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Jianghan Archaeology 2009-4

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2010-02-20
Main Contents
●New Discovery
Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,
Excavation at Three Archaeological Sites in Pankou Hydropower Station in Shiyan City, Hubei   (3)
【Abstract】The Pankou hydropower station is situated on the border of southern Shanxi and eastern Sichuan provinces, where in ancient time would belong to State of Yong. The archaeological sites near the Pankou hydropower station is located in the rivers margins, but poorly preserved during long – time river erosion and destruction. The recovered cultural remains are of the late Neolithic period and Eastern Zhou Dynasty, with the latter being a little more complicated in composition. The earthen wares of Eastern Zhou Dynasty have mix styles of Chu and Ba – Shu States. In addition, the feature also contains elements of Southern Shaanxi culture (Qin State). This local multi – cultural identity was formed by interaction and collision among the neighboring cultures. Therefore, we believe that the cultural remains in the inundated area of the Pankou hydropower station, including sites of Xiaofuping, Honghuawan and Wangjiatao, represent an ancient village ruins after the State of Chu conquered State of Yong during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.
【Key words】Hubei Shiyan;   Pankou hydropower station;  Eastern Zhou;   Chu State village ruins
Wuhan Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,
The excavation Report of Yizhongdi Tombs in Badong in Hubei Province   (18)
【Abstract】In the fall of 2001, the Wuhan Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology carried out excavations at a few brick / stone chambered tombs at Yizhongdi ancient cemetery in Badong. The burials were severely damaged but two layers of depositions could be identified. The upper layer is of Song Dynasty while the other Six Dynasty to Sui / Tang Dynasty. The excavation revealed that the burial of Song Dynasty had made use of the previous one built in an earlier period. Artifacts recovered are abundant, and are rare in Three Gorge area. In the upper layer, the blue porcelain jars, bowls and pots in the Song tomb are well – preserved. Few bronze artifacts and porcelain found in the lower layer of the tomb are also in a good condition, such as the bronze basin (pan), bronze cup and horse – shaped porcelain basin (xi) excavated in M3 are the masterpieces of that period from the Three Gorges.
【Key words】Yizhongdi in Badong;   Burial
Museum of Xishui County,
The Preliminary Excavation Report of Huyoupu Tang Tomb in Xishui County, Hubei   (41)
【Abstract】A Tang Dynasty tomb is recovered in the Huyongpu village, Sanhua Town of Xishui County, and is a single chambered pictorial – brick structure. During the construction of the Daguang Highway, the museum conducted an excavation of the tomb. The tomb is well – preserved, each brick showing impressions of natural plants as well as human figurines. The tomb yields several Tang porcelains. This well – preserved pictorial brick tomb is one of the rarely – seen tomb in the Hubei area, which provided fruitful information for study of the history, and funeral ritual of the Yangtze area in the Sui Tang Periods.
【Key words】Xishui;   Tang Tomb
●Study on Archaeology
Xu Jian,
Ethno – archaeology: Issues of Definitions   (49)
【Abstract】The misunderstanding of the concepts on ethno – archaeology in China is aroused by its ambiguous definitions. While in the West ethno – archaeology is considered as a branch of the New Archaeology, the concept of ethno – archaeology in China today is still discussed under the paradigms prevailing before the WWII. Two analytic analogs based on the colonialism and single – lineal evolutionism are still widely accepted. The ethno – archaeology in the New Archaeology paradigm aims to understand behaviors from material cultures, and the comparison is not necessarily to narrowly focus on the marginal minor ethnic groups which remain in the pre – industrial mode. Therefore, it is more proper to rename ethno – archaeology as anthropological archaeology.
