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From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-10-24
Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (HPICRA),
Archaeological Discovery and Study of the “Xuchang Man” Site at Lingjing in Xuchang, Henan   (3)
【Abstract】This paper briefly introduces a series of archaeological discoveries at the Lingjing “Xuchang Man” Site in Xuchang, Henan from 2005 to 2008. It mainly summarizes and discusses some related questions such as the origins of modern humans, stone artifacts, selection and adaptation of humans to environment in the late Ice Age, and emphases in the future research.
【Key words】Lingjing,  “Xuchang Man” site,  Palaeolithic Age,  Archaeology
Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (HPICRA),
A Summary of the Archaeological Discoveries on the Site at the Lord Guan Temple in Xingyang, Henan   (8)
【Abstract】In order to cooperate the construction of the Middle – line Project of Water Diversion from South to North, Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology conducted a large – scale excavation at the Guandimiao site in Xingyang, Henan from July of 2006 to August of 2008. A variety of cultural remains from Yangshao to Qing periods were exposed, while the late Shang remains dominate the assemblage. The excavation revealed a functionally complete late Shang settlement with an elaborate layout. The discovery of the complete late Shang settlement and the large – scale excavation is of importance for understanding the layout and function of the site, and investigating the late Shang settlement patterns and societies.
【Key words】Guandimiao Site,  excavation,  late Shang Dynasty,  settlement
Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (HPICRA),
A Summary of the Archaeological Discoveries of the Han Prince Mausoleum at Huzhuang in Xinzheng, Henan   (14)
【Abstract】The cemetery at Huzhuang in Xinzheng is one of the salvage archaeological programs along the Middle – line Project of Water Diversion from South to North. Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology excavated 1.2 ha from October of 2006 to April of 2009, and revealed 35 tombs of the Spring and Autumn Period, 276 tombs of the State Warring Period, and 2 mausoleums of the Han State in the States Warring period. The excavation fills in a number of gaps about the mausoleum archaeology of the Han State. This paper introduce the major findings in the excavation.
【Key words】Xinzheng,  Huzhuang,  mausoleums of the Han State,  discovery,  summary
Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (HPICRA),
Results of the Archaeological Excavation in the Gu’an Cemetery in Anyang, Henan   (19)
【Abstract】In order to cooperate the construction to the Middle – line Project of Water Diversion from South to North, Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology excavated the cemetery at Gu’an in Anyang, and revealed more than 300 tombs, of which some unearthed bricks with numbering the years provide important materials for investigating the burial custom and system in the late Northern Dynasty.
【Key words】Anyang,  Gu’an,  Northern Dynasty,  cemetery,  excavation
Archaeology Department, History College, Zhengzhou University, et al.,
Excavation of Tomb Laodaojing – 101 of the Ming Period in Xinxiang City, Henan   (24)
【Abstract】In order to cooperate with the construction of the Middle – line Project of Water Diversion from South to North, Archaeology Department of History School at Zhengzhou University excavated the Laodaojing cemetery in Fengquan district, Xinxiang City from May to October of 2006, and revealed one tomb of the Ming Dynasty. It provides new materials for investigating the funeral system in the Ming Dynasty.
【Key words】Xinxiang city,  Laodaojing cemetery,  tomb of the Ming Dynasty,  excavation
Cheng Xiaozhong,
A Study of Problems related to the Archaeology of Dadiwan   (28)
【Abstract】The Dadiwan site is a large Neolithic settlement in China. The discovery at the site is of significance to investigate the emergence and development of Neolithic cultures in the Yellow River Valley, as well as the origins of Chinese civilization. The discussion of this paper focuses on the chronology, related issues about period I culture, buildings, artifacts and paintings on the floor of F411.
【Key words】Daliwan site,  related issues, archaeological study
He Deliang,
A Study of the Dawenkou Culture Remains at Xigongqiao    (37)
【Abstract】The excavation at the Xigongqiao site in Tengzhou city, Shandong uncovered some Dawenkou cultural remains, which provide the important data for investigating the nature, burial custom, and socioeconomic pattern of the Dawenkou culture in the Zaozhuang and Tengzhou region. This paper based on the archaeological material discusses the related questions.
