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From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2006-12-19





Xinxiang Municipal Archaeological Team,

Excavation of Eastern Zhou Remains at Hougaozhuang in Xinxiang County ,Henan………(3

Kaifeng Municipal Archaeological Team and Weishi County Office for (lie Preservation

of Ancient Monuments,

Excavation of a Song Period Tomb at Zhangshi Town in Weishi County, Henan…………(13

Du Shuisheng,

On the Date of the Middle Paleolithic Culture in North China……………………………(19

Jin Guiyun , Wang Wei, M. Wagner and P. E. Tarasov

Pollen Analysis of the Knyue Culture She at Fengtai of Huzhu in Qinghai and a Study

of the Human Activities Reflected from the Site  …………………………………………(24

Guo lixin,

On Late Neolithic Livelihood Economy and Population Pressure in the Middle Yangtze

River Valley  ………………………………………………………………………………(33

Sun Lin and Gao Menghe,

Geographical scenery in the Majiabang Culture Area………………………………………(40

Luan Pengshi,

Eastern Cultural on the erlitou Site …………………………………………………(46

Zhang Changping.

Cultural Relations of the Central Plains with the Middle Yangtze River Valley in the Xia

- Shang Period …………………………………………………………………………(54

Zhang Cuimin,

A Study of Settlement- sites of the Dazuizi IIIl Culture   ………………………………(61

Hu Hongqiong,                                        

On Yinxu Tombs with Pottery Ritual objects in Imitation of Bronze………………(74

Li Quanli,

A Study of the Western - Eastern Zhou Bronzes Unearthed from Zhoukou City, Henan……(81

Sun hangfeng arid Xu Zhaofeng,

The Turtledove, Turtledove Stick and Turtledove Carriage……………………………(85

Li Huaishun, Wei Wenbin and Zheng Guomu,

On the Images of “Fu Xi and Nv Wa” in Maijishan Grottoes………………………(89

Guo Jianfthe,

Two Image Steles of the Northern Qi Period in the Collection of the Jiaozuo Municipal

Muserm  ……………………………………………………………………………………(98

He Yunao

Ming Period Epitaph of lie Imperial Academy Student Zhan Jun Unearthed from

Nanjing ………………………………………………………………………………………(103


[ Japan ] Miyarnoto Kazuo,

Regionalism and Cultural Exchanges of Social Groups in the Light of Interlocking Zones

(translated by Zhang Guoshuo)  ……………………………………………………………(106