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Culture of Southeast China 2010-5

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-04-05
Main contents
●Qingxi Perspective
Talents Needed in Unmovable Cultural Relics Protection
Jin Hongkui (6)
●Dongnan Forum
Some Opinions on Subject of Cultural Heritage Protection
Zheng Ziliang et.al (7)
●Scholar Interview
Cultural Heritage and Museum Development should be in Keeping with Society and People’s Livehood: an Interview with Curator Gong Liang
Gong Liang et.al (12)
●Theory on Cultural Heritage Conservation
Three Paradigms of Heritage from the Perspective of Anthropology
Gong Jian (19)
On the Key Value of Industrial Heritage and Its Protection Concept
Kou Huaiyun et.al(24)
●Archaeology Exploration
Brief Report of Investigation and Excavation on Gecheng City Site in Jiangsu Danyang
Nanjing Museum et.al (30)
Brief Excavation Report of Shenhetou Site in Jiangsu Danyang
Nanjing Museum et.al (36)
Brief Report of Dadun and Biandun Mound Tombs in Xuejia Village of Jiangsu Dantu
Zhejiang Museum (42)
Analysis of Wu Cultural Relics in Shandong Area
Liu Yanchang et.al (51)
On the Origin of Bronze Sword from Chu Tombs in the Late Spring and Autumn Period
Gao Zhi-xi (57)
On the Goudiao
Liu Baoshan (61)
●Regional Civilization
Newly Collected Bronze Zhen and Hemispherical Porcelain’s Function
Liu Kan et.al (66)
Jades of Yuehe No.1 Tomb and Cultural Exchanges in Eastern Zhou
Shi Rongchuan (71)
Interpretation of “Bei Fa” in Eastern Zhou from the Vision of Archaeology
Wang Fang (78)
●New Opinions on Museology
Summary: the 2010 Annual Meeting of Regional Museum Committee of Chinese Society of Museum; Symposium on Regional Museums and Harmonious Society
The Editorial Department (84)
The Contribution and Sustainable Development of Admission-free Museums
Kong Zhengyi (88)
Building Brands, Serving Harmonious Society: a Case of Qingdao Municipal
Liu Yuanming (91)
●Special Subject
On “Peng You” in the Zhou Dynasty Bronze Inscriptions
Kou ZHanmin (95)
A note on Yong Yue of the Chu Bamboo Slips Collected by Shanghai Museum
Cheng Shaoxuan et.al (99)
Supplementary Research on Fan Wu Liu Xing of the Chu Bamboo Slips Collected by Shanghai Museum
Wu Kejing (103)
A Revision of Wei Jia Ling by Goujian: the Collation and Probe of Yue State’s Historical Data
Wang Yanping (106)
Overseas Perspective
Comparison of Mound Tombs’ Construction between Wu & Yue Districts and Mahan
Lin yongzhen et.al (110)
●Remarks on Art in “Ten-bamboo Study”
Dongyi Cultural Factors in Shang Dynasty Art
Chu Xiaoqing(116)
A verification and Analysis about Two Finger Paintings: Plum and Eagle and Pine and Deer
Zhou yongliang (120)
●New Book Shelf
Illustrated Record of Chinese Emperors: to create a Visual Feast of Reading Materials of Imperial Culture
Wang Jian (125)
Some Opinions on Subject of Cultural Heritage Protection
Zheng Ziliang et.al (7)
【Abstract】Cultural heritage protection is a subject about specialized knowledge of cultural heritage protection, management, utilization and promotion. Its core contents include research and practice of protection technology, research of heritage protection management and law, and basic research directly related to cultural heritage itself. The subject possesses all the elements for an independent one. It not only conforms to practical demands of booming cultural heritage protection work, but also helps to establish its disciplinary position and attribution. And it will be able to catch on the rapid development of cultural heritage protection cause. The disciplinary framework should be built on the foundation of Liberal Arts and History, supported by Science and Engineering, and extended by Management.
【Key words】cultural heritage protection, subject, core, construction
Cultural Heritage and Museum Development should be in Keeping with Society and People’s Livehood: an Interview with Curator Gong Liang
Gong Liang et.al (12)
【Abstract】With cultural heritage and museum development stepping into a new period, cultural heritage conservation and museum construction have become the greatest concern. Gong Liang, Curator of Nanjing Museum, taking the practice of Nanjing Museum and Jiangsu Provincial Cultural Heritage Department as the cases, expresses his views as follows: Cultural heritage conservation can bring about social, economic and environmental benefits, thus can also develop productivity; Museum should strengthen public service to promote the construction of harmonious society; Archaeological excavation should combine the local civilization exploration and take the heritage conservation as the highest goal: Great Sites conservation should respect and benefit the people’s livelihood.
