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Jianghan Archaeology 2010-2

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2010-10-14
Main Contents
A Preliminary Survey Report of the Cuijiatai Neolithic Site in Zhongxiang,Hubei Province
Museum of Zhongxiang City(Zhongxiang,Hubei 43 1 900)(3)
Abstract:The Cuijiatai Neolithic Site was first identified in the 1950s,and was re-surveyed in 2008 by Zhongxiang Municipal Museum.Based on analyses of collected samples,it is suggested that cultural materials of this site is affiliated with Bianfan Culture,Qujialing Culture and Shij iahe Culture.The resuits of this survey provide additional information of Neolithic Culture in this region,especially for studying the distribution of Bianfan Culture Phase I and Phase II sites.The future study on the site will be significant in revealing archaeological data for discussing the natures of Bianfan culture and its relationships with other cultures.
Keywords:Cuij iatai Site,Survey, Bianfan Culture
A Report of 2008 Excavation at the Guanyinping Site in Danj iangkou City, Hubei Province
Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (Wuhan,Hubei 43 0077)(10)
Museum of Shiyan City (Shiyan,Hubei 442000)
Abstract:The Guanyinping Site is one of the important Neolithic sites in northwestern Hubei Province.This multi.component cultural deposits are affiliated with the Quj ialing Culture,Zhou Dynasty Culture,and Han Dynasty.The excavation yield many archaeological features of Quianling Cultures that retained elements of the pervious Yangshao Culture,such as big potteries,various shapes of Dings’legs, decorative borders of ware lids’ knobs,cockscomb-shaped handles on wares’bellies.These characteristics contain cultural factors of both Central Plain and Jianghan areas,which indicate that cultural factors of upper and middle Han River region and neighbor areas conflicted and communicated,affected and interacted,and formed a mixed local culture finally.Typical wares of Western Zhou Culture in the site are wrapped-legs Li and arch-shaped-crotch Li,which belong to cultural style of Zhou,indicating that influences of Zhou Culture weighed heavily in this area.Typical wares of Eastern Zhou Culture in the site are joint-crotch Li and Yu,which belong to Chu Culture.These archaeological evidences suggest that Zhou Culture declined while Chu Culture raise,and at the end a special local culture appeared within this area.This excavation enable US to understand about cultural materials of the Guanyinping Site,which is significant in studying me continuation of Qujialing Culture,southward influence of Central Plain’  s Zhou Culture,and the evolution of Chu Culture.
Keywords: Hubei Province,Danjiangkou City, Guanyinping Site,Qujialing Culture,Zhou Culture,Han Dynasty
An Excavation Report of Zhu Mengzhao Tomb(King Jingling of Ming Dynasty) in Mt. Erfei of Jiangxia District,Wuhan City 
Wuhan Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology  (Wuhan.Hubei 430023)(46)
Museum of Jiangxia District Of Whan City  (Wuhan,Hubei 43 0200)
Abstract:This report introduces the tomb of Zhu Mengzhao,who was the King Jingling in Ming
 Dynasty, and his wife.It is a brick-chambered tomb with a shared burial chamber-room, while remains of structures of tomb complex still retain.The tomb yields a large number of burial goods that would well reflect burial rituals of provincial lords in Ming Dynasty.This excavation is significant because it is the first of Ming Dynasty king’ s tombs known in Wuhan area,providing US latest data for studying subinfeudation system and kings’ funeral rituals of Ming Dynasty.
Keywords: Jiangxia,Mt. Erfei,brick, chambered tomb,Ming Dynasty
Idneitifications of Secondary Deposits and Eronsion of Cultural Layers in Archaeological Sites
Zhang Zhiheng  (Nanjing,Jiangsu 210093)(57)
Abstract:Secondary deposits in archaeological sites refer to sediments that are accumulated by natural agency(such as water and windstorm)and that sometimes contain cultural relics.For field investigation,it is important to identify the original deposits from secondary deposits,otherwise it is difficult to provide accurate chronological sequences of cultural layers where cultural remains were associated.Natural powers also cause erosions of cultural layers that may have disappeared from its original formation.
