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From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2010-10-19
Henan provincial Institute of Cultural relics and Archaeology
2006 Excavation on the Duzhong Site in Mianchi County, Henan (3)
Key words:Mianchi;Duzhong site;pit;late Yangshao period
Abstract:In order to cooperate the construction of the special railway line for passenger transport from Xi’an to Zhengzhou,Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology excavated Duzhong Site in Mianchi country from July to October in 2006,and revealed 1 04 pits,2 tombs and 1 trench.Except tombs and trench,all the remains of pits can be dated to the Neolithic Age,which are the major achievements of the excavation.
Preservation of Ancient Monuments
Excavation of the Second Courtyard of the Han period Settlement – site at Sanyangzhuang in Neihuang County, Henan (19)
Key words:  Sanyangzhuang;Han Dynasty; settlement site; courtyard
Abstract:More than ten courtyards have been found at the Han Dynastical site of Sanyangzhuang in Neihuang county,Henan province,and four courtyards were revealed.The second courtyard faces south,being comprised of an empty space in the front of the yard,a well,weaving remains,south gate,western gatehouse,eastern wing-room,western wing-room,main house,a lavatory behind the yard,and a pond in the west of the yard.To the east,north and west of the courtyard,ribbing fields were found.This is a well preserved and layout-complicated courtyard for common residents between the Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties.
Nanyang municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
Pictorial – stone Tomb at Yangtai Sub –district in Nanyang City, Henan(32)
Key words:Nanyang city;late Western Han;stone relief tomb
Abstract:Nanyang Municipl Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology excavated 281 tombs at Yongtai garden in Nanyang city in 2000.Of these tombs,M 194 is a brick and stone chambered tomb with 4 relieves and unearthed 1 7 8 funeral objects. Its structure and funeral objects represent the characteristic of late western Han.This tomb is a well-preserved stone relief tomb in Nanyang and proovides new data for investigating the form of stone relief tombs in Nanyang region.
Zhang Zhiqing and Liang Fawei
Summary of the “Symposium of the Archaeological Discoveries and Studies in the Middle Line Project of Shifting Southern Water to the North” (44)
Key words:Zhengzhou;2009;Symposium for the archaeological discovery and research of the Middle-line of Water Diversion Project from South to North;summary
Abstract:The Symposium for the archaeological discovery and research of the Middle-line of Water Diversion Project from South to North,sponsored by State Administration of Cultural Heritage and Society of Chinese Archaeology,hosted by Henan Administration of Cultural Heritage and Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,was held in Zhengzhou in November 2009.During the meeting,delegates discuss many issues focusing on the new discoveries and their related academic topics,archaeological programs and multidisciplinary research.This paper summarizes the major issues and academic achievements in the meeting.
Jin Song’an
On the Yangshao Cultural Remains of Gouwan Site in Xichuan (49)
Key words:  Gouwan site;Yangshao cultural remains;periodization and age;analysis 0f settlement pattems
Abstract:This paper discusses the Yangshao CUltural remains from the Gouwan site in Xichuan county,Henan province.Based on stratigraphy,and composition of unearthed artifacts,the remains can be divided into four periods,respectively corresponding to the ages of ate phase of Zaoyuan type,Hougang type,Miaodigou type and early phase of Dahecun type.They basically cover the whole Yangshao period from the late phase of early period to the early phase of late period.The site is a well preserved settlement with one big moat and one small moat around its periphery.The discovery fills in a gap for the prehistoric settlement archaeology in the middle Han River valley.
Yu Xiyun and Zhao Xinping
A study in Settlement Archaeology of Maling Site in Xichuan, Henan (55)
Key words:Maling site;settlement archaeology;opening excavation;deduction
Abstract:Through the excavation at the Maling site in Xichuan,Henan province,the authors discusses the methods to conducting settlement archaeology at complicated soft sites,including the characteristics of opening excavation and recording data,how to ascertain features,feature groups and settlement surface,as well as the importance of deductive thinking mode to settlement archaeology.
Wang Qing
Multidisciplinary Study if the Longshan Culture City – site at Xijincheng in Bo’au county, Henan: also on Field Archaeologists’ role in the New Situation (60)
Key words:Xijincheng site;Longshan culture;walled site;multidiscipline;environmental archaeology
Abstract:The Research Certer for Oriental Archaeology at Shandong University excavated the Xijincheng site in Boai county,Henan province from 2006 to 2008,and found a walled site of the Longshan culture.The major purpose of the excavation is to reconstruct the relationship between humans and their environment with multidisciplinary attempts.It is of importance for investigating the relationship between humans and their environment during the  original period of civilization in the Central Plains from multidisciplinary perspectives such as palaeophysiognomy, palaeoclimate, bioarchaeology, zooarchaeology, settlemental archaeology and so on.
Analysis of the Results of the 2006-2007 Flotation for the Xijincheng in Bo’ ai County (67)
Key words:Xij incheng site;flotation results;ancient agriculture
Abstract:Flotation results from the 2006-2007 excavation of Xijincheng site revealed a complex crop assemblage of Longshan period,Han and Tang-Song periods.There were millets,rice,wheat,barley,soybean and other beans.The results supply important information about the change of crop assemblages at the site in different periods,and the storage,processing,and consumption of different crops.
