesthetic appreciations and architecture ideas of Bei Yuming and Mo Bozhi: the two great architects, in the design of garden museums.
【key words】private space, publicity, academic culture, public culture, transformation
From the Jiangnan Park to the Royal Garden: Preliminary Study on the Gardening Arts of Zhan Yuan and Ru Yuan
Yuan Rong (115)
【Abstract】Emperor Gaozong Hongli of the Qing Dynasty built Ru Yuan Garden in Beijing in imitation of Zhan Yuan Park of Nanjing, which attracted him on his way to the South of the Yangzte River. Although Ru Yuan has been destructed, its original grand scene still existed vividly in the literature and today’s Zhan Yuan. Zhan Yuan is a typical southern garden and Ru Yuan was example integration the southern and northern garden style. There are many similarities and distinctive in landscape layout and gardening arts between the two parks.
【key words】Zhan Yuan, Ru Yuan, Emperor Gaozong Hongli of the Qing Dynasty, gardening arts
●Remarks on Art in “Ten-bamboo Study”
On Research Techniques of Appraisal Science of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting
Ni Jin (121)
【Abstract】Each independent discipline contains three essential factors: object, technique and content. The research technique, the most active and decisive essential factor of each discipline, is the method and the way and even the related technologies of recognizing objects. The appraisal science of the Chinese calligraphy and painting contains three kinds of research techniques: philosophic dialectical materialist way, discipline intersecting method and positivistic approach, which belong to the extreme position respectively: principal, intersecting and positivism.
【key words】Chinese calligraphy and painting, appraisal science, research technique, principal, intersecting, positivism