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From: NetWriter:Date:2006-09-06



Zhengzhou Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology ,

The Excavation of Warring States Period Tombs at the Jiashijie Shopping Mall on Nanyang

Road in Zhengzhou City ……………………………………………………………………(3

Yunnan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology ,Chongqing Mumicipal

Administration for the Preservation of the Amtiquities at the Three Gorges ,

The Ezcavaton on the Site at Wulingzhongzui ,Wanzhou District in the City of Chongqing 33

Henan Provincial Institute fo Cultural Relics and Archaeology,

The Exeavation of Han Tomb 38 at Yangnling in Xichuan County , Henan …………………(47

Duan Tianjing

On the Periodizaton of the Tombs on the Jiahu Site ,Wuyang ………………………………(57

Li Feng

A Fresh Discussion on That Dashigu City Site in Zhingzhou is Bo Shang Tang Occupied

before  He Annihilated Xia ; Reading Li BoqiansRethinking the Zhengzhou Shang City ”(67

Wang Xiangchen,

Bronze Mirrors from Gucheng at Nanwucheng in Pingyi ,Shandong ………………………(73

Wang Zhenguo

A Study of Stone Sutras in Longmen Grottoes ………………………………………………(78

Wang Lele

On Types of Glazed Pottery fron Bohai State in the Tang Dynasty and Their

Related Problems ……………………………………………………………………………(88

Yang Yuzhang and Zhang Juzhong ,

On Fanchang Kilh ——Major Findings from the Excavation at Kejiachong Kiln Site in 2002 ……………………………………………………………………………………………(96

Zhang Xuehai ,

Resudy of the Settlement Group:Also on the Question Whether There Was the Chiefdom

Period in China ………………………………………………………………………………(102