Keywords:Secondary Deposits,Cultural Layer Erosion
Discussion on Archaeological Culture Remains of Erlitou Culture Period in Jianghuai Watershed Area 
Duan Tianjing (61)
Abstract: Based on an archaeological analysis of the chronology and natures Of culture remains of Erlitou Culture Period in Jianghuai Watershed Area (between Middle Yangtze River and Huai River Valley ), this paper argues that this region,as a geographical line for dividing southern and northern China, was influenced by archaeological Cultures from its east and its west during that period of Erlitou Culture. Because the local culture had been deeply destructed by foreign cultures(Henan Longshan culture and Shandong Longshan Culture)during the previous Longshan period,thus when Erlitou Cultures and Yueshi cultllres interacted in this area,the new manifestation grew with their influences had less resistance from existing indigenous Cultures.Meanwhile,cultures from the Middle and Lower Yangtze Rive region also extended their influences in this area.Nevertheless,elements from indigenous cultures did not disappear but retains their own presences so as to develope further under this complicated situation
Keywords:Erlitou Culture period,Jianghuai(Yangtze River and Huai River)Watershed area archaeological culture, structure
Issues on Burial Customs of Shang and Zhou Dynasties in the Lingnan Area
Yang Jianjun  (Zhuhai,Guangdong 519015)(71)
Abstract:Based On observations on particular burial customs reflected by three Shang-Zhou period tombs in Hedang in Foshan City, Wubeiling in Shenzhen City, and Henglingshan in Boluo County, the paper analyzes the differences of social status,labor divisions,classes,and social organizations in genders in the Lingnan area(South of the Five Ridges).The study suggests that artifacts like stone adze,whetstone and pottery spindle wheel, could indicate gender positions of tomb owners. Activities such as stone tools manufacturing and wars were done by men,while spinning and weaving were done by women.It is not certain whether there was social hierarchy in Shang,but the Henglingshan tombs suggest it emerged no later than the end of Shang and continued in Western Zhou.The status of men and women were nearly equal from the first to third period of Henglingshan Culture.However, the status of men became obviously higher than women in the fourth period.Organizations centered to clans firstly appeared in Shang,and eventually played the important role in social divisions in Zhou Dynasty.
Keywords:Lingnan(South of the Five Ridges),Shang and Zhou period,burial customs
The Liaowadianzi Site in Yunxian County of Hubei Province and King Goudan of the Chu State
-A discussion on locations of the three kings’ fiefs
Huang Fengchun  (Wuhan,Hubei 430077)(82)
Abstract:During the reign of King Yi of the Western Zhou(ca.XXX-XXX BC).,Xiongqu,the lord of Chu State,attacked states of Yong,Yangyue,and E.Once he occupied these territories,Xiongqu awards the lands as the fiefs to his eldest son Kang(King Goudan),his second son Hong(King E),and his youngest son Zhici(King Yuezhang).However, the locations of three kings’fiefs cannot be verified yet.Based on an analysis of archaeological materials from the newly discovered Western Zhou Liaowadianzi Site in Yunxian County as well as textual analysis of other related historical and geographical documents,this paper arrives at a conclusion that this Liaowadianzi site was a part of the King Goudan fiefland.
Keywords:Liaowadianzi Site,Yong State,Jun State,Chu State,Xiongqu,King Goudan
Identification on Epitaph of the Madam Jishijun Mrs.Han and Epitaph of Yuanli in Northern Wei Dynasty-A discussion on forgery inscriptions of epitaphs in Northern Wei Dynasty
Ma Lijun  (xi’an,Shanxi 710021)(88)
Abstract:Epitaph of the Madam Jishijun Mrs.Han,collected in Collection of Epitaph Inscriptions
from Han to Southern and Northern Dynasties by Zhao Chao,was a duplication of Epitaph of Madam Yuan Yuanping Mrs.Wang,inscribed in the second year of Yanchang of Northern Wei.Epitaph of Yuanli,inscribed in the fifth year of Yanxing of Northern Wei,now in the collection of Xi’an Beilin Museum,is a forgery in its entirety.These two epitaphs should be dismissed from existing collections of Northern Wei epitaphs.
Keywords:Epitaph of the Madam Jishijun Mrs. Han,Epitaph of Yuanli,Collection of Epitaph Inscriptions from Han to Southern and Northern Dynasties,forgery identification,forgery inscriptions.