【Key words】cultural heritage conservation, people’s livelihood, museum, public service, archaeological excavation, Great Sites conservation, Gong Liang
Three Paradigms of Heritage from the Perspective of Anthropology
Gong Jian (19)
【Abstract】Since the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage adopted, Anthropology, as well as History and Management etc. has given much more attention to heritage research, which brings increasingly rich research results. However, heritage research from the perspective of Anthropology still remains vague and scattered state. Throughout the current research, there are three main paths: text interpretation, genealogy carding and empirical research. But none of them pays enough attention to the overall protection of the main part of culture. In view of this, heritage research should urgently pay great attention to the cultural consciousness of the local community in heritage movement in China, in order to devise a new idea for the harmonious development of the local community and heritage protection.
【Key words】heritage research, Anthropology, the local community
On the Key Value of Industrial Heritage and Its Protection Concept
Kou Huaiyun et.al(24)
【Abstract】As the survival of modern industrial culture, industrial heritage includes two aspects of value: use and witness (of arts, history, and technology), while the value of technology is the key value. Therefore, the essence of industrial heritage protection is to preserve the value of technology. The procedure of industrial heritage protection includes value evaluation, protection evaluation, protection mode and method. All of them should be carried out around “the value of technology”, otherwise we can hardly give a real protection to industrial heritage from intension to extension.
【Key words】industrial heritage, the value of technology, protection concept
Brief Report of Investigation and Excavation on Gecheng City Site in Jiangsu Danyang
Nanjing Museum et.al (30)
【Abstract】Gecheng site, located in the south of the Danyan city, Jiangsu province, is a big, well-kept, long-lasted city site of Wu State dating from the Western Zhou to the Spring and Autumn period which was almost as long as the existing time of Wu State. So the relics were fruitful, the wall sites, the city gates of three periods as well as relative ditches were excavated. Considering the location, the relics and the bronze cache and tombs in neighboring regions, the city site is supposed to be an important place in the process of the Wu’s political center moving from Zhenjiang Dantu to Taihu Lake plain, even might be one of the capitals of the early or middle Wu State.
【Key words】Wu Culture, Wu State, Gecheng city site
Brief Excavation Report of Shenhetou Site in Jiangsu Danyang
Nanjing Museum et.al (36)
【Abstract】Shenhetou site, located in the south of Danyang city of Jiangsu Province, was an altar site used from the Western Zhou to the Warring States period. Analyzed by former materials and findings, Shenhetou Site was supposed to be an altar related with Gecheng city site of Wu State in a long period, which was also of great significance for the research of the ritual system of Wu State.
【Key words】Wu State, Wu Culture, altar, Shenhetou
Brief Report of Dadun and Biandun Mound Tombs in Xuejia Village of Jiangsu Dantu
Zhejiang Museum (42)
【Abstract】In 2008, Zhejiang Museum excavated two mound tombs Dadun and Biandun at Xuejia Village, Xinfeng Town, Dantu, Zhenjiang. The Dadun contained two tombs, M1 and M2. They all had an earthen pit with a slope Mudao. The pit was built on the artificially leveled land with the materials of wood and bamboo. A number of funerary objects such as proto-porcelains, stamped hard potteries, crystal balls, turquoise pendants, bone-wares, and seashells were unearthed in M1, while nothing in M2. The Biandu contained one tomb with the same shape as M1 and M2 in Dadun, and there unearthed nothing either. Analyzed by the tomb shape and the unearthed relics, these tombs were supposed to formed in the late period of the Western Zhou.【Key words】Xuejia Village, mound tomb, the late Western Zhou
Analysis of Wu Cultural Relics in Shandong Area
Liu Yanchang et.al (51)
【Abstract】A number of Wu cultural relics, most of which were swords, spears, halberds, Ge-weapon of the later Spring and Autumn Period, have been discovered in the southeastern Shandong and the south part of mountain area in middle Shandong. They, in the light of literatures, could prove that there were much exchange and contacts between Wu and many ancient states in Shandong area. The interaction and fusion between Wu Culture and Qilu Culture promoted the formation of China’s outstanding traditional culture.
【Key words】Shandong area, weapons of Wu State, cultural exchange and interaction
On the Origin of Bronze Sword from Chu Tombs in the Late Spring and Autumn Period
Gao Zhi-xi (57)
【Abstract】The small number of bronze swords, unearthed from the tombs of the Chu State in the late period of Spring & Autumn in Xichuan of Henan, Jiangling & Dangyang of Hubei and Taojiang of Hunan,etc, can be classified into three types based on the hilt: flat hilted sword, hollow hilted sword and column hilted sword with double hoops. Analysis and researches show that the three have their own origin respectively flat hilted sword with two holes originated from the sword of the Zhou Dynasty while that with single hole from the Yue Ethnic Groups; hollow hilted sword and column hilted sword with two hoops stemmed form the sword of Wu & Yue States located in today’s Jiangsu and Zhejiang districts.