Wang Liangzhi
On the Collection Season of Round River Snails Unearthed from the Xijincheng in Bo’ai County, Henan (77)
Key words:Xijincheng site;  Cipangopaludina;  seasonal analysis
Abstract:There are many methods to seasonal dating analysis.Demography is used in this article to study the seasonal dating of Cipangopaludina in Xijincheng site,Henan province.The result indicates that the collecting season of Cipangopaludina in this site is late spring through a mass of measurements and statistic analyses.The statistical analysis also shows that there may have been“exploitation pressure”on the Cipangopaludina with over 30mm size.
Zhao Xinping
Burial Custom and Institution of the Xiaqiyuan Culture Cemetery at Liuzhuang in Hebi City, Henan (85)
Key words:Liuzhuang site;Xiaqiyuan culture;cemetery;burial rite and system
Abstract:Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology conducted four times of excavations at the Liuzhuang site in Hebi from 2005 to 2007,and found lots of cultural remains of the Dasikong type of Yangshao culture and a Xiaqiyuan cultural cemetery.The cemetery was generally uncovered and 338 tombs were revealed.This paper discusses the burial rite and system from the aspects of cemetery location,burial layout,burial form and structure,burial style and utensil,composition of funeral objects,and special burial rite,in an attempt to deepen the research on the Xiaqiyuan culture in the Central Plains.
Wang Chuanming, Zhao Xinping and Jin Guiyin
Analysis of the Results of the Floatation for the Liuzhuang Site in Hebi, Henan (90)
Key words:Liuzhuang site;Dasikong type;flotation;dry agriculture
Abstract:Abundant floral remains were collected from the deposits of the Dasikong type of Yangshao culture at Liuzhuang site in Hebi,including foxtail millet,broomcorn millet,wild soybean,leguminosae,and so on.These materials provide important data for understanding the subsistence economy at the site.The result of quantifying analysis indicates that foxtail millet is the major crop at Liuzhuang site and functional partitions may have been occurred at the site.
Sun Lei and Wu Zhijiang
A Study of the Late Yangshao Culture Human Bones from the Duzhong Site in Mianchi County, Henan (100)
100Key word:Late Yangshao culture;buried in pit;South Asiatic Mongoloids
Abstract:In this article,fifteen human skeletal samples unearthed from late Yangshao culture pits at the Duzhong site in Mianchi county,Henan province,were studied.The morphological features of Duzhong group crania show that the racial type is closely related to the population in south China,and some physical characteristics of these skulls are closer to the Yuchisi group and modem south China group.The statures of the 15 human skeletal samples from this site have been estimated.The average stature of men is 165.00cm.and for women is 154.33cm.
Yang Jie
On the Early Bronze Culture in the Guangdong Region(110)
Key words:Guangdong;early--age;Bronze Culture
Abstract:“The Bronze Culture at Early—age of Guangdong’’refers to the archaeological remains existing contemporarily with the early period of transformation from Shang Dynasty to Xizhou Dynasty.At the time of Xia and Shang dynasties.there had been a dramatic qualitative change in the local Neolithic culture development.The central China Bronze culture in the north began to reveal in the Lingnan area.The early Bronze culture of Guangdong is divided into four types:the East,the North,the Central and the West.Among the four categories,the East Bronze culture is the most independent,and bears the most significant differences from the other three.The culture relationships among the other three had been very close.The Central culture had functioned as a core. The rest two assimilated in culture appearances,but each had been influenced to different levels by other cultures,and had different influencing sources.
Sun Zhouyong
On the Statute of the Handicraftsman “Baigong 百工” in the Western Zhou Period : An Archaeological Study round the Tombs at the Qijia Culture Pen- annular Jade Rings Workshop on the Zhouyang Site(118)
Key words:  Western Zhou Dynasty;  Zhouyuan site;  craftsmen 60趣弘,辔;  social status;  stratifed
Abstract:  This paper integrates the archaeological analysis with historical studies to demonstrate the social status of craftsmen baigong in the Western Zhou Dynasty through a case study of craftsmen burials at the Qijia jue-earrings workshop in the pre-dynastic capital site Zhouyuan. The author argues that the attached craftsmen baigong may have been hierarchically stratified,and the slaves did not seem to have been widely employed in elite/royal—controlled craft production in the Western Zhou.This study provides a new understanding to the research questions related to craft production in China Bronze Age.
Liu Yi
A Study of the Form of Xuangong Crypts in the Mausoleums of Ming Period Princes (134)
Key words:Ming Dynasty;Imperial prince mausoleum;crypt;systerm
Abstract:This paper collects all the published survey and excavation data about imperial prince’s mausoleums in the Ming Dynasty.It classifies various crypt(xuan gong)of mausoleums into eight forms based on their structures,and then divides the development process of imperial prince’s crypt xuan gong)into four periods.
Li Zhanyang and Xu ping
A study of the Migration of Prehistory Cultures in the Light of Environmental Changes (147)
Key words:Prehistoric culture;movement;environment
Abstract:This paper discusses the relationship between the cultural quality and palaeoenvironment during the transition from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic Ages,based on the analysis of the late Paleolithic sites of Dagang in Wuyang,and Lingjing in Xuchang,Henan province,and the early Neolithic sites of Pengtoushan in Hunan and Jiahu in Henan.It argues that the movement of Paleolithic cultures mainly occurred from the high latitude to low latitude,while the movement of early Neolithic cultures primarily happened from the low latitude to high latitude.This was determined by the adaptation of hunter cultures and agricultural cultures in the environment.