【Key words】Ethno – archaeology;   analog;   Nunamiut Ethno – archaeology;  Lewis Binford
Miao Lijuan, Chen Qinlong,
The Origin of Sanmiao   (57)
【Abstract】There were two views on the origin of Sanmiao – an ethnic group in ancient China recorded in classic text. One suggests that Sanmiao was from Jiuli, while the other advocate that Sanmiao was the aboriginals who lived in jianghan Plain. Through a study of the literature, we believe that the documented area of Sanmiao was consistent with that of the Qujialing Culture – Shijiahe Culture. By combining archaeological and ethnical data, this study concludes that Jiuli could not be the ancestors of Sanmiao. Instead, the Jiuli was defeated by the Huang – di (Yellow Emperor), and then immigrated to the areas where the Sanmiao inhabited, whom they were interbreed with.
【Key words】Jiuli;   Qujialing Culture – Shijiahe Culture;   interbreed
Wu Zhigang,
Analysis of the Quefang in Ganpo Area   (64)
【Abstract】The Wucheng Culture in Jiangxi is a part of Shang civilization in the South of the Yangtze River, but its political identity is controversy in discussion. Based on the inscriptions on tortoise shells, archaeological discoveries and he literatures, this thesis provides a further explanation towards the “Fongguo” states the Wucheng Culture in the Shang Dynasty, and discusses the rise and falls of “Ganpo Quefang in of Shang Dynasty” as its political identity.
【Key words】Quefang;   Yangniao;   Qiaoyang;   South Expedition of Duke Zhou
Zhang Wenjie,
Analysis of the Wedding – Painting on the Lacquer wares from Baoshan Tomb No.2   (76)
【Abstract】A painted lacquer cosmetic box was excavated from the Baoshan Tomb No.2; inside the lid of the cosmetic box was painted with a vivid figurine portrait. From the analysis of the classic records including the three books of Rites, the article present a thoroughly contextual research on the dressing harness horses, ritual so f the painting, and the author speculated that the painting shows the six rituals elements of Zhou Dynasty recorded in The Book of Rites: Wedding of the Gentry. This conclusion provided a substantial information for the research of wedding and dressing in the Zhou Dynasty.
【Key words】Lacquer Painting;   Painting of Wedding – ritual;  Wedding of the Gentry
Zou Fudu,
An Text Interpretation on Xuanshe Ge   (85)
【Abstract】The phrase of 玄舍 Xuanshe firstly appeared in bronze inscriptions, which was commonly interpreted as Xuanshi 玄室 meaning of tomb chamber. 左 Left was the abbreviated form of the phrase 左库 zuoku, thus 玄舍左 Xuanshe Left should reflect the concept of afterlife. The new interpretation of 玄舍 Xuanshe should refer to a special place within the chamber – tomb for the purpose of making or storing wusing weapons.
【Key words】Xuanshe;   Xuanshi;   Left;   text interpretation
Zhou Ligang, Chu Xiaolong,
Investigation about co – burial tombs of Han Dynasty in Xingyang Xuecun, Henan Province   (87)
【Abstract】This study analyzes Han dynasty couple – burials from Xuecun, Xingyang of Henan Province, and provides some new lines of future studies. Firstly, burying either one or two sets of funeral pottery is depended on the specific forms of couple – burials. Second, because the couple could be buried either same or different times, the burial objects, such as potteries, may be different in combination or styles. Third, as a result of different burying, the chronology of the burials vary, thus different combination of pottery buried in one tomb would relate to cultural customs and rituals. In addition, it is possible for a couple – burials of Han Dynasty to bury two men together.
【Key words】Han Dynasty;   Couple – burial tomb;   Chronology;   Features of burial;   Custom
●Study on Chu Culture
Yin Hongbing,
A Comparative Study of “Danxi Theory” and “Zhijiang Theory” of Danyang, Capital of Chu   (96)
【Abstract】This article focuses on “Danxi Theory” and “Zhijiang Theory” of Danyang, Capital of Chu, by comparing four aspects: literatures, ethical origin, archaeology, and geography. The study investigates the different theories by integrating their natures. In conclusion, the “Danxi Theory” is more rational than the “Zhijiang Theory”. The latter one appears late in literature, lacking supports from archaeology and ethnical origin, thus could not be geographically understood. However, the “Dangxi Theory” does not give a satisfactory explanation either. To make the argument sound, advocators of the “Danxi Theory” should be give appropriate responds toward the critiques from those supporting the “Zhijiang Theory”.