【Key words】sword of the Chu State in the late Spring & Autumn period, origin, sword of the Zhou Dynasty, bronze sword of Wu & Yue States
On the Goudiao
Liu Baoshan (61)
【Abstract】“Goudiao” is commonly unearthed and richly inherited as music instruments in the area of Wu &Yue States. Form the distribution and development pattern, “Goudiao” belonged to Wu State in the early period, and represented its musical culture.
【Key words】noble tombs of Hongshan site, Wu State Music, Goudiao
Newly Collected Bronze Zhen and Hemispherical Porcelain’s Function
Liu Kan et.al (66)
【Abstract】As the definite function has not been clearly understood, the hemispherical porcelain often unearthed in tombs of Yue has been titled many different names such as weight, weight-shaped porcelain, bell, hung bell, bell-shaped porcelain, Zhen (mat weight), hemispherical porcelain, and so on. Recently, 2 pieces of hemispherical bronze have been collected by Shaoxing Museum, and as persuasive evidence they will help to determine the function of the hemispherical porcelain. Just like the hemispherical bronze, the hemispherical porcelain also should be some kind of Zhen (mat weight) which was used to flat the mat.
【Key words】hemispherical porcelain, function, bronze Zhen (mat weight)
Jades of Yuehe No.1 Tomb and Cultural Exchanges in Eastern Zhou
Shi Rongchuan (71)
【Abstract】During the Spring & Autumn period, Yang State, located in Henan Tongbo where various culture exchanged, coexisted and integrated, became the communication center between north and south and the parasitic body of strong cultures. The jades unearthed from Yuehe No.1 tomb showed diversified styles which contained many cultural factors, especially Chu, Wu, Yue and Dongyi.
【Key words】Yuehe No.1 tomb, Eastern Zhou Dynasty, cultural exchanges
Interpretation of “Bei Fa” in Eastern Zhou from the Vision of Archaeology
Wang Fang (78)
【Abstract】The vocabulary “Bei Fa” first appeared in literature before the Qin Dynasty, which was described as the main hairstyle in Wu & Yue and Rong & Di area. Archaeological findings and researches have showed that “Bei Fa” is not a single kind of hairstyle in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty but a hairstyle system including “Jian Fa”, “ Fa Bian” and “Chui Ji”. Comparing with the central parts of China, “Bei Fa” not only showed the difference in style but also reflect indirectly the difference on cultural and social development between central and remote areas.
【Key words】Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Bei Fa, hairstyle system, Archaeology
Summary: the 2010 Annual Meeting of Regional Museum Committee of Chinese Society of Museum; Symposium on Regional Museums and Harmonious Society
The Editorial Department (84)
【Abstract】The 2010 Annual Meeting of Regional Museum Committee of Chinese Society of Museum & Symposium on Regional Museums and Harmonious Society was held from 13 to 15 May 2010. Nearly 100 experts from cultural heritage and museum circle made speeches and discussions on three issues:1. how to play museum’s due role in the construction of harmonious society;2. the mutual promotion between regional museum and local culture;3. the regional museum’s role in excavation and conservation for the local cultural resources and heritage. The participants put forward many constructive ideas and advice for museum’s creativity and cultural services. The symposium will promote museum to get overall, healthy and sustainable development in the construction of harmonious spciety.
【Key words】regional museum, harmonious society, symposium, summarize
On the Contribution and Sustainable Development of Admission-free Museums
Kong Zhengyi (88)
【Abstract】Opening for free to the public is an important approach to build a harmonious society. Its fundamental purpose is to enhance the quality of the people and inherit the historical culture. But it also brings some problems just as difference quality of the people and lacking of enthusiasm of the staff. Therefore, museums should take appropriate measures to solve them. Chinese museums can learn from the successful educational experience of overseas museums, reform the mode of education and operation to get good social and economic benefits.
【Key words】opening for free to the public, contribution, education
Building Brands, Serving Harmonious Society: a Case of Qingdao Municipal
Liu Yuanming (91)
【Abstract】In the process of building a harmonious society, museums can build their own brands in order to increase popularity and integrate the social development. To build brands, museums should locate accurately, improve the planning and emphasis on publicity, in order to maximize the function and get both of economic and social benefits.
【Key words】brand, harmonious society, Qingdao Municipal Museum
●Special Subject
On “Peng You” in the Zhou Dynasty Bronze Inscriptions
Kou ZHanmin (95)
【Abstract】The word “倗友(Peng You)” in the Zhou Dynasty bronze inscriptions, with quite different meaning from Peng You (friend) in modern Chinese, hasn’t got comprehensive and in-depth explanation of its original meaning. The phrase “Peng You (friend)” was written as “倗友” in the bronze inscriptions and the font reflected its primitive connotation. The textual research of this word can be helpful to discover the ancient social organization and reveal the true identity of “倗友” in the Shang and Zhou Dynasty society.