【Key words】Xigongqiao site,  Dawenkou cultural remains,   related questions,  discussion
Lu Jianying,
A Study of the Jades from the Huating Cemetery   (48)
【Abstract】The Huating site of Neolithic tombs lies in the cross area of the northern and southern cultures and its cultural factors that all kinds of unearthed relics reflect are very complex and they inosculate the characters of the northern and southern cultures like the Dawenkou culture, the Liangzhu culture and so on. The article mainly makes use of the archaeological typology and analytical method of cultural factors to superficially analyze the data of unearthed jade objects and discuss the quality of the tombs at the Huating site.
【Key words】Jade objects,  Cultural factors,  the Dawenkou culture,  the Liangzhu culture
Yin Xiaqing and Yin Shengping,
On the Occupant of the Large – sized Western Zhou Tomb at Taiqinggong in Luyi   (59)
【Abstract】The decease Changzikou should be Weiziqi, the first monarch of the Song State in the Western Zhou Dynasty. The lines of evidence are: 1) the tomb unearthed two rectangular bronze Ding with the clan badge of “Xizisun” inscription, but “Xizisun” was originally the clan badge of Zuyi, Wuding’s eldest son who was arranged in Weidi; 2) Weiziqi was first arranged Wei in the end of the Shang Dynasty, and thus called Weizi in the historic document. In the beginning of Western Zhou, Weiziqi was named as Changhou, and therefore he was also called Changzi. He was transferred to Song after Zhou Gong fought eastward. “Kou” and “Qi” may have been the same name and word, so Changzikou should be Weiziqi.
【Key words】Western Zhou,  Weiziqi,  Xizisun,  decease,  Taiqinggong in Luyi
Tian Ping,
On the Art of Han Period Pictorial Works in the Region South of the Five Ridges   (64)
【Abstract】The Han Dynasty archaeology has often been new discoveries in Lingnan region in recent years, and there is no lack of data about the figure theme. This paper attempts to discuss the characteristics and research achievements of Han figure art involved in frescos, brick decorations and utensil patterns in Lingnan Region.
【Key words】the Region South of the Five Ridges,  Han Dynasty,  fresco,  brick decoration,  utensil pattern
Fu Shanquan,
A Summary of Stone Carvings in Xinxiang, Henan   (69)
【Abstract】This article summarizes and discusses numerous stone inscriptions that have been found and remained in the area of previous Pingyuan province since 1950s. The area includes current south Hebei, west Shandong, southeast Shanxi and north Henan, and the time periods range from Wei – Jin to Ming – Qing. These stone inscriptions include statues, steles, epitaphs, and rubbings of stone sarcophagus inscriptions. This study reveals the value of stone inscriptions collected in Xinxiang, and provides the information for investigating the local history in north Henan.
【Key words】Xinxiang,  Pingyuan province,  stone inscription,  summary,  research
Fang Xiaolian,
On the Tongji Canal of the Sui Period and the Layout of Luoyang, the Then Eastern Capital   (77)
【Abstract】The article argues that the eastern capital of Tang, Luoyang city, began to build in the first year of Suiyangdi’s Daye and its scale and layout did not markedly change. when Yuwen Kai designed and constructed Luoyang city, the Gu and Luo Rivers were introduced from Jicui pool at Xiyuan through Huangdao trench in front of the imperial city to Tongji trench. Due to the rise of the Gu and Luo Rivers later, the original layout of channel in front of the imperial city was altered. It was subsequently by a joint name as the Luo River.
【Key words】Eastern capital of Sui,  imperial city,  Jicui Pool,  Huangdao trench,  Tongji trench
Li Sen,
A Decipherment of Two Sui Period Epitaphs Unearthed from Qingzhou   (86)
【Abstract】The ZhuShenda and Pen epitaphs of the Sui Dynasty unearthed from Qingzhou not only have important historical value, but also reflect the temporal high level of handwriting art. They need to be paid attention among academia.
