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From: Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2006-09-06


Main Contents

Zhaoge-site Expliration Group of the Xia-Shang –Zhou Chronology Project,

1998 Archacological Survey of Late Shang Sites in Hebi City and Qi County……………(5

The Deparment of Archaeology of the Historical School in Zhengzhou University,

the Station for the Presetvation of the Antiquities Yiyang County,

   The Excavation of the Pottery Kilns Dated to the Han Dynasty at the Gantang

   Zhai Village of the Yiyang County,Henan procince………………………………………(12

Nanyang Municipal Instiute of Archaeology,

   The Excavation of the Tombs Dated to the Jin Dynasty,at the Eastem Suburban District

   of the City of Nanyang,Henan province……………………………………………………(17

Zhengzhou Municipal Institute of Archaeology et al.,

   The Excavation of the Tombs Dated to the Tang Dynasty at the Brick-firing Factory in

   the Old Urban District to the City of Gongyi,Henan Province……………………………(24

Hu Jinzhu and Xiao Xiaoyong

   A Study on Some Ptoblems Related to the Pre-Qin Burial Custom in China………………(30

Zhang Yingqiao,

   On the City Water Conservancy Works and Its Function in the Xia and Shang Dynasties41

Hui Chao

   The Development of the Divination by Tortoise Shell and Bones and the Characteristics

   of the Diviner,s Bones……………………………………………………………………(48

Wang Changfeng

The Date and the Calligrapher of Jingfangding (rectangular tera-ritual bronze ) and

Related Geographical and Histwrical Problems ………………………………………………(56

Wang Lifen

An Investigation into the Music Played by the Musical Insrmemts in the Han Dynasties ……(62

Wei Zheng ,

An Archaeological Exploration on the Funeral Rules in the Eastern Jin Dynasty ……………(66

Yuan Quan

A Study on the Tea – offering Activities Displayed by the Mural Paintins in the Tombs

Dated to the Liao Dynasty at Xuanhua ………………………………………………………(73

Fu Yingying

An Empirical Research on the Human Figures Pattern in Black against White Ground

Decorating the Porcelain Fired by Bacun Kiln in the Jin Dynasty ……………………………(85

Chen Chang

On the Logics and Princples Employed by the Archaeological Typology ……………………(88

Wang Xinxi,

A “Cipher ”Discovered a “Great Culture ”:A Critical Biography of Shi Xingeng ,Discoverer

Of the Liangzhu Culture ……………………………………………………………………(102

Liu Binhui

A New Archaeological Work Advancing the Study of the Chu Culture ; Revivw of the Book

Chu Tombs at Heshangling and Xujialing in Xichuan ……………………………………(110