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From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-05-22
Main Contents
Survey of the Yanlingguan Site in Xintai, Shandong (3)
Research Center of Oriental Archaeology, Shandong University
Excavation of Ancient Tombs at Yingbin Road in Fengdu County, Chongqing (7)
Chongqing Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Fengdu County Office for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments
Archaeological Exploration at the Eastern Yangqu Canal and Hongchibei in Luoyang City of the Han-Wei Period (20)
Yanshi Municipal Bureau for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments
Excavation on the Baihe Kiln-site in Gongyi City,Henan (26)
Henan Provincial Institute of Culturai Reilcs and Archaeologyet et al.
Sequence and Chronology of the Neolithic Culture in the Mudanjiang River Valley (58)
Zhao Binfu
Re-consideration on the Nature of the Large-sized Shallow-pit Building in the Central Area of the Xinzhai City-site in Xinmi (67)
Zhou Shucan
Again on the Nature of the Third Phase Cultural Remains of the Yufucun Site in Wenjiang (71)
Li Mingbin
A Discussion on the social Structure of the Danangou Site and Related Problems (79)
Guo Ming
A study of the Longshan Culture Remains at Pingliangtai (87)
Wu Shigang
A Study of Lei-shaped Jars of the Han-Jin Period in South China (91)
Wu Guibing
A Study of the Inscriptions on the Mirror with Three-section Designs of Immortals Unearthed from Qionglai (99)
Su Kui
Some Problems on the Stone Inscriptions Unearthed from the Gaoling Mausoleum of Cao Cao in Anyang (104)
Hao Benxing
An Identification and Commentary of the Recently Discovered Tang Period Epitaph of Fan Yuan,Abbey of the Suming Taoist Temple (107)
Li Jugang and Zhang Ting
Heishui Moxo Ornaments and Their Origins (113)
Feng Enxue
"Broad Spectrum Revolution" and New Advances of Its Study (119)
Cui Tianxing
An Archaeological Study of the Specialization of Handicraft Production (126)
Li Xinwei
The unclaimed luggage: who owns Hong Kong’s archaeological heritage? (139)
Kevin Sun Tak-wing
Current Condition and Future Prospects of the Research on the Producing Areas of Ancient Pottery (146)
Li Qinglin
Survey of the Yanlingguan Site in Xintai, Shandong (3)
Research Center of Oriental Archaeology, Shandong University
【Abstract】The Yanlingguan Site lies at Yanlingguan Village of Yangliu Town in Xintai City, Shandong Province. Its cultural remains on the ground belong mainly to the Yueshi Culture, with the brown sandy yan steamer and guan pot as the typical pottery type and without mushroom-shaped lids and zun-shaped vases. It features yielding typical stone tools and their semi-finished products, which suggests that the site may have been concerned with the production of stone tools and the acquirement of related material. As the previous archaeological reports have no information of Yueshi Culture remains in the mountainous area of central Shandong, the present discovery provides new data for discussing the stone tool production of that period and the function of related settlement sites.
【Key words】 Xintai City; Yanlingguan Site; Yueshi Culture; survey;
Excavation of Ancient Tombs at Yingbin Road in Fengdu County, Chongqing (7)
Chongqing Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Fengdu County Office for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments
【Abstract】 In 2004,the Chongqing Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, in coordination with capital construction in Fengdu County, excavated ancient tombs at Zhuanzhuantian-liangzi,Banbianqiao and Shibaozhai along with the Fengdu County Office for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments. They revealed four tombs and brought to light above 60 pottery, bronze and iron artifacts and a number of wuzhu and banliang coins. Chronologically the tombs belong to the Han to Six Dynasties periods.
【Key words】 Fengdu County; Zhuanzhuantian-liangzi; Banbianqiao; Shibaozhai; Han to Six Dynasties Period tombs;
Archaeological Exploration at the Eastern Yangqu Canal and Hongchibei in Luoyang City of the Han-Wei Period (20)
Yanshi Municipal Bureau for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments
【Abstract】 Since 1992,the Yanshi Municipal Bureau for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments has continuously carried out exploration on the East-Yangqu and Hongchibei sites to the east of the outer city-wall of Northern Wei Period Luoyang, which resulted in the clarification of the extending direction or shape of the two sites, and preliminarily revealed the relationship between the two vestiges.
【Key words】 Han-Wei Period Luoyang City; eastern Yangqu Canal; Hongchibei; exploration; preliminary report;
Excavation on the Baihe Kiln-site in Gongyi City, Henan (26)
Henan Provincial Institute of Culturai Reilcs and Archaeologyet et al.
【Abstract】 In April 2005 to March 2008,the Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology and the Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage carried out archaeological excavation on the Baihe Kiln-site in Gongyi City. They brought to light six kilns and more than 110 ash-pits, cooking ranges and ditches. Among the important archaeological discoveries are previously unknown remains of Northern Wei white and celadon porcelain firing kilns and their products, as well as blue-and-white porcelain objects and three-color ceramic horses of the Tang Period.