【Key words】Sui Dynasty,  Qingzhou,  Zhushenda,  Pen,  epitaph
Hu Wei,
A Study of the Decorative Art of Ceramics and Porcelain of Jizhou Ware   (90)
【Abstract】The porcelain from Jizhou kiln was influenced by the temporal aesthetic interest and civilian art. Its underglaze colored drawing art came down in one continuous line along the painting art in the Song Dynasty. Jizhou kiln achieved remarkable status in Chinese ceramic history with its advanced black flambé technique and unique applied paper – cut designs and wooden leaf appliqué design.
【Key words】Jizhou kiln,  porcelain,  decoration art
Chen Yingjie,
A Study of the Initial Words “器主曰” of Zhou Period Bronze Inscriptions   (92)
【Abstract】This paper analyses various types of beginning inscriptions about “speaking of vessel master” (qi zhu yue) on bronze vessels from the Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou. It argues that this kind of inscription on bronze vessels was a common writing format in the course of vessel masters inheriting the bank of nobility and sacrificing ancestral temples in the late Western Zhou. The paper further discusses the origin, formation, development and disappearance of the format, and revises the point of view that Qiang dish and Qiu dish are pedigrees.
【Key words】Inscriptions on bronze vessels from the Western and Eastern Zhou Dynasties,  speaking of vessel master,  inscription on bronze vessel
Chen Weixing,
“内礼” or “大礼”?: A Decipherment of the Title of the Chapter “内礼” in the <上博楚竹书(四)>   (103)
【Abstract】There is an article that named “Neili” in Shangbo Chuzhushu (four). It is nothing about “Neili” in Chinese ancient books and records, and the word “Neili” is paradoxical to Chinese ancient books and records. No one knows the meaning of “Neili”. It should be “Dali” probably from the point of etymology. The title of “Dali” just matches the article’s contents. In Chinese ancient books and records, there was an article named “Dali”. Therefore, the title of the article in Shangbo Chuzhushu (four) should be “Dali”.
【Key words】”Neili”,  title,  “Dali”
Zhao Liwei,
A Comprehensive Survey of Paleographical Studies of the Unearthed Qin Period Documents   (108)
【Abstract】Qin exercised policy of writing the same characters after it unified China in 221 B.C. It provided that the characters of Qin as the only kind of characters that could be used at that time. The policy determined the development of characters of the next 2000 years, and it also established the special position of Qin characters in the development history of Chinese characters. This paper is the summaries of the studies on unearthed Qin ancient writings.
【Key words】Unearthed ancient writings,  the characters of Qin,  the summaries of study
Teng Mingyu,
Preliminary Application of the CIS Method in Archaeological Studies of the Environment in Aohan Banner, Inner Mongolia and Research on This Method   (120)
【Abstract】This paper applying GIS quantitatively examines the relationship between pre – Han archaeological cultures and physiongnomy, soil, and the factors of geographical environment. It also discusses the relationship between different archaeological cultures and various environmental factors.
【Key words】GIS,  Chiefeng region,  environmental archaeology,  quantitative analysis
Prudence M. Rice,
(Translated by Xu Zhiyong and revised by Zeng Zeng)
Specialization, Standardization and Diversification: A Review and Survey of Studies of Pottery   (135)
Chen Hongbo,
A History of Written Messages: A Review of the Book <传薪有斯人>   (145)
【Abstract】Prometheus in Chinese Archaeology is a volume of the correspondences between K.C. Chang and Li Chi, Ling Shun – sheng, Kao Chu – hsum, Xia Nai. It includes 192 letters (about 230,000 words) from 1950s to 1980s. Most of them are published firstly and the data are very valuable for the history of Chinese Archaeology. From these correspondences, we can know more about Mr. Chang’s experiences from a student to a famous scholar, how Chinese Archaeology walked up to the world difficultly and the early Chinese archaeologist s’ great spirits.
【Key words】Kwang – Chih Chang,  Correspondences,  History of Archaeology