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From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2007-11-21


Contents and abstracts
Zhu Hengfu,
Research on the Paleolithic Site at Maojiawa in Danjiangkou City, Hubei    (3)
Abstract】Paleolithic remains are rich in Maojiawa and surrounding areas in Danjiangkou city, Hubei province. Being discovered in 1980s, the Maojiawa site has yielded several hundred stone artifacts consisting of cores, flakes, scrapers, choppers and points, all made of flint with most scrapers in the tool kit.
Key words】Danjiangkou city;  Maojiawa site;  late Paleolithic
Henna Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Pingdingshang Municipal Bureau for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments,
Excavation of Tomb 8 in the Ying State Graveyard in Pingdingshan, Henan    (20)
Abstract】This paper publicizes the excavation data of Tomb 8 at the Ying State cemetery and studies correlative issues. The occupant of the tomb was a King of the Ying State. The buried date was the early phase of the early Spring and Autumn Period. The inscription on the Yinggong ding tripod indicates that the temple title of King Wen in the Zhou Dynasty was “Ding”, revealing the historical fact that Zhou King of surname Ji used temple title after their death during the late Shang and early Zhou period. This fills in the gap of historical record. Moreover, bronze vessels and jade objects recovered from the tomb provide important materials in investigating the burial system and the system of using ding tripod for elites in the cross period of the Western and Eastern Zhou.
Key words】Tomb;  King;  Yinggong ding tripod;  temple title
Xuzhou Museum,
Hongshan Pictorial-stone Tomb of the Han Period at Yizhuang in Tongshan County, Jiangsu    (50)
Abstract】In March 1999, Xuzhou Municipal Museum excavated a burial with stone relieves at Hongshan village, Yizhuang township, Tongshan county in Jiangsu province. The tomb, consisting of a passage, a front chamber and a rear chamber, was left with only one urine pot and three relieves after being looted. The tomb was dated to late Eastern Han.
Key words】Tongshan county;  Yinzhuang township;  burial with stone relieves;  urine pot
Ma Xiaolin,
Age Composition of the Domestic Pigs of the Xipo Site in Lingbao and Related Problems    (55)
Abstract】This paper is concerned with animal husbandry strategies based on age profiles of pigs from a large middle Yangshao site at Xipo in Lingbao, Henan province. The age structures for pigs show a wide range of age distribution, suggestion that a self-sufficient subsistence economy may have taken lace at the site. It is likely that specialized animal production, distribution and consumption did not occur in such an emergent complex society. It seems reasonable to suggest that changes in animal husbandry from self-sufficiency towards more specialized production tool place in central China in more complex societies.
Key words】Xipo site in Lingbao;  domestic pigs;  age profile
Gu Fang,
Research on the Source of Some Material of Liangzhu Jades    (75)
Abstract】This paper argues that some jade objects from Liangzhu culture might have been from Xiuyan nephrite in Liaodong Peninsula, northeast China. It further points out that the jade route may begin from the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula, through Bohai Bay to Jiaodong Peninsula and then from Shandong to northern Jiangsu, the distribution of the Liangzhu culture.
Key words】Liangzhu jade;  Liaodong Peninsula;  jade material;  transmission
Zheng Jianming,
A Study of the Origin and Function of the Prehistoric Jade Bi Disc    (80)
Abstract】The jade bi of prehistory is mainly found in the North-east of China and around the Tai Lake. They origined from by imitating the sun, in the beginning it’s small, and become bigger during the Hongshan and Liangzhu culture. It was put around the occupant of the tomb, especially under or above the abdomen, make the soul of the occupant of the tomb get into the paradise, by using the great power of the sun.
Key words】prehistory;  small jade bi;  Liangzhu culture;  Hongshan culture
Wang Qing and Li Huizhu,
A Preliminary Study of Five Copper-inlaid Plaques in Collections of Foreign Countries    (88)
Abstract】The present paper is to analysis 5 pieces bronze turquoise-inlaid plaques, their stages and chronology. Based on the author’s view, these plaques belong to the Erlitou Culture period, they were mostly unearthed and resold abroad before 1950’, and be introduced to Chinese scholars in 1990’, but only stopped on their characters description. During his visiting UK in 2002, the author collected their graphs and figures. They are precious new materials to the research of the origin and early development of Chinese civilization.