【Key words】 Gongyi City; Baihe Kiln-site; Northern Wei Period white porcelain; Tang Period blue-and-white porcelain; excavation;
Sequence and Chronology of the Neolithic Culture in the Mudanjiang River Valley (58)
Zhao Binfu
【Abstract】 The Neolithic remains in the Mudanjiang valley can be distinguished into four different cultures from early to late period including Zhenxing culture, Yabuli culture, lower Yinggeling culture, and lower Shihuichang culture. Their ages range from around 5500 to 2000 BC, representing four developmental periods of the Neolithic Age in this region. The identification of the four cultural remains and the determinant of their age sequences indicate the preliminary establishment of the Neolithic sequence in the Mudanjiang valley, and establish a basis for other aspects of research.
【Key words】 Mudanjiang valley; Neolithic Age; Zhenxing culture; Yabuli culture; lower Yinggeling culture; lower Shihuichang culture;
Re-consideration on the Nature of the Large-sized Shallow-pit Building in the Central Area of the Xinzhai City-site in Xinmi (67)
Zhou Shucan
【Abstract】 Large-sized shallow-pit-style building was situated in the center area of Xinzhai city-site in Henan province, Xinmi city didn’t accord with the characteristic of "tan"(坛) and Shan(墠) record in ancient literature, it wasn’ t the vestige of "tan"(坛) and Shan(墠) used to sacrifice to ancestor . It was the traces of natural worship of early Xia dynasty. It possessed the characteristic of a place which like a basin in the upland ,similar to Kan(坎) for ancient people to sacrifice to the gods of river ,spring and lake in the literature. Concretely, it was likely the place for the people of early Xia dynasty to sacrifice the gods of Wei river .
【Key words】 Xinzhai city-site; Large-sized; shallow-pit-syle building; gods of Wei river; Kan;
Again on the Nature of the Third Phase Cultural Remains of the Yufucun Site in Wenjiang (71)
Li Mingbin
【Abstract】 In the light of the recent archaeological discoveries, the author analyses and researches one branch of the archaeological remains dispersed in Chengdu Plain, which represented typically in the remains belonging to the 3rd phase of Yufu Village Site. These remains were dispersed mainly in Chengdu Pain and were 4000 to 3700 years ago. For its unique culture intensions as well as the history period of the ancient civilization of Shu Kingdom it belonging to, the author hold that these remains should be separated from the Baodun Culture, and should be named "Yufu village Culture". The Author also believes that his judgment will be help to research deeply the archaeological cultures in per-Qin period in Sichuan Basin.
【Key words】 Chengdu Plain; Baodun Culture; Remains belonging to the 3rd phase of Yufu Village Site; Character;
A Discussion on the social Structure of the Danangou Site and Related Problems (79)
Guo Ming
【Abstract】 Through the analysis on the funerary elements, such as the characteristics of the objects in the graves, and the correlativity among them, this paper discusses the social structure and interrelated problems in the Danangou Site. The analysis shows that the cemetery represents a complex society. In this society, not only the division based on the gender and the differentiation of rank began, but also the more complex social group and multi-level social organization appeared. The people lived in the Danangou Site belonged to a community with the highest social differentiation and complex social organization.
【Key words】 Danangou Site; analysis on the burials; social organization; social differentiation;
A study of the Longshan Culture Remains at Pingliangtai (87)
Wu Shigang
【Abstract】 The Pingliangtai city site is a typical representative among the city settlements in the mid-late Neolithic Age. This paper employs western environmental and settlement archaeological theories and methods to examine social relations from the perspective of settlement patterns. It attempts to obtain the non-material information about political power, division of stratification, subsistence economy, layout of organization, folk-custom, and religion from various materials, and reconstruct the social organization, regional settlement patterns, and process of social complexity, aiming to draw a more detailed picture about this site in the course of development of Chinese early states and origins of civilization.
【Key words】 Settlement archaeology; process of civilization; origin of city; Longshan culture;
A Study of Lei-shaped Jars of the Han-Jin Period in South China (91)
Wu Guibing
【Abstract】 Eastern Zhejiang, southern Anhui and the middle Yangtze River valley in South China were the main distribution regions of lei-shaped jars in the Han-Jin Period. The most complete pedigree of these objects has been known in eastern Zhejiang, where the finds fall into three phases and reflect the spread of lei-shaped jars from eastern Zhejiang to southern Anhui and the middle Yangtze River valley. This type of artifact was related to cultural elements of the ancient Yue people, and its outward diffusion corresponded with their migration. The Sun Wu Period was a height of the development of Han-Jin lei-shaped jars.
【Key words】 South China; Han-Jin Period; lei-shaped jars;
A Study of the Inscriptions on the Mirror with Three-section Designs of Immortals Unearthed from Qionglai (99)
Su Kui
【Abstract】 The present paper studies the inscriptions "Jiu Zi 九子(Childbearing Blessing Goddess),""Xi Mu Dong Wang 西母东王(Royal Lady of the West and Royal Lord of the East)"and "qi yuannü 妻元女(marry off the eldest daughter)" on the mirror with three-section designs of immortals unearthed from Qionglai and reveals the thought and background reflected from these allusion-containing inscriptions.
