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From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2007-06-22
Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,  
Excavation of Xia ,Shang and Zhou Cultural Remains on the Xigaoping Site in Anyang City……(3)
Yuan Junjie
Nature of the Historical Record on the "Zuo Ce Ban 作册般" Inscribed Bronze Yuan 
Soft - thelled Turtle ………………………………………………… (39)
Li Yujie,
Institution of Ritual Objects Combination in Ancient China ……………………………… (45)
Huang Fucheng,
A Study into Carriage Making Technology in  pre-Qin China : On the Balance of Gravity
WU Haigui, 
Mausoleums of Marquises in the Nanyue and Dongyue Kingdoms ………………………… (61)
Zhao ping' an,
How to Read the Coin Legend“ Da Bu Huang Qian 大布黄千”and what Does It Mean;
A Study of an Unsettled Question in the History of Academic Researches………………(67)
Wu Xiaoping and Yang Jindong,
On the Bronze ou Capacity - measure……………………………………………………(70)
Zhang Naizhu and Li Suisen,
A Brief Study of the Epitaph of Li Xianzhong ,Yunhui General of the Tang Period ……(74)
Du Xuan and Li Mingjun
Stele with Image of Sun Bi"and the Tang Stone and Song Engraving…………(76)
Zhao Deyun,
On the Origin of the Thumb -ring- handled Cup of the Tang Period…………………… (78)
Chen Jie,
On the Cizhou —ware Elements in the Porcelain Handicraft of the Shandong Region in the
Song-Yuan Period ……………………………………………………………………(87)
Chen Longwen,
A New Decipherment of the Legend “ ” on the Obverse of Yibi Coins of the Chu State………………………………………………………………………………………… (93)
Xu Chengtai                 .                        '            
Some Ideas on Field Archaeological Drawing ……………………………………………… (99)
Archaeological Excavation Methods and Techniques in Current France ………………(105)
Chief Edition: Sun Xinmin                                                 
Director of the Editorial Department: Fang Yanming             
Edior: Xin Ge  Li Suting