Key words】bronze turquoise-inlaid plaque;  overseas collection;  Erlitou Culture
Gao Xiangping,
On the Formal Evolution of the Bronze Bow-shaped Object of the Shang-Zhou Period    (94)
Abstract】This paper makes a typological study of the bronze bow-shaped tools of the Shang and Zhou dynasty, and discusses their evolution and distribution.
Key words】Shang and Zhou;  bow-shaped tools;  evolution of the shapes
Chen Xuexiang,
A Preliminary Study of the Settlement Pattern of the Shang Culture in the Shandong Region    (102)
Abstract】The eastward expansion of the Shang culture in Shandong area had undergone four phases according to the change of settlement patterns. There was only one site in the early Shang period. The Shang culture sites expanded dramatically and formed some distinct settlement groups in the middle Shang period. In the early time of the late Shang period followed a stable number of sites, but the distribution pattern was different. At last, the climax came with more high standard sites at the end of late Shang period. The background of the process was discussed with the aid of historical documents here.
Key words】Shandong area;  Shang culture;  Settlement pattern;  Progress
Liu Xinglin,
On the Origin of the Well and Canal Constructing Technique    (114)
Abstract】Well-ditch, a kind of irrigation ditch underground, was a great invention in the ancient China and known as Karez. It was early recorded in Records of the History called as Longshou ditch digged in the West-Han Dynasty and revealed through investigation now in Shanxi Province, southwest China. Before the Han Dynasty, there was a ditch similar to Longshou ditch, which was found recently in the funerary park of Qin Shi Huang, First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty. On basis of the ancient documents and findings about earlier mine-well, we find that the ability and activities relating to the Well-ditch occurred before the Spring-Autumn Period. The technique was put to use in many other purpose, such as cutting tunnels later.
Key words】Well-ditch;  well;  Qin Dynasty;  the Spring-Autumn and the Warring States Period
Shen Rong,
A Study of Wu and Yue Bronze Spearheads    (120)
Abstract】Based on the typological analysis of the bronze spears which belonged to the Wu and the Yue States, this paper argues that all spears may have been technically divided into five levels in hierarchy and may represent five periods in development.
Key words】Wu and Yue;  bronze spear;  regional characteristics
Chen Yuanfu,
A Discussion on the Tomb with Multiple Burials under a Mound    (131)
Abstract】Scholars has generally come to an agreement on the burial nature, cultural meaning, cultural quality and age of mound tombs, which are regarded as the main remains of Wu-Yue culture. However, whether or not the issues of multi-tomb in one mound existed has not been consistent yet. This paper argues that the phenomenon of multi-tomb in one mound certainly occurred based on the analysis of archaeological data from Nangangshan, Lianshan and so on.
Key words】Wu-Yue culture;  mound tomb;  multi-tomb in one mound;  discussion
Deng Can,
Historical Source on Feng Daxue, the Donor of the Dazu Duobao Pagoda, as Feng Ji    (140)
Abstract】Two statues and six inscriptions from the Duobao Pagoda in the Dazu Beishan grottos have been related with Feng Daxue or Mr. Feng. This article argues that Feng Daxue or Mr. Feng must have been Mr. Feng Ji, an officer of the Southern Song dynasty in Shaoxing.
Key words】Dazu stone inscriptions;  Duobao Pagoda inscriptions;  Feng Daxue;  Feng Ji of the Song dynasty
Zhu Shunlong and Zhang Jun,
A Study of the Component Elements and Distinctive Features of Porcelain in the Three Gorges Area    (143)
Abstract】Based on the findings from Maliutuo site in the Three Gorges area in 2001 by Fudan University, supplemented by the burial materials from the same area, this paper discussion the origins, development and characteristics of the porcelains of the Three Gorges area.
Key words】the Three Gorges;  Maliutuo;  porcelains;  composition