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Jianghan Archaeology 2010-4

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-05-22
Main Contents
New Discovery
Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
An Excavation Report of the Yangjipodong Site in Jianshi County, Hubei Province (9)
Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
Huangshan Municipal Museum
A report of 2009 Excavation at the Xiezidi Site in Daye County, Hubei Province (18)
Study on Archaeology
Zhao Binfu
A Study on Neolithic Burials at the Laogaunmiao Site, Chongqing City (76)
Tian Chengfang
A Study on Geographical Locations of the Gaohu Battle (81)
Zhang wenjie
A study on the Ding-use System in Chu Tombs (87)
Chen Chun
Discussion on Names and Uses of Several Lacquer Wares from the Tomb of Marquis of Zeng State (96)
Technological Archaeology
Qiu Zuming, Wei Yanfei, Wu Shunqing
The Cleaning Effect of Ancient Silk Samples by Lactobacillus Fermentation Product (100)
Zhang Shaoyun, Qin Ying, Dong Yawei
Casting Technique Replica Experiment of the Western Han Dynasty Nebulae Mirror (104)
Study on Ancient Characters
Liu Hongtao
Supplementary Notes on Gusou in Chapter Tangyuzhidao of the Bamboo Strip Manuscripts from Guodian (109)
Xu Daosheng, Li Wei
Annotations on Chapter Shu (Mathematics) from Qin Bamboo Strip Manuscripts of the Yuelu Academy (112)
Wang Xiuli
A Study on the Reduplicated Words in Bronze Inscriptions (125)
An Excavation Report of the Yangjipodong Site in Jianshi County, Hubei Province
Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
【Abstract】: The site is located below the Longgu Cave in Jianshi County, Hubei Province. Mammal fossils recovered from the site can be classified into 8 orders, 30 families and 80 species, including some fossilized teeth belonging to Homo sapiens fossil. Based on an analysis of fauna chronology and geomorphological characteristics, the time-frame of this site falls in the Late Pleistocene.
【Keywords】: Jianshi County, Gaoping, Yangjipodong Site, Late Pleistocene, Giant Ailuropoda-stegodon Fauna
A report of 2009 Excavation at the Xiezidi Site in Daye County, Hubei Province
Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
Huangshan Municipal Museum
【Abstract】: The excavation at the Xiezidi site in 2009 yielded many cultural remains that would provide significant dataset for the study of regional variations of the pre-Qin cultural in Southeastern Hubei Province as well as in applications of Archaeological sciences. Although the overall Neolithic remains from this site belong to the Shijiahe Culture Complex, it varies some regional characteristics. The cultural remains of the Shijiahe PeriodⅠat this site may present a new regional type of Shijiahe Culture, and that of the Period Ⅱ exhibits some “post-Shijiahe Culture ”elements that are not identified previously. Other cultural remains belong to Shang and Zhou Period may present an indigenous culture in Southeastern Hubei Province during the Western-Zhou period, which might have had something to do with local mining industry.
【Keywords】: Xiezidi Site, Neolithic Period, Western Zhou
A Study on Neolithic Burials at the Laogaunmiao Site, Chongqing City
Zhao Binfu
【Abstract】: Compared the vertical earth-pit burials at the Laoguanmiao Site with in neighbor areas, this paper suggests that Laoguanmiao burials are all affiliated with Neolithic. Within, some are earlier belonging to late Yangshao Period, and the others are later dated to early Longshan Period. As far as the nature of these sites is concerned, both assemblages should be a part of the newly-identified Laoguanmiao Lower Culture and Weijialiangzi Culture, respectively, both in the Upper Yangtze River Valley.
【Keywords】: Laoguanmiao Site, earth-pit burials, Neolithic Period, Lower Stratum of Laoguanmiao, Lower Culture, Weijialiangzi Culture
A Study on Geographical Locations of the Gaohu Battle
Tian Chengfang
【Abstract】: The Gaohu Battle occurred in 605 BC is a well-known military event in the history of Chu State. There have been three different views on geographic locations of the battlefield since Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Based on analyses of recent identified materials and re-evaluation of previous studies, this paper concludes that these three views are incorrect, and suggests that the location there Wei Jia was imprisoned and killed by Ruo-ao Family is in the north of Chu stationed his troops is near the Man River valley of Yicheng City, Hubei Province; and the final battlefield took place between the foot of Hangao Hill and Han River, where is close to poresent Xiangfan City.
【Keywords】: the Gaohu Battle, Liaoyang, Zhengye, Zhagnshi, Gaohu
A study on the Ding-use System in Chu Tombs
Zhang wenjie
【Abstract】: Combined with ritual documents, inventory of burial goods, bronze inscriptions and excavated vessels, this paper studies the Ding-use system in Chu tombs. The study concludes that the two groups of formal Ding do not refer to human-use and dead-use vessels, instead refer to sacrificial vessels and food containers, respectively. The group of sacrificial vessels mostly imitated from the Zhou Ding-use system, while the group of food containers followed the Dual-Ding system used in the Chu State. In the Warring States period, they were distinguished by different shapes of its knob. The following four types of ding:-the Sheng-ding, caldron-Ding without a cover, Ding with hooped mouth, Ding with tri-ringed knobs and interlocked cover-; should be considered to be one of the sacrificial vessels group, while Ding vessels with following know types: the crouching-cattle-shaped knob(or crouching-beast-shaped knob), the bird-shaped knob(or distorted bird-shaped knob) are of the food containers group. The similar Ding-use system existed during the Spring and Autumn period, with slightly differences.
