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Jianghan Archaeology 2008-3

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2008-10-28
Main Contents
●New Discovery
The Institute of Historical Geology, Wuhan University, Yicheng Municipal Museum,
A Brief Report of Investigations into Zhou Dynasty Site (Part 3) in Yicheng, Hubei   (3)
【Abstract】In November 2007, the institute of historical geology, Wuhan University, in collaboration with Yicheng Municipal Museum in November, 2007, launched the third session of archaeological investigations, primarily focusing on Zhou dynasty sites identified in the area of the north of Yicheng city and the western reach of Jianghan River. This project is important to exploring intrinsic relations between Chu cultural centre and other regions, as well as to trace development of Chu culture. It is also valuable for study of chronology and cultural context of the sites, as well as for the study of the Chu State capital and changes of its territories.
【Key words】north of Yicheng city;  Zhou dynasty site;  Chu culture
The Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, The Jingmen Municipal Museum,
A Preliminary Excavation Report of Western Han Tombs at Tugongai in Jinmen, Hubei   (11)
【Abstract】In the project of the Xiang – Jing highway construction, 21 tombs, dating to the western Han dynasty, were excavated by archaeologists from the Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology in collaboration with Jingmen Municipal Museum. A large number of cultural remains from the Tugongtai cemetery, located at Shilipu, Shayang of Jingmen, provide new data for the study of the Han dynasty burials in the region.
【Key words】Jingmen;  Tugongtai;  Middle and Late Han Dynasty burial
The Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,
The Excavation Report of Gujialing Tomb of Eastern Wu of the Three Kingdom in Chibi, Hubei   (33)
【Abstract】When they were building living house, local villagers in Chibi city accidentally found Gujialing tomb of the Eastern Wu of the Three Kingdom (184 – 280 ). The tomb is big in size, indicating the high status of the owner in rank. Although the tomb was rooted twice, the burial goods are still well preserved. Remaining rich pottery wares provide important materials for study on archaeological culture in the Eastern Wu period of Three Kingdoms.
【Key words】Hubei;  Gujialing M1;  Chibi;  Eastern Wu tomb of Three Kingdoms
●Study On Archaeology
Han Jianye, Yang Xingai,
A Study of Dawenkou Cultural Pottery Wares with Standing Birds and Their Pottery Scripts in Shape of Vase   (43)
【Abstract】Pottery wares with feather designs of standing birds, excavated from the Yuchisi site in Mengcheng County, Anhui, dated to the Late Period of Dawenkou culture is interpreted as images of a gagatic male – penis used by Dongyi people in ancient rituals. Furthermore, the pottery scripts, that was described as vase shapes on the pottery wares recovered from Lingyanghe of Luxia County, Shandong, is interpreted as abstract images of the male – penis, that probably was developed later into the original form of a character “且” (祖) (“ancestor”).
【Key words】Dawenkou culture;  Pottery Wares with Standing birds;  Pottery Scripts in Shape of Vase;  Male – penis Ritual
Yuan Yanling,
A Preliminary Study of Chu Arrowheads with a Flat – Tip   (48)
【Abstract】Arrowheads with Flat – tip are a common type found from tombs of Eastern Zhou dynasty. However, it remains uncertain of its names, dates, and functions. In this preliminary study, the Chu arrowheads with flat – tip were classified into five groups, based on which it is suggested that the use of this type of arrowheads last from the Late Spring – and – Autumn Period to the Middle Warring – States Period. Furthermore, the author believes that arrowheads with flat – tip might have been used in hunting activities based on the evidence from the distributions of its excavated sites and morphological features. This function was also referred in the classic texts.
【Key words】Chu state;  arrowhead with a flat – tip;  morphology;  function
Zhou Houxi, Bai Jiujiang,
Archaeological Discoveries of Iron Products From the Eastern Zhou to the Six Dynasties in the Three Region and Related Issues   (55)
【Abstract】This paper summarizes the discovery and recent research on iron products dates from the Eastern Zhou to the Six Dynasties in the Three Gorges region, and explores the development of early iron products in this region. Based on these data, this study proposes a concept of Ba Iron – Production System, from which the authors consider the origins of the Ba irons and its relations to the agricultural developments from a different perspective.
【Key words】early irons;  the Three Gorges region;  Ba Iron – Production System
Chen Songchan,
A New Interpretation of Hunting Images on a Lacquered Cosmetic Box Excavated from the Mawangdui Tomb   (67)
【Abstract】Analyzing the hunting scene on a lacquer box recovered from the Tomb No.3 at the Mawangdui Tomb, in reference to similar images from other Han lacquers and wall paintings, this paper suggests that the theme on the cosmetic box under study is not about hunting, but a feathered immortal ascending to the heaven. Therefore, this study suggests that the “hunting” lacquer box from the Mawangdui Tomb No.3 should be re – named as the “feathered immortal ascending to the Heaven” lacquer box.
【Key words】Mawangdui;  lacquered cosmetic box;  hunting images;  interpretation
Xu Xing,
Two topics on Lady Dress in Han Dynasty   (73)
【Abstract】Applying archaeological classifications and seriations, the author analyzes a large number of textiles and lady dressing – related materials in the Han dynasty arriving at two conclusions: (1) lady dress used in both the Western and Eastern Han periods were different in styles, and the dramatic change took place probably in the end of the Western Han; (2) Those lady dress were probably inherited in styles from those in the Chu State and the Qin Dynasty with adaptions from other state’s dressing elements in early periods; thus the lady dress of the became kind of unified and standard clothing in Han Dynasty.