【Key words】 mirror with three-section designs of immortals; Childbearing Blessing Goddess; eldest daughter; Royal Lord of the East; Royal Lady of the West;
Some Problems on the Stone Inscriptions Unearthed from the Gaoling Mausoleum of Cao Cao in Anyang (104)
Hao Benxing
Abstract】 Among the funeral objects unearthed from the Gaoling Mausoleum of Cao Cao in Anyang are stone tablets with the inscriptions "Wei Wuwang chang suo yong ge hu ……魏武王常所用……虎□□(……〈Certain weapon〉the Wei King Wuwang often used to fight tigers)"and the List of Grave Goods. The present paper makes a preliminary study of the two kinds of stone inscriptions, as well as the use of the unearthed gui elongated pointed tablets, bi discs and underworld money, and the problem whether the entombment of the perfume bags is contradictory to the burial decree issued by Cao Cao.
【Key words】 Cao Cao; the Gaoling; Wei King Wuwang; stone inscriptions;
An Identification and Commentary of the Recently Discovered Tang Period Epitaph of Fan Yuan,Abbey of the Suming Taoist Temple (107)
Li Jugang and Zhang Ting
【Abstract】 The present paper makes and identification of the Tang Period Epitaph of Fan Yuan,Abbey of the Suming Taoist Temple. On this basis it studies the Taoist contents in the Epitaph so as to reveal new material and clues for deep-going research on Taoism in Chang’an City of the Tang Period.
【Key words】 Tang Period; epitaph; Taoism;
Heishui Moxo Ornaments and Their Origins (113)
Feng Enxue
【Abstract】 The Heishui Mohe ornaments consist of Systems A,B and C. The first system shows local features, the second originated from the Tang culture, and the third from the Tujue culture. They reflect from one side the pluralism of the Heishui Mohe culture.
【Key words】 Tang Period; Heishui Mohe Tribes; Tujue Tribes; ornaments;
"Broad Spectrum Revolution" and New Advances of Its Study (119)
Cui Tianxing
【Abstract】 The broad-spectrum revolution is an understanding of subsistence in the transition of upper Paleolithic to Neolithic proposed by the western archaeologist in the 1960s, and it points to the origin of agriculture. However, the systematic classification is used to analyze the unearthed animal-plants in archaeology, and it has no sensitivity to human activities. Recently, archaeologists classified the plant and animal remains unearthed, using cost-benefit’s analysis. This classification is sensitive to human activities, and reflects the labor intensity of prehistoric human and relations between human with animals and plants, so as to provide a useful reference model to under stand power means of the origins of agriculture.
【Key words】 Broad-Spectrum Revolution; Cost-Benefit Analysis; Prey Ranking System; Origin of Agriculture;
An Archaeological Study of the Specialization of Handicraft Production (126)
Li Xinwei
【Abstract】 The development of craft specialization has long been regarded as an important mark of the development of social complexity or the origin of civilization. The paper firstly gives a brief review on the archaeological research of craft specialization in the West and points out three new trends in the past two decades: the extending of research scope, the increasing attention on multi-disciplines methods, and the increasing diversity of theories for interpretation, The paper also provides a brief review of the researches in China and argues that by combining the abundant data in China and the theories and methods from the West, we can expect a great progress of the archaeological researches on craft specialization in China, which will provides new perspectives for our interpretation on the origin of Chinese civilization.
【Key words】 craft; specialization; archaeological theory; archaeological method;
The unclaimed luggage: who owns Hong Kong’s archaeological heritage? (139)
Kevin Sun Tak-wing
【Abstract】 Hong Kong was once a British colony in Southeast Asia, previously described as the borrowed time and borrowed place. According to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), Hong Kong’s legal and administrative systems remain unchanged after the handover in 1997. Under the principle of "one country and two systems", the China’s Law on Protection of Cultural Relics is not applicable to the HKSAR. Before the colonial period, Hong Kong was merely a marginal place in China. Under the colonial rule of about 150 years, the Sung Wong Toi Reservation Ordinance was implemented in 1899 and repealed after the Second War World. Enacted in 1976, the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance is still enforced after the handover. This paper will examine how archaeological heritage is defined under the existing legal framework and administrative policy, and discuss the cultural identity issue arising from the urbanization or urban renewal process in a city of immigrants.
【Key words】 Hong Kong heritage; archaeological heritage; Heritage legislation; Sung Wong Toi; Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance; Sung Wong Toi Reservation Ordinance;
Current Condition and Future Prospects of the Research on the Producing Areas of Ancient Pottery (146)
Li Qinglin
【Abstract】 In this paper, the history of the study on the provenance of ancient potteries is reviewed briefly, the theories and methods of this research fields are introduced as well. Finally, the developing trend in the future is forecasted.
【Key words】 ancient pottery; study on the provenance; theory and method;