【Keywords】: Chu State, the Ding-use System, Sacrificial Vessels, Food Containers
Discussion on Names and Uses of Several Lacquer Wares from the Tomb of Marquis of Zeng State
Chen Chun
【Abstract】: This paper discusses names and uses of several lacquer wares that were excavated from the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng State. In this paper, the author suggests that the “bowl-shaped lacquer ware with perforation” in the report should belongs to the banner, the “rectangular lacquer stick” object must be used in relation to the shaft of the feathering flag, and the “carved circular lacquer” object is a kind of chariot fittings.
【Keywords】: Tomb of Marquis of Yi of Zeng State; Lacquer Wares, Names and Use
Qiu Zuming, Wei Yanfei, Wu Shunqing
The Cleaning Effect of Ancient Silk Samples by Lactobacillus Fermentation Product
【Abstract】: The cleaning of ancient silk is an important part of silk conservation. The primary cleaning experiment of Ancient silk test samples by Lactobacillus Fermentation broth was carried out. The proper fermenting parameters, with which the fermentation broth have good cleaning effect, was obtained: the fermentation duration 24 hours, the fermentation temperature 42℃, the quantity ratio of lactobacillus bulgaricus to Streptococcus thermophilus 2:1, the total inoculum concentration 5℅. In despite of no any other outside force exerted on the ancient silk samples during treatment, the cleaning effect of ancient silk samples by lactobacillus fermentation product is very evident. Moreover, lactobacillus fermentation product cleaning is very helpful to the texture restoration, with the flexibility of ancient silk improved.
【Keywords】: Lactobacillus, fermentation, ancient silk,
Casting Technique Replica Experiment of the Western Han Dynasty Nebulae Mirror (104)
Zhang Shaoyun, Qin Ying, Dong Yawei
【Abstract】: There are three peak times of the bronze mirror manufacturing in Chinese history, i.e. Warring States Period, Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty. Based on bronze mirrors excavated from archaeological sites and the level of scientific and technology in Western Han Dynasty, this paper reports a replica experimental study of casting a Western Han Dynasty nebulae mirror, in which a compass was used in making mirror markings. It suggests that this type of mirror represents a high level of mirror casting in Han Dynasty, and its development has a close relationship with the social background of that time.
【Keywords】: Casting Technique, Western Han Dynasty, Nebulae Mirror, Marking
Supplementary Notes on Gusou in Chapter Tangyuzhidao of the Bamboo Strip Manuscripts from Guodian
Liu Hongtao (103)
【Abstract】: “寞” ,which is the nane of Yushun’ s father in Chapter Tangyuzhidao of the Guodian Bamboo Strip Manuscripts. Scholars have believed that the first character “■”obtains its pronunciation from “瓜”, could be read as “瞽”, while they still have different views on which character “寞”  should be read as. As we known, the phonogram of the character “■”, which is read as “瞍” in Chapter Zigao of Shanghai Museum Bamboo Slips Collection, is the character “卉”. Based on this view, this paper argues that “莫”, part of the character “寞”,should not be read as “暮(dusk)”. In fact, the pictograph of this character “日”, and its phonogram of it is “■”, thus it can be read as “瞍” . “寞” therefore in fact refers to the word “■” recorded in historical documents.
【Keywords】: ■,Close Phonetic Relationship, Homographic Character
Annotations on Chapter Shu (Mathematics) from Qin Bamboo Strip Manuscripts of the Yuelu Academy
Xu Daosheng, Li Wei
【Abstract】: Chapter Shu (Mathematics), one of the Qin Dynasty bamboo strip manuscripts collected by the Yuelu Academy, is the earliest mathematical document in the world. Till now, a few have studied this chapter, whereas there are so many mistakes about the annotations that they have discussed, and some of them are even extremely seriously incorrect, resulting in misinterpretations of the chapter, thus it is quite necessary to emendate it. Based on examining photos of the bamboo strips carefully, this paper corrects some mistakes in the published notes, and provides supplements annotation of several strips, in hope to make the origin records clearer and to be helpful to future studies.
【Keywords】: Qin Dynasty Bamboo Strip Manuscripts Collected by the Yuelu Academy, Chapter Shu (Mathematics), Supplementary and Emendatory Annotations
A Study on the Reduplicated Words in Bronze Inscriptions
Wang Xiuli
【Abstract】: The reduplicated words in bronze inscriptions appeared commonly in late Western Zhou and early Spring and Autumn Period. The paper suggests that reduplicated simple and compound words (and phrases) were written in forms of AA Style and AABB Style. Variant-form characters and borrowed characters also appeared frequently in reduplicated words. The formation of these words represents an evolution way of the Chinese vocabulary, playing an important role in strengthening affections of expressing meanings, adding syllables and harmonizing rhythms.
【Keywords】: Bronze Inscriptions, Reduplicated Words, Characteristic