A Study On Burial Objects from Ming Dynasty Tombs in Jiang-Nan Area
Xia Han  (Nanjing,Jiangsu 210019)(95)
Abstract:The burial objects( mingqi-objects made as funeral goods)in Ming dynasty in Jiang-Nan
area( the Middle and Lower Yangtze River)mainly include wooden figures,wooden furniture models, and bronze and miniature vessels.According to contemporary historical records of Ming Dynasty, the royal court provided funeral objects for emperors,kings,dukes,and other nobles based on different status.As for commoners,their burial tradition follows the customs that have been practiced in Song Dynasty.However, from evidence from Ming tombs,it is suggested that use of funeral objects became to the close of the use of burial objects( mingqi )as of a general Wend towards roughness of objects and less frequent use of burial objects.
Keywords:Jiang-Nan area,Ming Dynasty Tombs,funeral objects
Technological Analyses on Ancient Glass of the Warring States Period in Hubei Province
Gan Fuxi2,Zhao Hongxia1,Li Qinghui1,Li Ling3,Cheng Huansheng2
(Shanghai 201 800)(Wuhan,Hubei 430077)(Shanghai 200433)(108)
Abstract:Combining with the external beam protons induced X-ray emission(PIXE),X-ray diffraction(XRD)and laser Raman spectrometry(LRS)techniques,we analyzed 17 glass samples dated from the early to later Warring States period.The samples were unearthed from the Hubei province,and were tested nondestructively.The results show that these glass samples can be divided into three types according to chemical composition-Na20-CaO-Si02,K20-CaO-Si02 and PbO-BaO-Si02.It is noticeable that the vitreous PbO-BaO-Si02 glaze is found on one pottery ware for the first time.We studied the characteristics of colorant,chemical composition of the body and core materials and fabricating technique of these glass artifacts and compared them with the glasses of the same or earlier period in other places of the world.The study further discusses the possible making sites and technological origin of these analyzed glass artifacts of the Warring States period.
Keywords:PIXE;Hubei province;Warring States;ancient glass
Reading Notes on Two Fu-containers of Shen Clan of Chu State
Li Xueqin  (Beijing 100084)(117)
Abstract:The owners of two Fu-containers dated late Spring-and-autumn period(6th-5th century BC),recorded in No.66 of Collection of Chu Style Bronze Inscriptions and No.440 fits supplementary chapter, respectively, are“州豪the Grandson of King Wen of Shen”and “Shujiang the Grandson of King Wen of Shen”.Some scholars incorrectly believe,based on their names,that Duke Shen claimed as king and re-established his state for that time,because this event does not in accordance with historical records.The paper notes that these two containers both belonged to Shen Clan,descendant of King Wen of Chu State,and Shujiang was one of Shen’ s wives.
Keywords:Chu State,Shen Clan,bronze inscriptions
Two Notes On Inscriptions of Three-Jin Area Ritual Bronzes
Qin Xiaohua  (Guangzhou,Guangdong 510006)(119)
Abstract:This paper presents two study annotations on ritual bronzes from Three States(Zhao,Wei,Han)of Warring State period.First,it suggest that the“”of I“工师”,recorded in the lid of the Seventeenth Year Pingyin Ding-tripod,should be read as“假”,which means temporary deputizing.Second,it suggests is that the place name“贾氏”,recorded in the Eleventh Year Kusefu Ding-tripod, should be read as“五氏”,which is located in today western Handan City of Hebei Province.
Key words: Three-Jin area,ritual bronze
A Study on Fnlv:a Kind of Materials for Bronze Casting
Li Jianxi,Li Yanxiang  (Beijing 100083)(124)
Abstract:On the basis of previous studies,this paper firstly analyzes the meanings of fu-Iv, chi-fi,huang-fu and Xuan-liu,which are usually recorded in bronze inscriptions,then makes clear the differences and relationships among fu,lv and liu,indicates that fu refers to materials related to copper and its alloys from late Western Zhou Dynasty to Warring States period,and this character could make a word fu-1v with character Iv-(metal ingot).Similar words include fu-1v (copper or its alloy ingot),huang-fu (yellow copper or its alloy ingot,generally refers to bronze),chi-fu (red copper),pu-fu (copper casting materials)and shang-fu (gold-colored copper or its alloy?),etc.
Key words:bronze inscriptions,metallurgy history, metal names,Fu-Iv