【Key words】bronze inscriptions, 倗友(Peng You), textual research
A note on Yong Yue of the Chu Bamboo Slips Collected by Shanghai Museum
Cheng Shaoxuan et.al (99)
【Abstract】The 4th and the 19th of the bamboo text Yongyue, which is in vol.6 of Bamboo Documents of the Warring States in the Collection of the Shanghai Museum should be arranged in the same section. Its key sentences are parallel. Perhaps the thought of this section originates from the Taoism.
【Key words】the bamboo text, Yongyue, Taoism
Supplementary Research on Fan Wu Liu Xing of the Chu Bamboo Slips Collected by Shanghai Museum
Wu Kejing (103)
【Abstract】Fan Wu Liu Xing recorded in the Chu Bamboo slips of Warring States collected by Shanghai Museum (Vol.ⅶ),is an important newly excavated literature which has a unique theme with thought of Taoism and Leagalism. “Ju” of “Yin Yang Zhi Ju” should pronounce “Chu” and explained as the place of position. The character interpreted as “Ci” by original research is actually “Zhou” and pronounced “Shou”. “Shou Yi” can be contrasted with some statements in “Shi Da Jing” of Ma Wang Dui Silk Books and other ancient literatures.
【Key words】Fan Wu Liu Xing,positions of Yin and Shang, supplementary explanation
A Revision of Wei Jia Ling by Goujian: the Collation and Probe of Yue State’s Historical Data
Wang Yanping (106)
【Abstract】Wei Jia Ling, one piece from Yue Jue Shu, was the war proclamation on Wu State declared by Goujian. It was also a precious ancient literature of Yue language. Though many scholars had ever punctuated and studied it, there is still some imperfection. Based on the existing research, it might be known that some notes were added during the spreading and resulted in the redundancy. By comparison of different editions, deleting the plus and punctuating, then this piece is improved.
【Key words】Wei Jia Ling, redundancy(added notes), collation
●Overseas Perspective
Comparison of Mound Tombs’ Construction between Wu & Yue Districts and Mahan
Lin yongzhen et.al (110)
【Abstract】Mound Tombs, a popular burial form in Mahan Culture, was featured by the main part in the mound on the ground rather than underground. Mound-tombs were discovered in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Chungcheong, Jeolla districts in Korea. In Wu & Yue districts in China, mound –tombs, which appeared in the late Shang Dynasty, had many similar characteristics with those in Korea. Though there are big gaps in their ages, some new findings can prove that there were extensive and further exchanges between Mahan and Wu & Yue districts. So we can’t preclude the relationship of affecting and being affected between them. We need make in-depth research on their further relationship in the future.
【Key words】Mahan, Wu & Yue districts, mound –tomb
●Remarks on Art in “Ten-bamboo Study”
Dongyi Cultural Factors in Shang Dynasty Art
Chu Xiaoqing(116)
【Abstract】Shang ever had close relationship with Dongyi clans which mainly distributed in the eastern region of ancient China. The artistic achievements of the Shang Dynasty were originated from the tradition which could be dated back to the prehistoric times, while quite a few of the Shang art styles from the traditional arts of Dongyi. Such inheritance was related with the clan attributes of Shang.
【Key words】Shang Dynasty art, Dongyi factors, animal mask pattern, birds image, earthen ware, jade ware
A verification and Analysis about Two Finger Paintings: Plum and Eagle and Pine and Deer
Zhou yongliang (120)
【Abstract】The earliest Chinese finger painting is the roll of flowers & herbs by Wu Wei in the second year of Kangxi reign. However, Liu Qikan’s Plum and Eagle in the Index of illustrate of Chinese Ancient Handwritings and Paints (Vil.4) and Ma Futu’s Pine and Deer in the Complete Works of Chinese Famous Painters: Gao Qipei were dated to the Shunzhi reign of the Qing Dyansty. Thus lots of queries and errors need verification and analysis.
【Key words】finger painting, Liu Qikan, Ma Futu, Plum and Eagle, Pine and Deer
●New Book Shelf
Illustrated Record of Chinese Emperors: to create a Visual Feast of Reading Materials of Imperial Culture
Wang Jian (125)
【Abstract】Illustrated Record of Chinese Emperors explains the history with both words and pictures. It is so comprehensive which includes Chinese emperors’ pedigrees and pictures in the past dynasties. This book not only creates a visual feast of imperial culture for readers, but also contains a new historical idea of philosophy for image interpretation and explanation of life history. At the same time it opens up a new noteworthy way for the planning and creativity of ancient history compilation of “Picture-Reading -Age” and imperial culture publishing.
【Key words】imperial culture, life history, image interpretation