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Jianghan Archaeology 2007-4

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2008-01-29
Main Contents and Abstracts
●New Discovery
Xiangfan Archaeological Team,
Brief Report on Excavation of Neolithic Site at Paifanggang, Xiangfan   (3)
【Abstract】The Neolithic site Paifanggang,in the north of Han River and the north edge of Nanyang basin, was excavated in 2004. Within an area of 175 square meters, it yielded one residency remain and two ash pits of the late Shijiahe culture. Potteries inculuding ding reipod, bowl, bo, cup, dou, basin, pot, jug, jar, spinning wheel, bat and net pendant, and stone tools such as axe, adz and arrow head are found from remains. The preliminary study reveals that this is a site with typical characteristics of the Shijiahe culture,but strongly influenced by the Longshan culture.
【Key words】Xiangfan city; Paifanggang site; Late Shijiahe culture
Institute of historical Geography, Wuhan University, Yicheng Municipal Museum,
Brief Report on Survey of the Eastern Zhou Sites in Yicheng  (12)
【Abstract】A joint team consisted of researchers from the Institute of Historical Geography at Wuhan University and Yicheng Municipal Museum conducted survey in Yicheng, specifically in the sites dated to the range from the Eastern Zhou to the Qin and Han period in the range of Man river, and explored their relations to the development of Chu culture. In addition to achieving more understanding on the Eastern Zhou culture in this area, the survey revealed several new sites.
【Key words】Man River valley; Eastern Zhou site; Chu capital; Chu culture
Jingzhou Municipal Museum,
Brief Report on Eccavation of Chu Burial M40 of Warring States Period ai Huangshan, Jingzhou, Hubei    (19)
【Abstract】 The Huangshan graveyard, distributing in the Huangshan village and Penghu village in Yingcheng, six kilometers to the northeast of Jingzhou ancient city, was excavated by the Jingzhou Municipal Museum from June,2002 to October,2004. About six hundred tombs had been excavated, and some precious arifacts are found from the burial M40. This is the excavation report of this burial.
【Key words】Jingzhou; Huangshan graveyard; M40
Shandong Provincial Museum,
Brief Report on Excavation of Shuhan Tomb in Shaiwangba, Chongqing   (22)
【Abstract】The tomb CWTM10, excavated at the Shaiwangba site in Wanzhou, Chongqing in 2001,is proposed to be a tomb belonging to the Shu state of the Three Kingdom period.It is the only burial in this site with a unambiguous date to the Three Kingdom period. It is the ongly burial in this site with a unambiguous date to the Three Kingdom period. The unearthed thirty pieces of pottery and figurines are important evidence for dating.
【Key words】Shaiwangba site; Shuhan; burial
Ma’anshan Relics Administrative Office, Anhui Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,
Brief Report on Excavation of Songshan tomb of Wu State in Ma’anshan, Anhui   (29)
【Abstract】Songshan tomb is the biggest and most complicated brick-chambered tomb discovered in Ma’anshan. With its high-relief and stylized-dragon-patterned doornob and the false window, Songshan Tomb provides the earliest of such kind. Though it was badly robbed, a host of precious relics still remain. It resembles much to the No.1 tomb found in E’ zhou, Hubei province. By comparison with Zhuran tombs of the six dynasties and in reference with literatures, this paper guggests the owner of tomb is Sunxiu of Wu State, named Ding Mausoleum.
【Key words】 Ma’anshan; Songshan tomb; Wu state; Lingkou; Sunxiu; Ding Mausoleum
●Study on Archaeology
Elementary Discussion on Differentiation of the Tombs from the Songze Site  (38)
【Abstract】The Songze cemetery is divided into two burial areas.Based on study of the tombs,this paper suggests that the burials in different parts are associated with the horizontal social differentiation and reflect the differentiation between the colonies in the same social group.
【Key words】Songze site; burial districts; social differentiation
Huang Shangming Dao Haobo,
Discussion on Bronze Masks of the Sang Dynasty   (47)
【Abstract】Songshan tomb is the biggest and most complicated brick-chambered tomb discovered in MA bstract:This paper discusses the bronze maskes from the aspects of its origin, cultural connotation and spreading.It suggests that bronze mask originated from the north in the Stone Age,its usage has relation with sorcery and buried masks represent the identity and status of dead.