【Key words】Han Dynasty;  lady dress;  archaeological research
Liu Weipeng, Cheng Yi,
A Study on Substances in Pottery Vases Recovered from Tombs of Han – Jin Dynasty   (78)
【Abstract】Categorized pottery vases with red labels containing mineral, metal, plant, and / or cereal were commonly recovered from tombs dated from Han to Western Jin dynasties. Based on analysis of these materials from excavations, this paper propose that these substances were used by Daoists in enchantment ceremony to symbolize different meanings, such as suppression, abstract presentation of objects, and articles of tribute. The substances are similar to those used by shamanists, which reflects a close relation between Daoism and sorcery medicine in ancient times.
【Key words】Daoism;  pottery vase with red lables;  suppression;  presentation of replacement;  taxation of death world
Zhang Xinyu,
The Louzeyuan Site of the Song Dynasty in South China – A case study of Tang Dynasty Tombstones recovered Tang Danyang Dapo Public Cemetery in Jiangsu   (87)
【Abstract】Louzeyuan Cemetery represents the official public cemetery system of the Song dynasty in ancient China. So far there are few studies on such public cemetery systems, but all were focused on excavated materials in North China. There is almost no study related to the materials from South China (especially from the Southern Song Dynasty). Based on excavated materials if North and South Song Dynasties in South China that were analyzed by the author, in reference to classical texts as well as Tang Dynasty tombstone scripts, this paper discusses the relation between the origin of the Louzeyuan public and development of the Louzeyuan public cemetery system in South China.
【Key words】Song dynasty;  Louzeyuan;  cemetery;  burial;  cremation
Huang Yijun,
Regional Variations of Song Dynasty Tomb Structures in Hubei   (96)
【Abstract】This study propose that, in Hubei, spatial differences among tomb structures are in correspondence with regional administrative divisions (Lu) in the Song dynasty. By analyzing classic texts on Song people immigration into Hubei, this paper suggests that regional variations represented by different tomb structure are probably caused by officially organized and non – organized immigration movements in the Song dynasty respectively.
【Key words】Hubei;  Song dynasty tomb;  regional difference
●Technological Archaeology
Xiang Fang, Wang Chengshan, Yang Yongfu, Jiang Zhengdo, Zhang Qing, Li Kui, Liu Jian,
A Study of Jadestone Sources at the Jinsha Site   (104)
【Abstract】The Jinsha site in Chengdu is so far where the most quantity of jade – wares were found from a single archaeological site. On the basis of identified raw materials of 551 jades, we identified that nephrite composed by hopfnerite is the main component of Jinsha jade – wares. Through a comparative study on the macroscopical and micrographic characters, as well as a ICPMS testing on microelements characters of the Jinsha jades with Longxi jade from Wenchuan in Sichuan, Hetian jade from Xinjiang, combining with mineral and rock assembled character of jade – wares and stone – wares of the Jinsha Site, and modern ore deposit data and ancient historical data, we can determine that the main source materials of the Jinsha jades should come from Longxi jades of Wenchuan in Sichuan Province, which have no relationship with Hetian jades and Liangzhu jades. However, there could be some jade materials even some jade – wares coming from other ancient sites.
【Key words】Jinsha Site;  nephrite jades;  raw material source;  Longxi jade
Yang Yuzhang, Zhang Juzhong,
A Study on Blue – and white Porcelain Wares from Fanchang Kilns in Anhui   (109)
【Abstract】Applying electronic scanning, XRD and electronic probe, this paper analyzes the microstructure, physics phase and chemical composition of blue – and – white porcelain wares excavated from Fanchang kilns in Anhui. Furthermore, by a comparison study with the same kind of porcelain wares excavated from Qingshan kilns in Huibei and Jinagdezhen kilns in Jiangxi, this study suggests that blue – and – white porcelain wares from Fanchang kilns applied Ca – glazed prescription craft, in another word, glaze – stone mixing with limestone and plant ash, similar to those materials identified from ancient Qingshan kilns and Hutian kilns.
【Key words】Fanchang kilns;  blue – and – white glaze;  microstructure;  physics phase;  chemical composition
●Study on Bamboo Slips
Yi Hongbing,
Discussion on Duty of Domestic Minister in Early Han Dynasty   (113)
【Abstract】The development of Neishi (内史) and Neishi of food supply (治粟内史) is a complex process. At the beginning of Han Dynasty, Neishi controlled all the financial affairs all over the country as Neishi of Qin Dynasty. After the nine year of Gao Emperor, Neishi was in charge of not only the financial affairs but also those of the capital areas. The character of Neishi was very special at the tine because it was not an entire local administrative chief in controlling the capital, which was largely under the direct control of the centrality. During the 2 year and 8 year of Lu Empress, it was the emergence of Neishi of food supply which was in charge of the financial affairs, and the Neishi only managed the affairs of the capital.
【Key words】the history of Qin and Han Dynasty;  Neishi;  Neishi of food supply;  the Han Dynasty scripts of Zhangjiashan hill the laws of Lu Empress in 2 year
Zheng Wei,
On Distribution and Changes of Dao – county in Western Han Dynasty —— A Survey beginning with “Zhilu” in the Han bamboo slips of Zhangjiashan   (118)
【Abstract】This article, firstly comparing the names and quantity of Dao – county recorded in “Zhilu” and “Hanzhi”, and then analyzing the changes of the establishment of Dao – county between Early and Late Western Han Dynasty, considers that the Dao – county of Han Dynasty mainly followed the system of Qin Dynasty, and that before Emperor Wu of Han strengthened control over the “barbarian” tribes of the southwest areas, the Dao – county was established and reestablished frequently, while it maintained a comparative steady state for a long afterwards.