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Jianghan Archaeology 2007-1

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2007-11-21


Contents and abstracts
●New Discovery
Department of Archaeology, Wuhan University Office of Three Gorges Project, Hubei Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics,
Baotahe: An Eastern Zhou Dynasty Site in Badong County    (3)
Abstract】From the ash pits, pottery kilns and tombs in the Baotahe site, it yields pottery and stone tools,including ding, fu, pot, li, dou and so on. The remains are assigned to three stages, covering from the early Spring and Autumn period to the early Warring States period. According to their cultural features, the remains are divided into two groups. One group stands for the traditional ding and fu culture in the Three Gorges region while the other, represented by li, yu and dou, is the Chu culture. From the middle Spring and Autumn period, the Chu culture entered this region and finally replaced the local tradition. The site and its remains are important for study of the development of local traditional culture and the diffusion of the Chu culture in the Three Gorges region.
Key word】Baotache;  Badong;  Eastern Zhou dynasty;  ding and fu culture;  Chu culture
Xiangfan Archaeological Team,
Brief Report of the Second Excavation of Nanlu Burial in Changhong, Xiangfan   (15)
Abstract】This paper reports thirteen bricked-chambered tombs excavated from the Nanlu burials in Changhong, Xiangfan, including two dating to the Eastern Han dynasty, two Sui dynasty and nine Tang dynasty. The remains include potteries, stonewares, porcelains, bronzes, iron and lead wares, gold and silver wares. The excavation provides new examples of local Han and Tang dynasty burials. Moreover, the stone door with relieves from the tomb M16 is a new discovery in this area.
Key word】Nanlu burial in Changhong;  the second excavation;  Eastern Han dynasty;  Sui and Tang dynasty
Chongqing Municipal Institute of Archaeology,
Tushan Kiln in Chongqing: Brief Report on Excavation of Jiangyuan Kiln Site   (28)
Abstract】The Jiangyuan kiln site, dated from the late northern Song dynasty to the early Yuan dynasty, is an important example of the Tushan kiln family in Chongqing. Its excavation provides us a chance to closely observe the distribution, category and development of the Tushan kiln.
Key word】Chongqing;  Tushan kiln;  Jiangyuan kiln site
Wuhan Municipal Institute of Archaeology Jiangxia Administrative Office of Cultural Relics,
Brief Report of Excavation of Song Dynasty Tombs in Wulongquan, Jiangxia    (54)
Abstract】Two song tombs were excavated in Wulongquan, Jiangxia, Wuhan. Both are in rectangular shape, which was popular in the Wuhan region during the Northern Song dynasty. The yingqing porcelain, in the shapes of handled vessels, bowls and pots, are products from the local “Husi kiln” and they provide new materials for study of the kiln technique, distribution and date of the Husi ware in Jiangxia.
Key word】Jiangxia;  Wulongquan;  tomb;  yingqing porcelain;  northern Song dynasty
●Study on Archaeology
Wang Jing,
On Post-Shijiahe Culture: Terminology    (60)
Abstract】The Shijiahe culture is the latest Neolithic culture in the middle reaches of Yangtze River. However, the potteries of the late Shijiahe culture dramatically differ from the rest, therefore this paper proposes to term it as an independent archaeological culture. Besides the terminological issue, this paper also discusses the origin and development of the Post-Shijiahe culture.
Key word】Post-Shijiahe culture;  terminology;  Sanfangwan culture
Yin Hongbing,
Survey in Man River Region and Exploration of Chu Capital    (73)
Abstract】The Man River region is closely related to the exploration of the Chu capital, however previously little has been done to reveal the local archaeological culture. This paper tentatively proposes on how to conduct archaeological research to explore the Chu capital in this area by analyzing materials gained from the general survey in the Man river region.
Key word】Man River region;  archaeological survey;  exploration on Chu capital
Zhang Changping,
Group of Legudun tombs    (80)
Abstract】The Leigudun burials consist of eight groups of Eastern Zhou Dynasty tombs, including large sized earth-mound tombs, such as the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng and the Leigudun M2, the medium sized tomb with passages, such as the Leigudun M13, and small sized tombs. The large tombs belong to different marquis of Zeng, while the medium and small sized tombs were dated after the annihilation of the Zeng state.
Key word】leigudun tombs;  distribution;  feature
●Technological Archaeology
Huang Jianqiu, etc.,
Experiment of Probing Mound Tombs by Method of High Density Resistivity   (87)
Abstract】The method of high-density resistivity is a new probing method developed from the traditional resistivity method. This paper reports an experiment of probing four mound tombs in Houzhai, Wuxi, Jiangshu by this method and discusses its possible applications in archaeology.
Key word】the method of high-density resistivity;  probing;  mound tomb
●Study on Bamboo Slips
Shi Jiepeng,
Notes on characters on Shanghai Bamboo Slips Rongchengsi    (92)
Abstract】This paper discuses two characters 酋 and 夹 from chapter Rongchengsi, on a bamboo slip at the collection of the Shanghai Museum, and indicates that they pronounce similar to 淑 and 翼 respectively. Therefore, the phrase 酋清 should be pronounced as 淑清, and the term 夹州 refers to 冀州 in written sources.
Key word】shuqing;  Jizhou;  allograph
Cao Jian’guo,
Daliancai From Shi Lun in Shanghai Museum and Confucius Concept of Recommending Virtuous    (95)
Abstract】It is still under debate on interpretation of daliancai from the bamboo slip Bangfeng in Shi Lun at the collection of the Shanghai Museum. This paper proposes that the phrase liancai refers to nomination official candidates by virtues, which is a Confucius concept.
Key word】Confucius Notes on Poem;  liancai;  interpratation