【Key words】Capital of Chu;   Danyang;   Danxi Theory;   Zhijiang Theory
●Technological Archaeology
Meng Xiangwei,
The Preliminary Analysis of Metal Tools excavated from Tomb M10 from Xiangyang Chenpo Burial Site in Hubei   (106)
【Abstract】The content analysis shows the 14 metal tools from Chenpo burial site contain several kinds of metal component such as bronze, pure lead, pure tin, silver, etc. The manufacturing mainly focused on casting, also with the skills of heat forging, bronze and silver inlaid. Bronze castings have primarily two types: the copper – tin alloy and the copper – tin – lead alloy. These results have provided solid evidence for studying the metal – making skill in Xiangyang area during the Warring State period.
【Key words】Chenpo burials;   Excavated metal tool;   bronze metal technology of Warring States
Pan Jiancai, Hu Yiaowu, Wang Tao, Wang Changsui, Pei Tao, Pan Waibin,
The Analysis of the C, N Stabilized Isotope of teeth found in Anyang Gu’an Burial Site, Henan   (114)
【Abstract】The chemical components of human bones excavated from archaeology sites, are able to represent the situation for 10 years before the person die. However, different from this nature of bone, tooth enamel and dentin are calcified through the times so that its component remaining stable with the metabolism effect. This means that its chemical components would reflect an individual’s diet in one’s physical development in his teenage. By studying the dentin of teeth from the Gu’an burial site, it revealed the living standard, mass migration of ancient people, as well as their preferred diet with plenty of meat. The findings suggested poultry farming and animal husbanding were important in the ancient society – a conclusion is supported by other related studies on Gu’an human bones.
【Key words】Gu’an Burial Site;   Teeth Substance;   C, N Stabilized Isotope;   animal husband;   human migration
●Study on Bamboo Slips
Fan Goudong,
Annotations of “Yongyue” essay from Bamboo Strip Collections in Shanghai Museum (6)   (121)
【Abstract】This study would provide several new evidence on the issues raised from essay “Yongyue” Bamboo Strip collections from Shanghai Museum (6). Such as in the bamboo – slip no.5, 8, 16, the word “盍” needs be changed to “寜”. Furthermore, this study provide annotations on the foot – notes of the script.
【Key words】Bamboo – slip of Chu;   Yongyue;   annotations
Xu Shaohua,
Supplementary notes to “Shengongchenlingwang” and “Pingwangyuwangzimu” of Chu Bamboo – slip   (125)
【Abstract】The article makes a supplementary annotation to some problems in two chapters Shengongchenlingwang and Pingwangyuwangzimu of Chu Bamboo Strips collected by Shanghai museum, so as to further understand the content, and explore internal connection between unearthed material and classic document.
【Key words】Chu bamboo – slips;   Shengongchenlingwang;   Pingwangyuwangzimu;  Supplementary demonstration
Peng Hao,
Reading the Han Bamboo – slip “Zanglu” Excavated from M77 at Yunmeng Shuihudi Site   (130)
【Abstract】The “Zanglu” (law for funeral ritual) essay of Bamboo Slip was excavated from the M77 at the Yunmeng Shuihudi Site, and is the important new discovery of ancient code of law in Western Han. That published the “Zanglu” was connected with five bamboo – slips, and the content is about the regulations for the “Chehou’s” funeral rituals. Based on translation of the scripts of “Zanglu” published in the excavation report, this article explains part of the wordings and phrases, and further discuss its origin and application.
【Key words】Shuihudi;   Han bamboo – slip;   Zanglu;   funeral ritual