【Key words】Sang dynasty; bronze mask; relative questions
Research on Chariot conformation of Chu Culture of the Pre-qin Period   (53)
【Abstract】This article comparativelyreseached the conformation of chariots between Chu culture and Central plains culture of Pre-qin period,and explored the local characteristic and development course of the chariot conformation of Chu culture. The basic characteristic for the chariot conformation of Chu culture is promethean along with hysteretic, and the mature conformation of chariots came into being at the early or mid Autumn and Spring period. At the mean time the article analyzed the importance of the chariot conformation of Chu culture towards the study on the same subject of ancient China, as well as towards the exploration of Chu culture in depth.
【Key words】Pre-qin period; Chu culture; conformation of chariots
Wu Guibing,
Importance of Site Catchmnt Analysis in Archaeology during the Han and Jin Dynasty — Referred to burials from Wu-jin tombs in Maanshan, Anhui  (60)
【Abstract】Site catchment analysis is widly used in archaeology. With help of accurate classical texts and archaeological data in continuity and centralization,the study on the site catchment analysis is developed by further detail level. The different outstanding charcteristcs carried by the tombs from Maanshan, Anhui in different period Shu-Wu dynasty and eastern Jin dynasty suggest the relations with peculiarity of its geological location. By study on the laws,this paper proposes the importance of the catchment analysis in archaeology during period of Han to Jin dynasty,and also discusses the method used in historical archaeological.
【Key words】changes from Han to Jin dynasty; catchment analysis in archaeology; regional theory; Wu-Jin tombs in Ma’anshan
●Technological Archaeology
Li Qingling, Zhu Junxiao,
New Perspective of Study on Erlitou Culture-Character of the 4th period of Erlitou culture by analysis of lead isotope rations of bronzes   (67)
【Abstract】The discussion of the character of Erlitou culture has lasted for decades of years, but until now,different opinions still exist. In this paper, for the first time, the character of Erlitou culture is discussed according to the analysis of the date of lead isotope ratios of bronzes. According to the analysis of the lead isotope ratios of bronzes from Erlitou site, Erligang site, etc, the resrults reveal that the 4th period of Erlitou culture shuould be regarded belonging to Shang Dynasty,and the 1st to 3rd periods of Erlitou culture belonging to Xia culture.
【Key words】Erlitou culture; culture character; bronzes; lead isotope ratios; provenance of minerals
Zhang Maolin,
Primarily Study on Nondestructive Scientific Indentification of Chinese Ancient Bluish-white Porcelains by SRXRF
【Abstract】Synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence was an important non-destructive component analysis method. Chinese ancient bluish-white porcelains from different kilns were analyzed by using SRXRF.The statistical analysis results of the experiment data indicated that local feature of the from porcelain clay, which could offer a certain parameter for the kiln identification of ancient bluish-white porcelains. The result also proved that SRXRF was a promising method for the kiln dientification of ancient porcelains.
【Key words】SRXRF; bluish-white porcelains; nondestructive scientific identification
●Study on Bamboo Slips
Liu Guosheng,
Interpreting on Xiu and Qiu of the Chu Bamboo-slips Characters   (76)
【Abstract】The two characters Xiu and Qiu often appeared on the Bamboo-slips for recording funeral objects excavated from the Chu tombs. According to the comprehensive textual study, the character Xiu is interpreted as Tao which is referring to the sack, and the character Qiu is interpreted as Xiu,referring to the embroidery.
【Key words】Chu Bamboo-slips; things and their names; Xiu; Qiu
Chan Yuchen,
Explanation of Word “pi”from the Qin Bamboo Slips   (81)
【Abstract】This paper discusses the word “pi”in the bamboo slip from Qin dynasty Shuihudi tomb. It suggests that “pi” in chapter “rishu” resemble with “po” , but mostly be explained as “po”and means “little or more”. Furthermore, it also interprets the word “bi” and “nubi”.
【Key words】bamboo slip from Qin dynasty Shuihudi tomb; pi, little or more; bi; nubi
Zhang changping,
Review on the Discussion Whether Lost-wax Technique was used on Zenghouyi Zun-pan   (85)
【Abstract】Whether Zenghouyi Zun-pan and other bronzes were cast in Lost-wax Technique was in hot discussing in mainland academic circle. The present paper is a review by listing and analyzing the points raised by both side. While pointing out that the support side needs more evidence, this paper shows faults in the un-supporters’ arguments, including the arguments which declared there are casting marks and solder remains on the objects considered to be lost-wax production.
【Key words】Zenghouyi Zun-pan; Lost-wax Technique; review